Yu Shuai looked at the girl stunned.

Actually, everyone knows.

If a beautiful girl like this is missing for more than a week, the survival rate is almost zero.

One: Female thousand.

Two: killed!

Three: one plus two!

There are basically no other possibilities.

Is it really dead?

Yu Shuai wondered why he entangled his daughter?

However, this last paper man was indeed pierced a month after his disappearance.


Su Zhe invoked the aura, and the blue silk thread was pervasive like mercury, densely pouring into Xia Zhu’s body.

As if with needle and thread, the wounds on the girl’s body were stitched up piece by piece.

The speed visible to the naked eye, one by one, disappears.

Until the flawless beauty returns!

The aura washed over her body like a waterfall, and while washing away the dirty blood qi outside, it was also condensing her ghost.

A moment later, after washing away the lead hua, the ghost girl who was close to the foundation building period appeared.


It is completely different from the beautiful appearance just now.

Red and black eyes, eyebrows three points red.

Even with a drop of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Ghost makeup!

The ghost cultivation that built the foundation and kicked the door, now she is basically walking sideways under this sky, except for some old monsters of the sect who can crush her.

Feeling the surging Sensen ghost qi in his body, Xia Zhu knelt on the ground excitedly, his face flashing with revenge fever.

“Thank you Master Su, I will go to take revenge, I will tear their five limbs to pieces!”

“I will repair it for you, and I can take it back.”


Struck with awe.

“Stand up!”

Su Zhe waved his hand.

“I didn’t ask you to kill you. Although you have been wronged in this life, if you commit a crime, you will not be able to reincarnate again. It is necessary to bear 108 punishments before he can enter reincarnation, and he will not be a human for a hundred lifetimes. ”

Xia Zhu smiled bitterly, and black ghost tears flowed from his black eyes.

“The world is too bitter, it is enough to come to this experience, the next life… Don’t make me a human again! ”

Su Zhe suddenly remembered a movie.

As a pig in this life, the future is bright!

“Then you don’t have to suffer 108 criminals, do as I say, and I will let them receive the punishment they deserve.”

After speaking, the heart transmits.

Xia Zhu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and clutched his little hand deadly.

“Master, I don’t want to enter reincarnation anymore, and I don’t want to leave my parents. Excuse me, Master, I, can I follow you? I know I’m dirty, but I want to practice with the master, I want to become a true 28 ghost cultivator, I want to kill all evil in the world! ”

When the words fell, a karmic fire rose out of thin air under her feet, red as blood and black as ink!


Is this a vision?

Also recognized by the Heavenly Dao?

Su Zhe: ( ̄_ ̄)

Xia Zhu was stunned, and she felt that there was an extra wisp of something in her body that was unclear.

Although I don’t understand it, I can feel it, it is a lock, a rope, a sharp blade hanging overhead!

“Master, me, what’s wrong with me?”

“Poor Dao does not accept disciples at present, but you can stay on the mountain, I will open a cave house for you, and you will go to practice when you understand things.”

Although he does not accept apprentices at present, he does need a subordinate.

Can’t let him show up for everything, right?

The ‘rope’ is tied to her, such as her earthly parents.

‘Lock’ is confinement.

She made a vision, and this lock sealed her path to promotion, and only by fulfilling her vision could she break the shackles.

However, this is impossible!

In this life, she can only stop at the peak of the Mahayana period before the “Dao Heart”.

Because you will never be able to kill the evil in this world.

Just like Jizo, hell is not empty and vows not to become a Buddha!

The ‘Blade’ is to judge the pen in her hand, and if she does even an evil thing after becoming a ghost cultivator, this sword will be cut off immediately.

Sort of it as a supervision of her!


“Go find that Gao Qiwen!”

Xia Zhu arched his hand, and only then did he rise into the air again, instantly blending into the night like a wisp of black fog, and could no longer be seen.

Peak: 10016 Qi 10 Wuwu

High! Open! Wen!

Yu Shuai’s heart trembled, the youngest son of the eldest brother of the Gao family?

At this moment, something big is going to happen in S City.

But it has nothing to do with him.

No matter how strong the Gao family is, it is not as strong as Su Daolong.

Instead, he can take the opportunity to plunder the Gao family’s industry, and he is not a capitalist at a loss.

The Gao family fell and fed the entire S City.

“Then, it’s up to you left.”

Su Zhe turned around and looked at Yu Yaoyao.

All ten paper people have been removed, so what remains is the grievance of this black cat.

But it’s a bit of a hassle!

Yu Yaoyao’s soul is actually gone.

Moreover, it has been 12 years out of the body.

When Liu San looked at it, the soul was still there, but it was on the verge of breaking, so he asked Yu Shuai to find a second tanner to sew the soul.

Unfortunately, it was late after all.

That soul was taken away.


And it’s a very good one.

That soul is in his hands.

If that soul had dispersed, she Yu Yaoyao would have died a long time ago.

Now it’s time to summon spirits.


The black cat resentful spirit no longer tossed Yu Yaoyao, obediently crawling on the shoulder, seeing Su Zhe glaring over, he quickly wagged his tail obediently.

Like a dog.

The yellow talisman is sacrificed, and the cinnabar talisman is volleyed.

Golden light, Fu Cheng.

Immediately, Su Zhe took a strand of Yu Yaoyao’s hair, a drop of middle finger blood, and a drop of blood on the tip of her tongue, which was glued to the rune paper.

The yellow charm suddenly ignited.

From the bottom up, little by little, it burned up.

“Edict, return.”

In the next instant, the yellow talisman was like a powerful ‘magnet’, attracting Yu Yaoyao’s soul thousands of miles away.

Before the yellow charm burned the ashes, if Yu Yaoyao’s soul could not come back, it would really not come back.

It was up to him to go.

Water Mansion, a water ghost who has been a cat for three hundred years, suddenly changed his complexion.

“Wait, my darling!”

Seeing the pearl containing Yu Yaoyao’s soul fly away, the water ghost suddenly became angry, and rode the water vapor to jump out of the water and fall into the air.

Actually, he didn’t know how to use this soul?

It was only a trace of luck in the girl who fell into the water, so he risked the dedication of being targeted and forcibly detained.

After 12 years of detention, I didn’t come up with a reason, and then I threw it into the pearl and didn’t care anymore.

And then……

“Isn’t it not raining today?”

“What the hell is this sudden rain?”

“Forgot your umbrella again!”

“It’s not good to go out today.”

Under his flight trajectory, I don’t know how many cities have suffered inexplicable rainfall.

Just when the yellow charm burned to the last trace, the pearl finally flew back.

When flying to the small courtyard, a wisp of soul floated out, and Mu looked at the body blankly, but did not know how to go back.


“My Yaoyao!”

Seeing his daughter’s wet soul, Yu Shuai realized that his daughter had been drowning in water for 12 years.

Isn’t that water-cooling?

Yu Shuai hammered his chest frantically.

It’s good if the soul comes back.

After that, it is to strip off the black cat’s unjust soul and fuse Yu Yaoyao’s soul.

Just as she was about to prepare, Qing’er suddenly appeared her huge true body, staring at the east vigilantly.

The gift-giving unicorn on his head began to tremble slightly.

“Master, a strong enemy is coming.”


“Hahahaha, there is actually a molded Yu hidden here? Hahaha, when I devour you, I can advance to the peak of foundation building, and then I will no longer be afraid of that old thing in the Heavenly Master Mansion. ”

In the night sky, a terrifying laughter came.

The water ghost stared at Qing’er greedily.

“It turns out that this is what that wisp of soul luck refers to? The old man understood, understood, hahahaha! ”

“Master, I am not his opponent!”

“I see.”

Su Zhe casually sacrificed four paper people.

These paper figures are different from the dart paper people, they are more elaborate, and even depict fine lines of armor.

Four paper figures soared into the air!


“Do you dare to stop me?”

Once to the water vapor to shoot.

However, it was split by the seemingly easy to fold paper man, with a fluttering knife.

Just when the old water ghost realized that something was wrong and wanted to run, it was too late. Four paper men guarded the four directions, and ‘Bang Bang’ slashed down a few times.


The old water ghost made a terrified sound and was split into several petals.

Seeing the opportunity, Qing’er took off into the air, opened a huge python kiss, and devoured the remaining ghost in one mouthful.

Then turn back.

“Master, I’m going to attack the Foundation Building Realm.”


Su Zhe’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Don’t forget the metamorphosis template I gave you?”

After the goblin entered the foundation, it faded back to the body of the spirit beast and took the form of a human being.

Although they can transform thousands of faces, only the first appearance when they take shape is their ‘Buddha-figure’.

“Yes, master.”

After speaking, the huge snake body instantly retracted into the appearance of a small green snake, and rushed towards the depths of the Taoist Temple like a sharp arrow.

The little days are getting more and more punished.

I wanted to laugh in my heart.

This water ghost, what kind of luck does it mean, you are Qing’er’s luck.

Sending yourself to the door as a bait is too great!


Su Zhe turned his head sharply to look at the black cat grievance, who was so frightened that his hair stood up and he couldn’t stop kowtowing.

“Come out by yourself or I’ll catch you.”

The black cat shook his head deadly.


Feelings, it cannot leave on its own.

Su Zhe had to throw out the blue silk thread again and separate it little by little.

After taking off the black cat, raise your hand and pat it.

Yu Yaoyao’s soul returned to its place.

After shaking his body a few times, he almost fell to the ground, but he was hugged by Yu Shuai in time.

Confused for a moment, his eyes cleared up.


Yu Yaoyao cried directly.

“Dad, I miss you so much!”

“Yaoyao, don’t cry, dad is here, dad is here.” It’s all Dad’s fault for making you suffer for so many years. ”

Saying that, Yu Shuai kept pumping himself.


Su Zhe ignored their father’s kindness and filial piety, purifying the flying pearls and purifying the black cat grievances at the same time.

Under the nourishment of the aura, the evil qi was completely purified.

The rejuvenated black cat grumbling spirit actually has a bit of ‘Luo Xiaohei’ feeling, and his big eyes are cute.

“So cute!”

Zhao Rusi blurted out.

Su Zhe said: “You tortured her for 12 years, and from today onwards, you will guard her for 12 years.” Would you like to? ”

The black cat nodded vigorously, and then turned into a wisp of black mist and merged into the pearl.

“Master Yu, I have purified this pearl.”

“It has accompanied your daughter’s soul for 12 years, and it is also the best treasure to nourish her soul.”

“Take it.”

Yu Shuai was dumbfounded: “This… It’s unbelievable. ”

Although he didn’t understand, he could still see that this thing was estimated to be a magic weapon.

“Take it, your daughter is light, although it is now complete, it still needs to be nourished.” Pearls are one of the eight treasures and will bring her good luck. The black cat spirit inside can also protect her safely. ”

“It’s really too careless, let’s do 10 million good deeds!”


Yu Shuai was stunned.


Su Zhe beggar_ beg: “The money you donated can only fatten the stomachs of some people, go by yourself.” ”

“Yes, Master Su, I understand!”

This is the true master.

Selling magic weapons does not collect money, but just let him do good deeds.

Yu Shuai paused and looked at Su Zhe.

“Master, today you are in prison, that… Need edge geometry? ”

“That pearl is not mine, I don’t collect money, but I want to be paid for it.”

Yu Shuai nodded: “Naturally, it should be so.” ”

“5 million.”


This is too cheap, those ‘masters’ have to tie a paper person to 1 million bottom.

Subsequently, Yu Shuai transferred money to Su Zhe.

“Then, Master, I won’t stay much, leave!”

“The mountain road is uneven, walk slowly.”

After Yu Shuai got in the car and left, he patted his thigh regretfully and forgot to buy tea with the road chief.


“That, Master Su,…… It’s late, isn’t it time to rest? ”

Zhao Lusi’s eyes flowed, and the water in her eyes was about to overflow.

Immediately stepped forward and hugged gently.

“Leprechaun, do you know what you’re doing?”


“Do you dare to mess with my Dao heart? Fairy, poor Taoist temple, you are such a strong demon qi. ”

Su Zhe hugged him by the waist and walked towards the bedroom while acting explosively.

“Dragon Head, enter the first-level combat state and activate the second-level immortal supercharging. Oh, what a monster, show up quickly! ”

Zhao Rusi was also playful, hugging Su Zhe’s neck and giggling.

“Please sit down, Elder!”

“Elder, please sit down.”

960 Which sits?

“You can’t do this, it’s obviously a poor road, how can you get an elder?”

“The acting is terrible.”

“The poor road will teach you the Great Way Scripture tonight.”

“Is it the Dragon and Tiger Sutra?”

Cheng Xiao, you culprit.

“Nope! It’s the Yin Rune Sutra! ”


Just when Su Zhe was teaching Zhao Lusi Avenue Scripture, on the side of S City, Niu Liqiang and Du Biao had already driven to Linshi City.

“Thanks, Old Du.”

“It’s all buddies!”

“When the child is recovered, I will kill the surnamed Wang.”

Niu Li is strong, but he has a temper.

“No, you’re really going to find it? That’s all…”

“Even if the child is not mine, it needs proof, right? I’m going to get that woman out of the house!” What’s more, I still feel that I can’t just believe the words of that Taoist priest, and everything must talk about scientific evidence. ”

Niu Liqiang said.

Du Biao thought about it, too.

If you go through the procedure, people will not take Su DaoChang’s words as documentary evidence, right?

Just as the car was about to turn into a curve, a bus went on a rampage.


The two of them had Master Su’s parting words sounding in their minds at the same time.

[After many years, you may never come back!] 】

Du Biao slammed the steering wheel and tried to dodge it.

However, the driver of the bus seemed to be drunk, twisted the steering wheel, and crashed at them!

“I know you M!”

The distance is too close.

And this is a mountain road, and if he drives further up, he will turn down the mountain.

Can’t hide.

Taoist bless!

A terrifying brake sounded, accompanied by countless terrified screams.


“Hold the grass!”



With a roar, the bus collided with the Mercedes.

Mercedes Benz, who was the opponent of the bus, was instantly knocked off the mountain road and rolled out towards the hillside.

And because of the resistance of Mercedes, the bus did not roll over, and it was crooked halfway across.

Glass crush.

Blood flowed all over the place.

The Mercedes tumbled down the hill, but the two rolled down the torn door.

P thing no!

After Niu Liqiang’s robbery, he patted his body and jumped, making sure that he didn’t lack parts.

He rolled up his sleeves and trousers, and examined them carefully, but there were no scars.

I didn’t feel any pain in my body!

Touch your pocket again.

The original triangular yellow talisman is gone, and there is a handful of white ash inside!

“Lao Du, you saved me!”

Niu Liqiang looked at Du Biao for the rest of his life after the robbery.

“We were saved by Su DaoChang’s talisman seal!”

“Yes, yes!”

“One hundred thousand is worth it, right?”

Du Biao was also panting and frightened.

“Value! In the future, I will be a big fan of Master Su. ”

“Let’s save people first!”

“This car, call 120!”


A plane is slowly landing at Shonan Airport.

Two actresses, somewhat identical, dragged the box down.

Bai Wei: “This time I joined forces with you, but only once.” ”

Li Yitong snorted lightly: “It seems that I like to team up with you?” ”

PS: Fifteen thousand updates per day.

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