The Omniscient

Chapter 611: Chaebol doomsday

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This struggle for the throne developed to that stage, which can be said to have burst out the darkness and contradictions of the entire civilization.

The deep-rooted chaebols let the Shacha people see how ‘insecure’ their civilization is.

The royal galaxy, how many years has there been no turmoil?

How many terrorists and lawbreakers outside the country do not want to make trouble here.

However, the house thief is difficult to prevent. The dignified emperor was held hostage. Although it was for protection, the protection against the will of the emperor was held hostage.

What's more terrifying is that the Fourth Star Shell Legion failed collectively.

This makes all Shacha people who love civilization realize that the chaebol has reached the point where it has to be eliminated.

The disadvantage is that the civil war broke out these contradictions. If foreign enemies strike, if the chaebols scorn the interests of civilization because of their own interests at the critical moment, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Of course, some of them will only drag their feet, and they will not stand in the wrong team on the fundamental issue of civilization's survival.

After all, Shacha civilization is a very mature civilization, which is reflected in the culture and the education level of every Shacha person.

Han Bi's actions awakened them.

If you say cold and avoid recklessness, it is really reckless. Before you become the emperor, you say you want to dismember the chaebol. Isn't this forcing people to jump the wall?

He blocked all his retreat! From a conventional perspective, this is simply playing the piano. Ninety-nine percent must be educated in reality.

Can't stand it, there is a yellow pole behind him.

Turning decay into magic, turning stinky chess into wonderful chess, Huang Ji knew the choice of cold avoidance early, and helped him arrange the overall situation ahead of time. Cold avoidance only needs to be himself!

In Huang Ji's eyes, there are no stinky moves, just the right thing at the right time.

Han avoid blocked all his retreats, and let everyone see his determination clearly, and followed him with peace of mind.

He forced the chaebol dog to jump over the wall, and it was precisely when the contradiction was intensified to let people know that the fundamental interests were really violated, and the seemingly perfect laws of civilization could be trampled on.

Of course, all this requires a card, a fire.

Huang Ji is the fire. As an outsider, his words are sometimes more audible than Shacha himself!

Shacha people shrink their shells and enjoy singing and dancing, and they can ignore some of the usual questions.

Strong productivity hides countless problems.

But Huang Ji, the Great Ziwei, got into the shell and ridiculed the hundreds of millions of Shacha people to pick out those problems. That would be different.

Oneself can say, but outsiders can't. If outsiders laugh, then Shacha people will show Emperor Ziwei to see. We can make mistakes and make corrections.

Really think that the chaebol only covers the sky? Really think that you can't vote for the person you want to vote for? Then you, Emperor Ziwei, made a mistake!

And the three chaebols controlled by Anunnaki were that card. It was played at the last minute, which directly drove the chaebols mad, regardless of the world’s frustration to protect the emperor, and also played the trump card that caused the Star Shell Legion to malfunction. He also tried his best to persecute and woo the people to vote for the Nine Princes, whom everyone was very unwilling to accept.

As a result, the seemingly reckless behavior of Han avoiding turned into an indomitable magic sword, forcing the chaebol side, with nowhere to go, only to intensify the contradictions one after another, instead of step by step.

The ‘chaebol vote’ system that entrenched them and claimed to control 80% of civilized votes, collapsed.

They confronted the hearts of hundreds of millions of people and were hit on the verge of falling apart.

In this civilization, there has never been a so-called ‘chaebol vote’.

"Han avoid! Han avoid! You finally dominate the world! Haha, I voted!"

"Now it's called Your Majesty!"

"Is that your majesty's strongest fan, A Qing? Good job! Damn, so handsome! The master is in the folk!"

A Qing's grasp of the timing is very clever, he was mixed in the crowd, when the chaebol soldiers were dispatched, he thought he was a companion.

He was very surprised at that time, thinking that so many people robbed him of the head, and immediately flew out.

Unexpectedly, these people were sent by the chaebol to protect the emperor, and he was the only real assassin...

So he immediately suppressed the murderous intent, pressed on, pretending that he was also a protector, holding one direction, and waiting for a better time.

While the protectors were wary of the orange-eating Huangji, he used his liquid spacecraft as bait, drawing part of his attention.

Finally defeated the emperor under heavy protection.

For Han avoid to ascend the throne, the last nail was laid!

"Am I **** it?"

Knowing that his name will be recorded in the annals of history, Ah Qing put down the Blade of the Chaos and waited to die on the spot.

He didn't even need the mecha for the final blow, but flew out physically.

At this moment, even if the weapon is thrown away, and the thinking energy body returns to the flesh, it is tantamount to being undefended!

Any authorized person, using the ubiquitous air, can wipe him out.

However, no one did it. He opened his eyes, but saw countless people looking at him blazingly, staring at him embarrassingly and almost committing cancer.

Not only that, but the protectors who had attacked him just now were also frustrated from the mecha, and they were arrested.

These people can see the situation clearly, and now Han avoids the throne, and the dust has settled.

Their mission has failed, and there is nothing to resist, so they can go to prison for decades.

If there is a flash of inspiration to make a useful invention, it can be released very quickly.

"Aqing! Good job!" Spike exclaimed excitedly.

A Qing stared blankly in all directions, then watched in horror as countless people crowded around him.

There was a buzzing noise in his ears, and he was entrained in front of Han Bi.

The cold shelter at this moment is also surrounded by fans.

Of course, don’t worry about security. These people are unarmed, without top-notch military weapons, and don’t want to hurt the emperor with the highest authority.

"What are you doing! I am a fan...No, I am an assassin!" Ah Qing shouted, his face extremely ugly, as if he had been violated.

Everyone smiled and said, "Of course you are an assassin. The last blow was quick and hateful!"

"Look at that group of chaebols' lackeys, they can't react at all, they are played around by you!"

Everyone praised Ah Qing, not only was he innocent, but he was meritorious.

Ah Qing's face became more and more ugly, he was actually in the crowd, realizing that Han avoid was trying to judge the emperor.

But all he saw was the tip of the iceberg, because he was late and didn't surf the Internet.

Do business, go to death when you are done, what kind of Internet to go on? As a result, I don’t even know about the referendum or the fact that many Shacha people rebelled against the chaebol system.

Of course, he is not stupid, he knows that what he has done is good, but righteous.

But so what? In his view, the emperor is the emperor, even if he is tried, he must be judged by referendum.

No matter how bad it is, it will have to die.

Which turn will he use illegal weapons to kill on the spot?

So even if he did it right, it would be a capital crime.

Now that he has done good deeds and is also known as shaking the world, he died in the end, which is exactly what he wants! Isn't this his dream!

But I didn't realize that this is a big change sweeping the entire civilization, and it cannot be generalized.

His Qing did not assassinate, but from the malicious protection of the chaebol, he shot out righteously and executed the sinner.

When the Star Shell Legion couldn't make things right anyway, it pierced the final struggle of the chaebols alone.

He is an assassin, he is a hero.

Seeing that something is wrong and the people love him, why is the law enforcement department silent?

The inspector even smiled and nodded at him slightly.

The First Starshell Legion flew out of the wormhole, took over the overall situation, controlled the scene, and took away the protectors sent by the chaebol, but turned a blind eye to him.

It made Ah Qing very embarrassed! Hey! I killed the people! Why don't you catch me! Don't let me fall into the hands of fans, save me from the crowd!

"I confessed! I confessed!"

"I am an assassin sent by thousands of schools. He made me lurch beside Han Bi. I also used illegal weapons! I... I killed the emperor no matter what, I should be a capital crime!" A Qing panicked. Struggle for reasons!

Everyone was shocked, didn't he say that he is Han avoid's strongest fan? It turned out to be a killer from a thousand schools!

"Thousands of schools have you assassinated the emperor?" Spike surprised.

A Qing said honestly: "No, he asked me to kill myself."

"Ha..." Everyone was happy.

Let him kill the cold and avoid, but he killed the emperor, this is throwing away the dark!

But this banned weapon is a problem. Someone shouted: "Where do you come from the military tyrant!"

Ah Qing was overjoyed when he saw this, everyone finally realized that he was guilty.

He knows that he has become famous and civilized, look at these people, one by one around him, obviously he has done a big thing.

Very good, this is what he asked for.

But he can't stand the attention after this!

"Stubby opened the Black Army Industrial and Commercial City, and provided platforms and resources for killers like me. Qianliu and many chaebols had business dealings with him. After receiving the order, I went there to keep Qianliu’s account. You can receive weapons..."

A Qing immediately told about the source of his arms, and took the initiative to expose his many crimes.

Of course, he is a little orphan, why should he become a professional killer? Why are you proficient in the use of so many prohibited weapons?

The training behind this, smuggling transactions, and the patterned thugs production chain, do not know how many strongholds are involved.

So when he said his crimes, Stubbie and a series of small and medium-sized interests involved were all pointed out.

The 89 major chaebol masters who were arrested by the First Star Shell Legion were all stupid when they heard Ah Qing shaken out. Is this really fatal?

"Fuck! Is he sick?"

"He is a dead man, not afraid of death, we are not!"

"Originally, we had been locked up for more than 20 years. He said all this, UU reading, all my past events will be found least two thousand years!"

"Damn, I am six thousand years!"

A Qing is here to seek benevolence and benevolence, and Steuby, who secretly follows the news all the time, is almost exploded.


Stubbie was still a ruthless person, apart from anything else, taking advantage of his authority, he immediately began to flee.

Not only him, but many chaebol cadres have also started to run away, and those are people who have done dirty work.

Now that Han Bi is enthroned, he still has a terrifying 80% approval rate. Why don't you run?

Everyone knows that now is the end of the chaebol.

Regardless of the deep roots of the chaebols, when countless people turned against the water and refused to follow the vote, it became clear that they were actually paper tigers.

At this moment, a truly democratically elected emperor was born. He possessed the power conferred by the whole people in the true sense. The chaebols had no choice but to violently rebel apart from waiting to be dismembered.

But how easy is it to rebel? The Ministry of National Defense has ten legions and even-numbered legions. If the chaebols are cruel, they can all fail.

But the singular legions are gone, those star shells are enough to sweep all armed riots.

If the chaebol is honest and can still deal with Han avoid according to various legal provisions and power tactics, it will be more troublesome for Han avoid to deal with them.

On the contrary, if it is rebellion, it will die too fast!

"Stubby! Where are you going!"

Stubbie, who was about to enter the wormhole, was suddenly stopped by a group of people.

Stubbie was inexplicably horrified, but after a closer look, he found that it was not the law enforcement team, but Du Lan and a group of aliens.

"who are you?"

Du Lan sneered: "You don't remember me, I remember you!"

"Stubby, when you provoke us Anunnaki, have you thought about today?"


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