The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-two chapters of the ancient altar

Chapter 1144

Blood fog plain.

After thousands of miles of miles, Wang Muzhen stopped his footsteps. This night is really scared.

When she is only a moment, she really feels the killing of her day.

If she is not cautious enough, the other party will definitely kill killers, and it will not hesitate to hesitate.

Few people can ruthless this, even if someone really wants to kill her, it is difficult to be confused by her appearance.

The person who is so unhappy is true ... I like it.

Wang Muyan's face has no exemption to the whispering smile. It seems that the previous decisions are right, and the night's festival is indeed her largest variable in Tiandongzong.

But it is still a small.

Bai Qingyu anti-water, Xiao Jingyu and Ziyi respects have blood gods will die.

She was originally pondered, even if the two people did not end, they did not die.

If you are dead, they should already know the secret of nightclub.


The blank sound sounded, and a black person was in front of Wang Muzhen. He is the first golden Xuan Yi, the king list.

"Is this what you have to deal with? I can kill him directly!" Jin Xuan Yi facilitated and smiled, and confidently with a trace.

The two have been known for a long time, Wang Muzhen did not have the weakness in the tree house, and Jin Xuanyi is also quite respectful to her.

"When did I say to kill him?" Wang Mu Yan's face, blooming a charming smile.

"I don't hate him, the opposite, I like it very much." Wang Mu said licking his lips. Her appearance was in Jin Xuan Yiyou, like emitting rays, more fascinating.

"On the wind and clost, don't kill him after you encounter him, leave a hand." Wang Mu Yu said: "If he is really what I think, it is interesting ..."

"Do you want to take him?" Jin Xuan Yi stroked Wang Muyan's hair, slightly intoxicated.

"Is it?" Wang Muyu smiled.

Jin Xuan Yi smiled: "I won't be a dead person, he comes, I will kill him in Saints, he doesn't come, I will kill him outside the funeral mountain."

Wang Mun said: "Blood Gods?"

"At this."

Jin Xuan Yi took out the blood gods, Wang Muzhen reached out, revealing the hot color in the eyes.

Wang Muyan took a place, handed it to Jin Xuan Yi: "You return to the Saints, will give the flower to the Six Holy City Storm."

Jin Xuan Yi nodded, soon, the two left this place before.


Blood fog forest secret.

Lin Yun and Bai Qingyu have come to the hillside, which is a vast and flat, ancient altar is in the center.

There are many small vines on the altar, those vines shining green onion, emit some kind of mysterious road, like beauty, skinny.

"That is a fairy vine, this is a quite rare godmie, which is here to see it here." Xiao Bingfeng was surprised.

There is an old tree on the side, and the ground is overgrown, all kinds of phyttra, all the vitality.

"Master, I feel that there is something in the bottom to summon me, just in the altar."

Bai Qingyu's nervousness is tense.

Xiao Bingfeng stared at the altar, Shen Wei: "Wait, according to the words of the blood chaff, Yao Brahohua saw the congenital Yin Yin Sheng experienced, the altar is unknown, I am in a hurry."

Bai Qingyu nodded, her face was very nervous, but it was a bit of exciting.

"Xiaobi Feng, how is the fairy flowers to death?" Lin Yun speech.

Xiao Bing Feng knows Lin Yun cares about this, it is very deep, explained: "This is just rumors, this emperor is only a little earned, and it will die, it may be different from you."

"Where is the difference?"

"The people who have died can't resurrect. If someone got the seeds of Yugu Lu Luo, in the first moment of death, it can be resurrected with the best of the best."

Xiaobo: "This emperor advises you not to hold too much hope, if it is a god eye ... still don't touch, you let the burial flowers absorb some Hua Fragrance."

Lin Yunxiao siege, calm: "The South Emperor is salvation for salvation, and it is exhausted to take himself in this year. It is the truth, I still understand it, and I will die."

"Master, night brother, it seems to be moved!" Bai Qingyu suddenly said.


The voice falls, this grand holy mountain is shaken, and the ground is fried, and many wonderful flowers are flying into the air.

However, the vibration did not last long, soon it was calm.

But the fine fairy vine on the altar, but a little off, the altar begins to expose true.

A strong Shenghui, blooms from the altar, endless angry and filled.

"It's really here."

Xiao Bingfeng looks slightly.

Unlike a few people, I waited for a long time, I saw the micro bloom and didn't see the shadow of Yue Po.

"It is very slow, there is a lot of golden patches around it, and it is translatted with a paralysis." Bai Qing Railway.

"It's god."

Little ice phoenix is ​​positive.

Three people are waiting, Lin Yun saw that after the fairy cane landed, it fell.

I am unfortunately, my heart is moving, and my hands are changing under the ancient trees.

He has gathered in his hands, and then there is an invisible spiritual grain release, it is like a wrapped silk.

It is Xiao Bingfeng to teach him the monks, , , ,

Then, accompanied by Lin Yun fingers, constantly winding, woven into a quite beautiful garland.

Lin Yun laughed, wearing a flower ring on a small ice, and then mounted the Qinglong Shen bone into the dragon.


The tender buds on the fairy vines are accompanied by the girlfriend of the Qinglong, and the garland becomes more beautiful.

"Huafei Hu whistle." Xiao Bingfeng took the mouth.

"It's so beautiful, the night brother, I also want to." Bai Qingyu's eyes bloomed, envy.

"No time, let your master give you, the silkworm is still she taught me." Lin Yun smiled.

"Master, he fierce me."

Bai Qingyu and Xiao Bingfeng spoiled.

Xiaofifeng said: "Standard male, quickly give me a disciple, or the emperor is angry."

Lin Yun laughed, only had to have a ranking, and it also gave a wreath of Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu is delicate, bringing a wreath of fairy vines, and there is indeed a few fairy style.

"Thank you, night big brother." White Qingyu face red blush, hands touching the garland, it is very happy.

"It's coming out."

Several people play, obviously, the feelings of the altar, the sky, the world, even under the sky, and even the holy rain.

The rain falls, so that the grateful flowers on the ground become beautiful, and then a faint mist.


At this time, the small thief cathed into a black shadow, said: "Big Brother, there are many gods rushed in, and there are several blood chaven king."

"Go to the altar."

The three-person one cat boarded the altar. After a long time, there was a blood cloud in the sky, and the blood did not fall from the sky.

They are filled with terrible breaths, with bicycle on the back, all exude silver Shenghui.

Nine blood chaven king!

White Qingyu is sitting at this moment, the beauty is closed, and her congenital holy body is more closely contacted after the altar.

She has Shenghui overflow, she has a fairy garland, when it is a lot of flowers, and the face is actually a taste of the wind.

Lin Yun couldn't help but read a few eyes, said: "You both protect white rain, the blood crow is given to me to deal with it."

"Be careful."


Lin Yun looked at the nine blood chaffles, and the look did not fear.

"The devil, you killed our ancestors, now I still want to occupy our holy place!"

A blues of the blues look to Lin Yun, and I am deeply sick.

The thin rain, Lin Yun face with rain, holding swords: "Less talk nonsense, do it."

"kill him!"

A blues king with anger, the blood wings swept, void, slight, and a slit.


Lin Yun stood in the altar, holding a burial flower, fighting with the blood chaff.

The firefly god sword was exhibited by Lin Yun. His swords were extremely high, and in the blessing of the star river swords, the vision is more magnificent.

In addition to the altar, all underground under the sky is sword light, and the whole altar is delayed.

Not long after, this bloody king's back, except for the silver skeleton, the remaining flesh and blood is cut, and only bones remain in the bare.

"The devil, you are too deceived!"

For the blood chart, this is simply shameful, equivalent to being shaved.

"If you don't want to die, let's go, you are not my opponent." Lin Yun faintly said.

There are too many blood rows. If all, if you are not afraid of death, you will be very difficult to solve it with Lin Yun's strength.

"Together, kill this magic!"

When the remaining postgraduate rod, he fate, from the four-sided eight-party Chao Lin Yun, and there were many new grades fell from the sky.

"Can't let go of the devil, today must kill him!"

"Reporting the ancestors!"

The group of crows is killing, and their suffocation seems to be a piece, such as the tide of the tide.

Lin Yun is not hiding, sacrifice the sword, shower by Silver Light, and the silver Jianhui is covered with altar.

He continued to show the fireflies, the altar was done everywhere, and he was handed over with the nine blood chaven.

The small thief cat and small ice phoenix are also their own shots, killing other grains who want to harass white rain.

It can be too much, but more than blood-fog forests, the whole grave group is coming.

Nine blood chaven king joined the hand, Lin Yun was a half-time, and it was difficult to find a chance to kill.

Canglong sword heart is not a real sword field, you can get nine blood chavens, but can't really block them.

After half an hour, the silver swordsman had a gap, and the ninethmithmid king took the opportunity to enter the altar.

"Not good." Xiao Bingfeng's face is slightly changed, the number of postgraduates is too much, so it will be drowning directly.

"I will take them." Lin Yun took a bloody king, and the golden wings were launched.


When he was ready to leave, a sword light was in the altar **, and the nine blood chaven king was at the same time.

Someone shot?

But Lin Yun turned back, the altar is empty, and did not see any portals.

"Familiar with the breath, it will not be him." Xiao Bingfeng whispered, revealing the color of doubts.

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