The One and Only

Chapter 1130

Chapter 11330

After the Ziyi Zun is incinerated, Lin Yun has replaced the appearance of the night, and returned to the original place.

Bai Qingyu just woke up, Lin Yun will plug in the sword of the tree, and the hands handed each other.

This sword allows Lin Yun to take a bitter, there is no help of this sword, Xiao Jingzhen's strength is not so horrible.

"Night, thank you, this is my sister to send my holy sword, if you really lose, she will definitely be very sad."

Bai Qingyu took the sword, did not dare to look at Lin Yun, look very nervous.

"Xiao Jingyu is all dead?"

"Dead, you don't move first, I will see your injury."

Lin Yun's Nirvana, swim in the white green rain, surprised: "White Qingyu, how do you hurt?"

He now knows that the words he said before Bai Qingyu is not a speech, and her dragon has almost harm most.

There is also a good internal injury, even if Santhan can't recover, it can only be pressed.

The dragon pulse is the core of Nirvana, which is more important than meridians.

Lin Yun once damaged, almost became the waste man, leaning on the tone and the flesh, and he had had to have the most difficult time.

As for the restoration of the dragon, it is more difficult.

Bai Qingyu is not like him with a double dragon, even if there is a bloody sain, it may not allow her to recover.

Bai Qingyu sentiment collapsed, crying directly: "Night, I am sorry, I am too useful, give you so much trouble, now I am still a cumbersome."

"Oh, you still have a bit of self-knowledge."

Xiao Bingfeng is in a vibined kishi, respectful, respectful than a small thief cat.

"who are you?"

Bai Qingyu sobbed.

"She is God Feng." The little thief cat.

Bai Qingyu is bright in front of him, this is the gods, although it is very beautiful, it can look a little girl.

"Her injury?" Lin Yun asked Xiaofen Feng.

Xiaobo said: "Don't a big thing, the emperor didn't see the wrong, this girl has contributed agency, but not well cultivated, there has been no truly awakening, the foundation is not weak."

Lin Yun has guess, if she is very weak, she will not be young and she will be gently.

"My sister is a congenital sun, I am a congenital wild, but my talent is not as good as my sister, I don't like cultivation, the Holy Body is not awakened." Bai Qingyu bowed his head.

"This is not necessarily."

Xiao Bingfeng sells a clog, meaning deep.


Bai Qingyu is unexplained to her, Xiao Bingfeng gave a lot of mouth, and there was no more meaning.

"She is not hurt, there is no heavy, and it is difficult to recover."

Xiaobo said: "There is only no god bone, you want to refine the bloody holy lotus. You need to soak the ice and blood spoon with the nozzle body, then you will degree with Shenlong bones. she was."

Lin Yun did not understand: "Sheng Yulian is still some, but what does I mean by mean first?"

Xiaobo said: "It's stupid, it is to feed her."


White Qingyu heard the words, the cheeks were suddenly like a fire, and the face was lowered.

"Do you have this?" Lin Yun's brow wrinkled, not willing.

Xiaobo said: "Then there is no way, this girl does not wake up, and there is no godel, which is destined to be a waste. At that time, her sister will definitely kill you."

Bai Qingyu looked up: "Night, I believe in you, you are a good person. I don't want to be a waste, I have done a lot of things, you shot, give me a chance to pay again."

Who wants to become a wasteman? Before it is, it is still proud of the sky.

Lin Yun remembered his encounter, his heart had a heart, Shen Wei said: "Then you don't regret it."


Bai Qingyu heard his breath, but she is not only afraid, but it is a bit looking forward to it.

Not long after.

Xiao Bingfeng built a bidet for two, poured it into it.

Lin Yun noticed that Xiao Bingfeng secretly broke his fingers and drop a few drops of crystal clear blood into it.

After the two people entered the bidet, they were sitting on the palm, he swaving the holy blood of the blood, and mounted the Qinglong Shen bone to inject the dragon into the opposite body.

Half column.

In Lin Yunzhi refined the good holy blood, flew out from his mouth, exuded with crystal clear blood color.

Zhang mouth. "

Lin Yun whispered said sentences.

Bai Qingyu drums bravely opened their mouths, and then the Hao blood lunar is in the body, and a warm entrance is instant.

Then I quickly closed my eyes, my face was red and didn't dare to see Lin Yun.

Lin Yun got an eye and had to say it.

Bai Qingyu is really nice, and her sister is a completely different temperament, and there is less than a high and cold and pride, and there is more silky and simple.

The same is a beautiful person, but the temperament is very different, and the character of the two sisters is completely opposite.

Lin Yun recovered his thoughts, urging the Qinglong's bones, and his body blooms blue light, and it will wrap the white rain in it.

After a night of time, Bai Qingyu's dragon pulse resumed a small half, and it has been barely useful to use Nirvana, and self-healing.

Lin Yun got up and left the bidet, and the water stains were instantly evaporated to a white smoke.

Three days later.

Bai Qingyu refines the holy blood of the blood, and her injury is finally restored, and even the strength is also more step.

"Bai Qingyu, you should go." Lin Yun Road.

"I am so gone?" Bai Qingyu Xin is uncomfortable, she holds the sword: "Dish, I will not drag you now, really."

After you finance, she regretted, what I am saying.

She was originally to vent the sister, and she followed Lin Yun's Wankuma, and then found a misunderstanding of each other.

Then add a series of troubles to the latter, and it is also almost become a waste.

Today's injury is restored, it is indeed left, I don't know why she is still somewhat lost.

She thought that there were so many relationships, they should be very good.

"Night, you let me leave help you." Bai Qingyu seriously.

Lin Yun shakes his head: "I have to do something, even I am might fall, you can help me?"

Bai Qingyu heard a mistake, felt: "Dish, I understand."

Lin Yun nodded: "I will let the thief cat send you back, there will be no danger on the road."

Bai Qingyu did not refuse, she sinking: "Did those people are all dead?"

Lin Yun said: "Dead."

"Ziyi is also dead?" Bai Qingyu small channel.

"Nature is also dead, why do you ask?" Lin Yun strangely.

Bai Qingyu whispered: "So beautiful woman, let's let it kill."

Lin Yun faintly said: "Beautiful woman, dare to queen me again, I will not be in your hand. What's more, she is not as beautiful, let alone than your sister."

Bai Qingyu smiled and said: "Really. Then if I am not a white sister, will you save me again?"

Lin Yun is silent, not talking.

Bai Qingyu smile is bleak, down: "Ok, I understand."

"You let her stay, I want to find Yuguo Luohua, perhaps less helpful." Xiao Bingfeng suddenly opened.

Bai Qingyu has a big eyes, firmly said: "Night, you believe me, I can help you."

Lin Yun is changing, thinking about a moment, still nodded to let her leave.

It is mainly the tycoon too much, if you encounter other dangerous, the little thief cat may not be able to protect her.

"Oh, then I don't want to repent." Bai Qingyu excitedly.

Not long, a group came to the deep cereal.

Here is the blunt of the vital blood, the ancient trees are booming into the cloud, and the number of graves has also grown.

Lin Yunmunsimizes the ruling of the sword, knowing the danger of this blood mist in the sword.

His Canglong Jianxin has reached a high level, and many dangers can be felt in the midst, and you can avoid many troubles.

"How?" Xiaofen asked.

Lin Yun returned to the sword, Shen Sheng: "It is very strange, the depths of this tens of thousands of graves hide very much, my swordsper feel very hostile."

Xiaobo said: "Sword is the sin of the sin, those who have formed the sin, should feel your existence."

"Let me consider."

Lin Yun hang up, in the half-air, the melodion of Shenlong, the next moment, the blood-fog fumes are not stored, thousands of miles of scenes are all clear.

"Wankuma deep, there are so many blood rows, just in three thousand miles, there are thousands of blood crows, which is better to compare the top 30 strongest in the king of people."

Seeing just the corner of the iceberg in front of you, I'm going to get into the monks. If it is ran, I am afraid that I don't know how to die.

Even if Xiao Jingyu and Ziyi Zun join hands, it will definitely not dare to go in. They are not enough to add together.

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