S City at this time, Long Bridge.

Weibo has spread!

Citizens and reporters who saw the news were already blocked on the bridge.

When Lei Zhengping arrived with the team, they couldn’t even drive the car.

Helpless, I had to get out of the car, drive the crowd, and rush to the bridge.

“Everyone, please back off!”

“The bridge is dangerous, please pay attention to their safety!”

“Please retreat outside the cordon.”


“We are journalists, and we have the right to report the truth.”

“Let’s go in.”

“I am Xia Zhu’s mother.”

“I’m her dad, let’s go in.”

Seeing these two, the crowd silently separated.

(1) O Mio (1) (6) 柒一壹〇武 (5)

Two middle-aged men who had experienced many vicissitudes and were nearly fifty years old walked outside the police cordon, looking at them with tearful eyes.

The crowd looked at the two stunned, four months ago it was not like this, this time in the blink of an eye it was ten years old.



Lei Zhengping gestured, and a female JC nodded and walked over to reassure.

“Two of you, I understand your feelings, but please control your emotions.”

“Given that the corpse is likely… Look, I’m afraid you can’t bear it, so the second elder still don’t look at it. ”

It’s been four months.

Stay in the box, sink under the water under the bridge, have long been soaked and rotted.

Know that it’s summer.

The climate in S City is already very warm, and although it was spring four months ago, it was not cold.

The temperature is already high at night.

The luggage compartment will not be too well sealed, and it has already seeped into the water in four months.

“Can my daughter still scare me this mother? Let’s get in. ”

The policewoman sighed: “Your daughter’s soul is still there, she is now… Maybe it’s just here watching you? I don’t think she wants to see you in pain either. ”

At the mention of his daughter, the second elder was stunned, and then silently lowered his head.

“Auntie, your eyes?”

At this time, the policewoman felt that something was wrong, although Xia Zhu’s mother was looking forward, but she had not seen her eyes roll for so long.

And the eyes are blank, like…

“Hey, crying blind.”

Xia Zhu’s father hid his face and lost his voice.

The policewoman also had red eyes and didn’t know how to comfort them.

There is also some self-blame.

They searched for a month, but there were no clues, but fortunately Master Su was there.

“No… No, it can’t be, Ma! ”

‘Xia Zhu’ was indeed next to him, and when he heard his mother’s blind words, he immediately roared on his back, and for a moment he was about to turn into a ghost.

Although she was crossed by Su Zhe into the power below the foundation building, she could not manifest in front of people before entering the foundation building period.

“Master Su,…… By the way, the master will definitely be able to heal my mother’s eyes. ”

Saying that, he took off into the air, but soon stopped again.

“No, we have to finish this revenge.”

After speaking, he took a deep look at his mother and chased Gao Qiwen again.

“Daddy, I seem to hear my daughter calling me.”

Xia Zhu’s mother’s sudden words startled the policewoman, and she glanced around at her neck.

Won’t really tell her the point, right next to it, right?

“She has been like this since her daughter disappeared, don’t mind.”

Xia Zhu’s father smiled, and then looked at the bridge.

“Mom, let’s wait here.”


Under the bridge, the armed police have already driven two rescue boats.

And the ‘water ghost’ brigade is already on board, wearing protective equipment.

In order to salvage underwater as soon as possible, Lei Zhengping also called the fifth brigade of the fifth detachment of the special police corps.

The fifth brigade, also known as the diving brigade, has 20 SWATS.

The team is low-key and not well known.

They do the most tiring work!

It is often salvaged in complex waters covered with silt and overgrown with aquatic grass.

When the new team members were on a mission, they also vomited at the smell of corpse rancid, and suddenly saw the swollen giant in the deep water with very low visibility, and jumped to the surface of the water in fear.

These people are called ‘water ghosts’ and also known as ‘frogmen’.


Lei Zhengping shouted.

The water under the fourth section of the Long Bridge is 15 meters deep.

The waters are slightly murky and oxygen cylinders must be worn.

On the rescue boat, two frogmen buckled their goggles and put oxygen tubes in their mouths connected to oxygen cylinders.

In such waters, more than three frogmen must descend.

One alone can be dangerous.

Once something happens, there is no way to save it.

The three looked at each other and made an OK gesture on the bridge.

Then a frogman leaned back and dived into the river with a ‘flutter’.

A rope was tied to his body, extending from the waves of water that bubbled from time to time, while another thicker one hung from his waist.

The crew members of the rescue boat held the other end of the rope, their eyes glued to the water.

Immediately afterwards, the first two frogmen also fluttered into the water and touched the water.

At a distance of fifteen meters, the three of them soon touched the bottom of the river.

The visibility of the murky water bottom was less than one meter, and the three could only grope towards the predetermined position.

“Number 1, your position is off, to your right.”

“No. 3, left-hand position.”

“Number 2, keep going.”

The commander’s voice came from inside the headset, and the frogman hurriedly changed direction.

Underwater, it’s hard to have a sense of direction.

After crawling for nearly 10 minutes, No. 1 finally saw a black shadow and immediately beckoned his teammates to approach him.

The commander on board followed up with the command.

Gradually, the black shadow became clearer, and it was determined that it was a black box.

The largest size suitcase, 32 inches kind!


The three frogmen gestured separately.

The black box is actually half-open?

It seems that the zipper has been pulled open by fish or the like, or the gas generated by the rot inside has broken open, and a hole of about 30cm has been pulled.

You can still vaguely see small fish and shrimp swimming out of the box.


The three frogmen looked at each other, and the corpses inside were estimated to have been eaten clean.

The bottom of my heart sighed.

Frogman No. 1 took off the thick rope, hooked the handle of the suitcase, tried it, and it was quite firm.

“Captain, you can pull up.”

The ship received the news, and the rescue ship immediately controlled the machine, pulled the rope, and slowly pulled the suitcase up.

And the three frogmen stared below to see if there was any damage to avoid the bones from falling.

Otherwise they’ll have to come again.

The onlookers on the shore shouted excitedly, taking various photos and videos with mobile phones.

“Dragged, should have found it.”

“Oh my God, it’s been four months, and I finally found it.”

“Poor child.”

“It’s a black box, and it’s really what Chief Su said.”

“So accurate? I have some doubts that the Taoist is the murderer! ”

Xia Zhu’s parents trembled and squeezed each other’s hands!

The box was dragged onto the boat, and the moment it was opened, a rancid smell gushed out.

Just ashore, the frogman who took off his goggles was downwind.

The rancid smell came to my face.

He bent over and vomited out with a ‘wow’, and his lunch was all spit out.

I saw only a blue-gray skeleton left in the black suitcase, and this color was because it was in the water.

Skin and flesh, internal organs and whatnot, after four months of soaking, and the nine-knot shrimp that are bouncing in the box… and so on, there can be no left.

There were clothes inside the box, and it was estimated that they were stuffed into it.

There are no mobile phones, wallets and the like.

After a meticulous examination by the forensic doctor for half an hour, it was confirmed that no bones were left, and the commander of the rescue ship waved his hand to the shore.

Launch the ship to leave.

Faced with the question he remembered, Lei Zhengping coughed lightly.

“Okay, guys, let’s wait for the police report.”

“Two of you, please come with us!”

Driving Xia Zhu’s parents to the police station, the next step is to do DNA comparison to determine the identity of the deceased.

“Carry out the arrest!”


With an order, in the apartment area, the criminal police who had long surrounded them rushed in, and captured Gao Qiwen, who was still smoking, on the spot.

The police quickly arrested Gao Qiwen for testing, in fact, you can see it without doing it.



Immediately detained in the detention center!

After expedited DNA comparison, it was determined that the bones in the black box at the bottom of the river under the long bridge were Xia Zhu, who had been missing for four months.

Immediately the police situation was reported, and the whole network was in an uproar.

Of course, this is a matter after that, and at this time, Su Zhe gently clapped his hands in the live broadcast room.

“Let’s connect with the second destined person.”

“I believe they are already in a hurry.”

Barrage flipped.

[Continue to invite the victim.] 】

[Put the victim up!] 】

[There is a second victim, please.] 】

Just when Su Zhe was about to connect ID and I was drunk, his eyebrows twisted sharply.

“Let’s connect the ID blind date to the ex-girlfriend first!”

“I believe that I am drunk by one person, I should not mind.”


【??? 】

[What does the Taoist Chief mean?] 】

[It seems that ‘blind date to ex-girlfriend’ has an accident.] 】


After waiting for a few seconds, there was no barrage response, Su Zhe didn’t care, this side is more important!

But when connecting, the other party did not react in the slightest.

Time waits for no one.

“Bai Mengyan, give me your mobile phone.”

“My name is Bai Wei, well, Bai Mengyan is Bai Mengyan.”

Bai Wei helplessly took out his mobile phone.

I saw Su Zhe close his eyes and think for a while, and quickly dialed a number.


At this time in City A, a girl came out of the corner with a sweet cone.

After seeing the three armed policemen who were standing guard and carrying guns, they tilted their little heads and paused slightly, and continued to walk forward!

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Looking down, it’s an unfamiliar number.

I didn’t want to hang it directly.

The next moment it rang again.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and although she was puzzled, she picked up.

What if someone familiar changes the number?


“My name is Su Zhe, I know you don’t know me, but please hand your phone to the comrade armed police who is standing guard next to me.”

“There are three standing over there, right?”

“I’m in a hurry!”

In order to enhance his persuasive power, Su Zhe deliberately used the Dao.

This wave of operation really gave Bai Wei and Li Yitong next to them a whole thing, not only the two of them, but also all kinds of black small question marks among the water friends in the live broadcast room.


[What is Chief Su doing?] 】

[Hens. 】

[Is this a request for salvation?] 】

“Ah, good.”

The girl originally wanted to hang up, but under the influence of Daofa, she walked towards the three armed policemen and chose one of the most pleasing to the eye.

“Uncle JC, someone is looking for you.”

I’m JC brother, okay!

The armed policeman standing guard was stunned for a moment, but still turned around straight and took the mobile phone.


“My name is Su Zhe…”

“I know you, you are the Taoist priest who has been very popular on the Internet recently, right, what are you looking for me?”

The armed police were stunned for a moment.

“That’s a lot easier, I’m livestreaming, but one of my destined ‘blind dates to ex-girlfriends’ is a bit dangerous at the moment.”

“He was stabbed and I couldn’t connect with him.”


There was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

[I went, did I hear you right?] 】

[Stabbed?] 】

[Although there is a hunch, this is also…”

Li Yitong and Bai Wei are also beautiful eyes to the round, are you not kidding?

̈”If you’ve seen my live broadcast, you know that poor people never speak. And I just calculated the location of the missing April Xia Zhu’s body, I believe there should be a lot of reports on the Internet now. ”

“Time is running out, are you going to save him, or continue to question the truth of what I said and let him bleed to death?”


The armed police struggled for a while, but still chose to take a look.

“Not far from you, 300 meters to the north, Yiman Street turned in, there should be a small alley of old streets. Once inside, you can see him 50 meters. If you run fast enough, you should still be able to catch the suspect. ”

“It’s better to go over with two people.”

“Squad leader?”

“Let’s go!”

“I hope the Taoist didn’t lie to me.”

The two soldiers hurriedly handed their guns to the squad leader, put their mobile phones in their jacket pockets, and ran quickly to the north like cheetahs.

300 meters, just a blink of an eye.

Run and shout!

“Beauty, you wait a while, I’ll be back soon to return your phone.”

“Ah,…… Oh, well…”

The girl was stunned for a moment and stood in place.

Water friends laughed, this took the phone away?

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Bang bang.

With the fast and rhythmic running sound, the heartbeats of the water friends in the live broadcast room also suddenly rose.

“Over here!”

“Old streets… This is it. ”

Turning into the alley, sure enough, there was a very pungent smell of blood.

And at the end of the alley, a sneaky person is on the run!


The two fighters let out a low gulp, and one of them ran out quickly, chasing the ‘suspect’.

The one who answers the phone is to check the situation of the injured person.

He was stabbed in the abdomen and bleeding to the ground, which looked quite dangerous!

In reality, JC chasing murderers will not shout stop and don’t run!

You shouted at him to run faster.

And isn’t that a ‘tip-off’ for him?

Taking advantage of the ‘suspect’ to flee in a panic, and did not notice the situation behind him, the warrior caught up like a cheetah.

One knee bump, flip over!

No need to ask, Ya still has a blood-stained knife in her hand.

Soon he walked back.

“Still running?”

“Fellow countryman, can I drive you to the hospital?”

“Oh, yes.”

With the sound of a departure (Nuo Zhao Hao), the merit was completed.

Su Zhe smiled: “Then,…… Even if the task of the poor road is completed, thank you again, otherwise my destined person will die. ”

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

[666 ah. 】

[Master Su, don’t say anything, I have to brush this carnival. ] 】

Saying that, a carnival shone and occupied the entire screen.

Beacon Huo, Su Mei, Zhou Zhuo are also not to be outdone, the carnival chases one by one, and the other up who look at it envy into lemon essence.


Hengdian, hotel.

Reba, who stripped off her clothes and wore a bathrobe, planned to take a hot bath.

But as soon as she walked into the bathroom, a figure inside startled her.

Busy clutching his chest, he stepped back vigilantly.

“You… Who are you? ”

“Why are you in my room?”

“Get out quickly, or I’ll be alert!”

(Qing’er, it’s coming out Xiaoqing.) )

In the bathroom, a very sexy woman wearing a blue tights and a white mink was looking at her with a slight smile.

“Stop shouting, Qing’er is me.”

The woman spoke.


Reba, who retreated, froze on the spot.

“Qing… Qing’er? ”

This sounds right.

“Can you become a human?”

Sure enough, a very royal voice has to be paired with a very royal sister.

“Hmm! My Essence has advanced to the Foundation Realm, so I can also transform into a human form. ”

If there is a crosser, it will definitely be shocked.

This, looking… How is it so much like the ‘night club queen’ and ‘night queen’.

But the game is not out yet.

“You’re scared me to death.”

Reba patted her heart lightly.


Inside the Green Bamboo Taoist Temple, Su Zhe smiled, and Qing’er’s promotion to the Foundation Building Realm ended his transformation successfully.

“Then let’s connect the last person with the ID of the destiny person, ‘One of me is drunk’.”

It was quickly connected.

However, the next picture made the water friends in the live broadcast room not calm.

I saw a girl who was drunk like mud and had a very sexy figure, lying on the ground with her hair scattered, and I could vaguely see a trace of spring.

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