The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-five chapters are all deficient

Chapter 1154

Did you die?

Xiao Bingfeng looks slightly, and it is said that "I don't believe, God ancestors will be back."

The purple kiss is laughing, and I didn't talk.

Xiao Bingfeng stared at the purple sword: "Why do you want to give it a purple sword? Do you know the secrets of him?"

The purple kick sword: "The sword is just a trust, and the secret on his body can be seen, but it is really not known, only he can find it."

"I am just a deeil, you don't have to be too difficult to me, one day you encounter him, maybe he will know more."

Xiao Bingfeng stared at the other party, always thinking that the other party has concealed, but this reason cannot be refuted.

Framing is impossible to explore the secret of the owner, more than 100,000 years, and where the purple sword is going, what person is seen, this remnant is unable to know.

But in turn, the body of the purple kick sword can know all kinds of bleaching experience.

Xiao Bingfeng thought of this is quite uncomfortable, this old man must have a pit, there is no saying.

"What do you teach him?" Xiao Bingfeng looked at the dream, but the expression was quite lively Lin Yun.

"One sword method, the sword of the reincarnation." Purple sword holy.

"Ah?" Xiao Bingfeng was surprised.

This round of rebuts is the monk of the purple sword, but the realm of Lin Yun's current realm is creating unable to practice.

He didn't understand the will of the reincarnation, and even the hair was not mastered.

"This is a bit out of the seedlings." Xiaobo said.

"This is a little looked at him. He actually saw the reincarnation of this door, but he didn't know, he told the name ..."

The purple kick sword touched the beard, quite a smile: "He is the name of the name."

"This I know, he has a sword method, named the initial sword of the moment. Although the power is large, it is not perfect, especially the vision is extremely vague." Xiao Bing Fengqi Don, Qi Dao: " But if this is the case, why do you not say to him? "

The purple sword shakes his head, and it is close to the color: "Don't say that the reincarnation is the same, but the sword in each person is different. It is not the same."

"I am in reincarnation, I am in order to help him see yourself, see the sword in my hands."

Xiao Bingfeng look seriously, looks particularly serious, Lin Yun actually saw the door.

She is happy and worried. If he became a turn back, it is easy to become a target.

Xiao Bingfeng's eyes turned to the purple sword, the heart is suspicious, I feel that this is not the opponent's pit.

She is deliberately said: "The ancestors of the ancestors, arrange you to give him the purple swords, I am afraid that I will come back to you."

The purple sword laughed, said: "Maybe, don't try to explore me first, and see what he can understand."



Lin Yun held a sword, derived all kinds of sentiments on the moment.

After this time, Dream is known, Lin Yun understands a truth, the beginning of the initial sword is derived, it is the beginning of the heavens and the earth, and everything is from nothing, and then there is no process.

At the beginning of the moment, it is necessary to completely derive this process, so that he can really see, ourselves, and what is it.

"The initial sword in the moment, the light of the moment!"

After Lin Yun, it is a vision, it is incomparable chaos.

Chaos Hongmeng is opened by some kind of great, and the sky is in the upper place, both continue to open.

This moment of light, was captured by Lin Yun, his sword came out.


Unable to imagine the sword light, cover all the lights in the world, this is the initial light of the moment.

This sword is extremely strong, and even the void is cut off, people can't open their eyes.


Lin Yun's eyes, he found that he did not be repaired in this dream, breaking the many bottlenecks in reality.

"Second sword, there is no trace!"

Among the vastness of the heavens and the earth, the ground is more in the mountains and rivers, growing flowers and trees.

This sword has no traces, but the Jianfeng refers to the pounds of the high mountains, and there is a huge land of the river, with the birth of flowers and trees.

A world is born, and any force is pale in front of this.

A sword that seems to be fluttered is full of words.

It can be given to people, but the husband is only uncharged, so the world is Mo Neng and dispute.

"The third sword, the glory!"

It is again changed in the vastness of the world, and there is a birthday, Lin Yun shadow is divided into two, and then each sword.

The Jianguang intersection, the sun and the moon, and then an unimaginable explosion will be issued.

"Fourth Sword, I am eternal!"

When all all the derivatization is completed, there are various ethnic groups, truth and moral intertwns are started, and there is civilized birth!

This sword has eternal power, and the fire of civilization is endless.

"The fifth sword, flashless!"

Waiting to civilization, the sun and the moon are falling, all all all all have light when the heavens collapse.

"Sixth Sword, I am ..."

Lin Yun has thought, he stopped a little, and he continued: "Attack back!"


"Why is it round back?"

After Lin Yunmei finished, it was slightly surprised and could not stop.

This six sword is both a sword method and the six realm of the initial sword.

If you want to take it out, every sword can be broken down into a few tricks, which is independent of each other and implicated each other.

In the last sword, Lin Yun out, but the two words, let him immediately notice it.

"You finally be aware ..." The voice of purple sword is coming.

This time, his voice and figure become unfunctuous, clear and unparalleled in front of Lin Yun.


Lin Yun is busy forward, arched.

This purple sword is given a big chant, dreaming, and is not subject to the restriction of the flesh.

It can be inexhaustible, and you want to take you with your heart.

If you change the outside world, it is quite difficult for the imagination of Nirvana.

Even if you can successfully derive, the vision will not be true and true.

"Do you have any questions?" The purple kid laminated.


Lin Yunzheng color: "I clearly have forgotten the reincarnation, forgot the time, and I forgot the space, my predecessor's reincarnation sword I have almost forgotten."

"But I am in the moment, the last sword, but I still walked back. This is my own way, or my seniors give me me ..."

This problem is very important. If this is not Lin Yun's own way, the confidence in the front five sword will collapse.

Because he has always believed that this is his own way, you can go to the end, but it is the two words.

The purple sword laughed: "You don't need to be self-purple, this is your own way, because the moment is the beginning of the turn!"

"When you see the light of the world, I saw the moment of the birth of the world, the reincarnation has begun."

Lin Yun is thinking, it seems to understand.

The purple sword nodded, laughed: "Renaiss printed nothing is everywhere, it is not alone, so I can't give you anything."

"Everyone can see own understanding in reincarnation, I just help to see my sword."

Lin Yunxin is in the heart, : "So I have the opportunity to control the reincarnation?"

The purple sword shook his head and smiled: "Strictly speaking, it is not very accurate, how is the reincarnation Avenue, the reincarnation is nothing, people are extremely small before the reincarnation. Control two words are too arrogant, only to participate Enlightenment, you can get the rules of the rules of reincarnation. "

Lin Yunsi broke the moment, which is roughly understood.

If it is a wheel back avenue, it is a round of Wang Yang, you can't control the sea, but you can borrow the power of the sea, set off the sky.

"Seniors, I have heard of a sentence, the space is respect, time is the king. The space is very strong, but the time is more powerful than the space."


"So, the road to the reincarnation is better than the time of time, and it is strong and weak."

Since Lin Yun has the opportunity to retrore the road, it is natural to compare.

The purple sword will hear whisper, shake his head, and immediately smile.

This laugh, I don't know if it is reincarnation, or the purple sword is so funny to Lin Yun.

Also or both, Lin Yun laughed, slightly embarrassed.

"Who tells you?" The purple sword holy.

"I saw it on ancient books." Lin Yunru.

The purple swear laughed, whispered: "This sentence is not fake, the space is respect, time is the king. Both of these are the 12th Avenue, the rules are extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult to enlighten, especially The latter, but both of these are trackless, perhaps, I said maybe, there is no imagination in the imagination. "

"To know the supreme, there are nine kinds of eternal avenues."

Supreme 12th Avenue, nine Eternal Avenue?

Lin Yun listened to the clouds, but they did not understand, he faintly feel that this may be the field of the Holy Taoism to be eligible to explore.

But this does not hinder Lin Yun to the reincarnation, continue: "Seniors, you haven't answered my question yet."


See Lin Yun, the Judi, the singer, the singer, will not laugh.

"Kid, in fact, you asked these very naive. Space is respect, time is king, this is really good. But if you can see the flaws of time, there is also a way to resist it and even crush it, no need to be too tangled. Weak. "Purple swearing laminated.

"Moreover, this is just two holy rules, how to understand, how to show, or is a monk person."

Lin Yun touched the nose and said: "If you must entangle it?"

The purple kick swordshed to see Lin Yun, laughed: "The reincarnation can control the time and space, but the time and space cannot reverse the turn back. The space is respect, time is the king, the reincarnation, it is a prominent, but the reincarnation is eternal Avenue! "

Lin Yun suddenly looked up in front of him, although I didn't understand the meaning, but it was strong and weak. In fact, I have already decomposed.

"But in front of this fate, everything is unable to force." The purple sword sighed: "You have to fight for a high low, definitely the strongest fate, ok, don't entangle this, you should wake up."

call out!

Lin Yun opened his eyes, suddenly returned to reality, he smashed the brain, and he seems to have experienced a lot.

It can also seem to have not experienced anything, just a big dream.

In the dream, he will truly make up the sword of the initial, the vision is magnificent, and it is open.

He looked up in front of seeing, sitting on the purple sword of the little ice and phoenix, smiled slightly.

Lin Yun god, suddenly understood, these are not dreams.

In the moment, inserted the burial flowers on the altar, absorb the aroma of Yuguo Luohua, helping it to impact Double Horse.

You will see the dream of swords in my dreams, etc. I really start cultivating, I found out the initial sword in my dreams.

In the reality, I have encountered various difficulties, and he all cultivated to the fifth sword.

At the moment, it is just the first sword, but he is quite tasty.

It is true that the experience is true in the dream, and the vastness and feelings have long been deeply imprinted in the mind.

Lin Yun only needs to be familiar with it, you can master it a little bit.

Time passed, blink of ten days.

Lin Yun said to the sword, finally successfully put it out of the moment, which was the first shot of the world, and everything in the world was eclipsed.

Even above the altar, the glow of Yue Brahohua has become bleak.

"I finally became it, otherwise I thought it was a dream."

Lin Yun is sweating and laughs soft.

This sword reluctantly smashed, but Lin Yun was quite satisfied with its power, and the past sword tricks did not seem to play all the power of the star river sword.

This sword is clear, a sword is sacrificed, the star river sword is almost exhausted.

"Although the firefly sword is strong, there are too many people, and the initial sword is unique."

Lin Yun is coming, the look is extremely firm, and he is more confident about the road of the sword God you are.

In the past ten days, the burial flowers will be swallowed in the altar, and successfully promoted the doubles.

In addition to the Golden Star, there are many wooden stars.

Lin Yun is quite excited. Think about how strong white rainy swords will guess what is amazing.

And he has finally left this place.

"Seniors, can you ask your last question before going to travel?" Lin Yun closed the burial flowers, back on the sword, and looked up.

"I am just a deetel, don't be too difficult." The purple kiss said.

Lin Yun smiled: "It is not difficult, not difficult."

"you said."

Purple Kitty.

Lin Yun pointed his fingertips, said: "What is the sword in this case?"

[Set this piece, I am too weak, especially the ultimate setting, such as reincarnation, time and space, fate, truth, and the card is particularly powerful. Yesterday I wrote a chapter, but it was very helpless to delete it, first stabilized, last night, I thought about five o'clock, it was reluctant to clear, and I was also perfect for the Holy Taoist rules.

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