The Leviathan Blade is at HIT.

It’s summer, but there is still an indoor ski resort!

And there are many people who go skiing in the summer.

But he can’t ski!


“That,…… Master Su, what is “Peach Blossom Difficulty”, I don’t have peach blossoms, where is the difficulty? ”

He was puzzled.

“That’s called ‘difficult’, three tones, ‘Peach Blossom Difficult’!”

Su Zhe corrected.


Depend on!

“The red plover peach blossom is originally an auspicious peach blossom, but those who are destined to bring the red plover will not have too smooth feelings!”

“Generally speaking, if there is ‘red plover’ in the eight characters, the situation of peach blossom luck is relatively critical, and rotten peach blossoms are prone to appear, bringing many sad things and trouble.”

“Even sometimes, red plovers will not only affect emotional luck, but also extend to the workplace and life.”

“And the ‘Red Plover Robbery’ is even more ruthless than it!”

“Any woman he hooks up with will think of harming him, and even if it is slightly disobedient, it will be difficult to live and die!”


Not only the Leviathan Blade toothache, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room are all kinds of liver fibrillation.

Mud horses?

And such outrageous people?

Zhou Zhuo (ノへ ̄): You may not believe it, the cups I encountered in those years!

“And you?”

Su Zhe looked at the Leviathan Blade and smiled slightly.

“You are not without peach blossoms, but a bunch of peach blossoms around you!”

“Often there will be girls near you, but soon they will distance themselves from you and ignore you!”

“No matter how gentlemanly and polite you are, they will think that you are false, think that you are unreliable, and it will be very awkward to be with you!”

“This is “Peach Blossom Difficulty”!”

The Leviathan Blade blinked, and suddenly the left hand hammered the right hand, ‘bang’.

“That’s right!”

“Master Su, you’re so right!”

“I reacted as soon as you said it, and if you think about it, it’s true.”

“In the past, every year when school started, I would pick up new ones!”

“Many students who have just entered school will ask me for WeChat ID. I thought that the peach blossom luck had finally come, but chatting and talking, at most half a month… People are gone. ”

“And then a message, a big red exclamation point.”


Reba didn’t hold back, covered her mouth and laughed.

This is deleted, what a miserable man.

Netizens also smiled.

Already disgraced and disgraced Mars, the Leviathan Blade simply does not care about its old face.

“Master Su, can you really bring one back tomorrow?”

“Yes! But you need the poor “Peach Blossom Talisman”, the edge is 100,000 oh, dear! ”

“100,000 little meanings!”

The Leviathan Blade waved his big hand, and the rich second generation came up, and there was that smell in an instant!

“How do I transfer money? Oh yes, master, what time do I go to the ski slopes? What clothes to wear? Which is good to hold? Or do you just hold one and look it in the eye? ”


Su Zhe was speechless.

Reba was also speechless, which felt like going to the main road and looking at the right eye and taking it away.

“Poor Road is for you to play, not for you to grab one casually.”

“If you have the idea of coming back, don’t go.”

“As for the time, the clothes, everything goes with it.”

“Fu Qian, I will add you to WeChat later, and after tomorrow’s words of poverty are fulfilled, you can transfer me within 48 hours.”


Leviathan Blade nodded.

First goods and then payment, he believed Su Zhe more.

“But, Master, I’m at HIT, you Fu… Can it arrive tomorrow? ”

The fastest SF also takes two days, right?

“This is not something for the donor to worry about.”

“Then I’ll sit and wait.”

The Leviathan Blade did not ask, but Chief Su Dao was a person with great powers.

Su Zhe smiled and turned off the connection.

“Then, this is the end of today’s live broadcast.”

“See you tomorrow night at 8 o’clock.”

“By the way, Poor Road visited the mushroom house for the first time, and also brought a gift for netizens.”

Saying that, ten triangular yellow talismans appeared on the table out of thin air.

“This is called the Meditation Talisman!”

“The Meditation Talisman can make your mind more focused and learning to read books easier to engage in. When you are angry and irrational, it can also calm you down faster. People with insomnia are more likely to fall asleep. ”

“For everyone.”

“As a gift for your first visit to the mushroom house, give it to ten destined people!”

After speaking, he glanced at Wang Zhengyu.

“Director Wang, adjust the barrage frame to ten people.”

A few seconds later, Wang Zhengyu returned the OK gesture.

So impressed.

Master Su also brought gifts.

“Reba, it’s up to you to take a screenshot.”


Reba pointed to herself, then rolled her eyes and smiled with her eyebrows crooked.

“Then everyone sent a barrage ‘Reba is the most beautiful’!”

– Shh!

On the barrage, a brush brush rises a piece of ‘Reba is the most beautiful’!

“Then I took a screenshot!”

After speaking, a little bit of plain hands.


The screenshot is successful.

“Congratulations to the lucky ones: Beacon Play Princes, Green Fox Eleven, Fox Xiaobai, Meow, Xuanyuan Chopping the Sky, I Can Accompany You, The Brave, Live Leisurely, Mo Shanghua, Holy Heavenly Dragon.”

“Later, Director Wang will count your addresses online.”

The camera was then removed.

But because the live broadcast room was not closed, the scene of the paper man drawing on the table was swept away, and it was shocked again.

Su Mei’s talisman has already been drawn and is being disassembled.

One of them opened his pockets and stuffed several bags in.

The people around them were stunned again.

How do two-dimensional paper people fit three-dimensional talisman bags into them?

Still don’t understand?

Next act.

Four paper men protected the one in the talisman bag, one holding a shield and knife, one holding a spear, one with a double knife, and the other holding a whisk.

Five paper figures rose up into the sky, turning into bits of golden light and disappearing into the night sky.

There was a brain downage around me.

This TM is… Paper man darts?

Reba blinked, shaking her little head again, making sure she was right.

“By the way, Su Dao, what do you mean when you said earlier that the woman was punished without knowing it?”

“Oh, she has leukemia!”

Eh, Σ(@△@|||)

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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