[Stepfather has heard of it! ] Stepmaster is still the first time to see you! 】

[Brother, you are not very good, just got married and your children and grandchildren are full! ] 】

[Less than 20 years of detours, brothers are ruthless, directly upgrade to be a grandfather! ] 】

[You’re already lucky, fortunately not a man!] 】

[Brother, what have you been through? (⊙_⊙)】

【(ノへ ̄,) I’ve experienced something you haven’t experienced! 】

[Let’s talk about it in detail (☆ω☆)].

Water friends complained madly.

Then, a citric sour dinner drama, suddenly turned 360 degrees, directly into a criminal case.

It’s outrageous!

Full screen exclamation marks crossed!


‘Bai’s son and daughter’ stood up abruptly, and their faces became extremely ugly.

After all, I heard the news that I was killed.

No one can calm down.

“Well, ex-boyfriends, to be ex, to be ex, they’re not married.”

Su Zhe said.

“After making a mistake in the early years, I transferred schools, and I don’t mix very well at present.”

“Five years later, because I owed too much debt and couldn’t pay it back, I remembered the past. Come back and want to continue the frontier, only to find that you have already made the first place. ”

“But he doesn’t really want to reconcile with your wife, he just wants to get a sum of money.”

“Your wife rejected him.”

“He immediately asked you for it, and you vetoed it.”

“So he hit his son with his idea, he tied up his own son and blackmailed your wife.”

“When your wife sent him money, he was evil and wanted to be strong.”

“Although you arrived in time to prevent the unbearable scene from happening, you were stabbed through the stomach by the other party and died tragically on the spot!”

The full screen barrage disappeared in an instant.

“She… What about her, how is she? ”

‘Shiro’s son and daughter’ asked tremblingly.

I died myself, but what about my wife?

Was he killed by that bastard too?

Or did he not escape after all and was forced?

The water friends were speechless.

[Lean! ] 】

[Is this true love?] 】

[I also said disgust earlier, this turn is too fast, right?] 】

[Do you like or hate?] 】

[How deep is love, right?] 】

Otherwise, it would not be as before, so that the capillaries in the nasal cavity exploded.

“She’s okay!”

“The man was also frightened after stabbing you, and fled in a panic and encountered the ghost probe, and was killed on the spot.”



The water friends suddenly felt refreshed.


‘Bai’s son and daughter’ breathed a sigh of relief.

Feel the mouth of the heart that is beating violently.

Only then did he realize that he still liked her.

“Master, then, what should I do then?”

“I just took advantage of the heavenly machine to spy on your destiny trajectory, and in the miscellaneous time, there are three in total, which is not bad!”

“Article 1: Marriage to that woman, although there are occasional frictions, but the life after marriage is the best.”

“At least materially prosperous, although only for five years.”

“Rule two: keep being your FJ, you will introduce a rural girl through a colleague.”

“Girls are generally good-looking and have average figures, but they are better than you, and they are also very family-oriented. But life will be very poor, belonging to the kind that does not have much money on hand. For the sake of your son, all sentient beings have worked hard in the storm, but fortunately your life has been safe and smooth. ”

“End of 65.”

“Article 3: Run up!”

“Five years later, you finally passed the civil service exam and became a full-fledged police officer. But you are not satisfied, relying on cleverness all the way up, and at the age of 50 you became the head of the police station, the highest position in this life. ”

“After that, you started to be greedy for money, but luckily you never found out.”

“I was imprisoned at the age of 70 and died in prison a year later.”


[Is this mud horse really fake?] 】

[The Taoist is too powerful, right? Can the trajectory of this future destiny be measured? 】

[Fake! ] 】

[You are a newcomer, the Taoist Commander has been counted as Chen Dajiang, and I am convinced of the Taoist Chief’s ability. 】

[Isn’t there no police report yet?] 】

[Exactly! ] 】

[The past is a good calculation, but what to say about this future?] With a mouth made up, then I can too. 】

‘Bai’s son and daughter’ is also extremely confused.

Cheng Xiao’s heart was shocked and inexplicable.

She believes.

Because just now Su Zhe closed his eyes for 1 minute, and the golden aperture behind his head also appeared for 1 minute.

He…… He really spied into the future.

Like the Doctor Strange kind?

[The second one is more stable, but an ordinary life,].

[And very tired! ] 】

[There is a beautiful wife Zhuyu in front, surely no one will choose the second one. ] 】

[This requires me to definitely choose the third ah, the most moisturizing.] The 50-year-old head of the police station, who has enjoyed it for 20 years, is not at a loss. 】

[No one chooses first?] 】

[Died in the first 5 years, choose yarn. ] 】

[You are stupid, you can find a master to solve it, once it is broken, isn’t it the most moist? ] 】

[Uh, too. 】

‘Bai’s son and daughter’ were silent for a moment, and suddenly their eyes became firm.

“Master! If I split up with her, would she still have that happen? ”

“Yes, and without you blocking her, she would be even worse!”

“Then I’ll choose first!”

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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