The One and Only

Chapter 1151, you are dead

Jin Xuan Yi is not a trick, but it is a lot of scars, especially the sword mark on the right face, especially eye-catching.

This scene can be said that it was shocked. Many people.

Jin Xuan Yi has many strongest, strong as a song, the top of the king, master the black lotus, and has a black lotus.

After really fighting, don't say hurt to Jin Xuan Yi, and the necklace is not touched.

Who can think of Lin Yun's strength is so powerful!

Only by the swordsman, I hurt Jin Xuan Yi and simply.

"Good high swords!"

"This sword is accompanied, strong is exaggerated, it is enough to make up for the disadvantages on the realm, this is the sword repair!"

Some people in the venue looked at the tide, excited.

Tiandongzong, quietly tone, especially Xin Yumi.

Wang Muyu, the finger of jade, touched the chin, laughed: "This holy woman said long, the night is weak, he got a big firmer in the millennium!"

"He is so strong ..."

Wang Ziyue and Chen Zhong have become incredible, and Lin Yun is only a little bit better than them.

It is also a strong incredible.

In the crowd, Li Yanxian was amazed and said: "It is a swordsman, Jin Xuan Yi wants to benefit him by the sword, almost impossible."

The song that is defeated by Jin Xuan Yi, very uncomfortable: "This kid sword is really good, but it is too tender, Jin Xuan Yi is a strong, there is no weakness, let alone, there is also a killing of Lei Qilin heritage."

Li Yan fairy nodded, Shen Wei, said: "Yes, Jin Xuan Yi has the inheritance of Lei Qilin, and the repair is very unparalleled, and there is a very horrible thunder, and it is in an invincible place."

On the windpoint.

Jin Xuan Yi has been cautious, a pair of purple eyes have gained the past: "It is a sword, I'm a little bit, you are qualified to make me with me."

"You are not bad, but it is still lacking the fire of the masters, and fights with me, there is no more than anything." Lin Yunru.

Jin Xuanyi's face suddenly sinks, he will be free, this guy is actually true, but in turn say he has no master.

"Then who is the top master, you? Oh, I advise you to accept it early!"

Jin Xuan Yi's eyebrow is in bloom, the ancient breath is filled, and he suddenly expands a circle.


The clothes were blown up, and the upper body was directly exposed. Everyone suddenly screamed.

Jin Xuan Yi naked the upper body, branded unicorn, his eyes completely became a pair of purple.

The most terrible is his hands, and the fliques are dark, and it is like a holy soldier released metal gloss.


The terrible lightning blooms in him, the ancient unicorn, swept, and the wind turbulents turned up.

On the sky, the thunder clouds, it seems to be reached.

"Night, come to taste this pair of unicorn!"


Jin Xuanyi's body suddenly disappeared, only leaving a string of electric light in place.

Lin Yun gods unchanged, raising hands towards the left front air.


The electric light flashes, and Jin Xuan Yi is forced by this sword. In the face of the sword of the spurs, he does not panic, and the sword is clamped.


The sword is spent, and the electric light is in the sword to Lin Yun, and the lightning is like a needle, so that he is stabing.

"too slow!"

Jin Xuan Yi clamps the sword tip, and the mouth is slightly tightened.

Lin Yun wrist shake, the funeral flower broke out, no panic, was a sword.

Between the squares, the two are shining, and the speed is fast to see clearly.


The crisp of the metal collision continues to pass, Mars splashes, everyone can only see, Jin Xuan Yi directly blocks the sword with the unicorn arm, and the god suddenly changed.

Is this the inheritance of Lei Qilin?

Even just just a branch, it is not a real unicorn, and it is also strong to make a hemp.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can still hurt me? Night, eat me!"

Jin Xuan Yi suddenly laughed and took a sword with him, and the next five fingers a punch.

This boxing, there is a unicorn, an old Qilin imaginary shadow appears behind it.

Lin Yun's right hand holds the sword handle, with the left hand to live in the sword, and the burial flowers blocked this hit.


The sword is bent, and the air is frying like a water curtain, Lin Yun is shocked by 100 meters.

"Good play is just now!" Jin Xuan Yi smiled, , , , once again disappeared in Linyun.


His mamns condensed the power of the unicorn, and the sky is like an old power, leaping the time and space.

Every Boxing, the Baili Clouds who enveloped on the wind turbine will be rolling like a river.

"Too slow!"

"Too slow!"

"Too slow!"

Jin Xuan Yi figure is changing back and forth in the air, just like transient, laughing with Lin Yun's sword speed.

The situation on the wind turbuce is firmly mastered by him.

Lin Yun is only passive by firefly god swords, and Jin Xuan Yi's offensive is not only speed, but Wei Li is very incomparable.

Every punch, there are unicorn's power, and the unicorn ripple on him is burning.

I have a few tricks, and the wind and clouds came up, and the golden Xuanyi's boxing and the burial flowers were touched.


The two trends have been firmly collided. After Lin Yun, there is a legend of Canglong, and Jin Xuan Yi is a horrible Lei Qilin.

"This is over!"

Jin Xuan Yi smiled, and the right hand of the box was opened directly, and then he seized the sword blade.


The Kirin arm seized the sword, like there is a unicorn, dying, holding the burial flow, letting it feel difficult.

"There is absolute power, everything is true, not to mention ... You are really slow!"

Jin Xuan Yi's eyes, showing cold light, laughing on the windpoint.

He smashes the burial flowers, and then constantly approaching, the left hand is constantly accomplistered.


Its burning unicorn ripples, constantly injecting the left hand, let the unicorn in the boxing skyrise.

Lin Yun can fight with Jin Xuan Yi, relying on the advantage of the sword, once lost swords.

The realm gap will be opened instantly, and Jin Xuanyi looks cruel. He is not good to be in the Holy Boxing of the Qingyuan.

Let's mention a one, lost the seven yuan Nirvanian sword repair of the Holy Sword.

This punch, the opponent will die, and the bones cannot be left.

"The sword was controlled, he didn't save it."

The song is sure, the look is nervous.

He and Jin Xuan Yi have traveled his hand, knowing that the strength of Kirin is more horrible, and his black lotus is barely hold.

The most important thing is that the night flour is a sword repair, the sword is not a sword, just like a tiger without teeth.

Jin Xuan Yi's means is somewhat shameless, but it is the best way to deal with swords.

Lin Yun's right hand holds the sword handle, struggling with a little bit, the sword is in the opponent's palm.

"Do you have any means?" Jin Xuan Yi is brid old.


Lin Yun fruit is broken, and the lightning retired a few steps.

"Hahaha, can't run!"

Jin Xuan Yi smiled, all of which were in his expectations, the other party could only choose to abandon the sword.

Forcing a sword repair and escape, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

The sword is gone, can the sword still exist?

Jin Xuan Yi smashed, unicorn's violent retired, I want to use itself to directly imprisonment of Lin Yun.


But he didn't expect it, returning to the two steps of Lin Yun, took a step back in a faster speed.

Then, the double refers to the sword, point in his heart,, Jin Xuanyi body vials and retreats two steps, holding the burial flower, the hand is not a loose, funeral flowers take off.

On the same time, his left fairy hooked out.

The power of the majestic unicorn, gathered into a black Thunder vortex, like a black hole, swallowing everything, and looks directly to swallow Lin Yun.

Lin Yun grabbed the funeral flower flying back, turned around in the original, and the swords of collapse were re-delivered.


When this sword, the black Thunder vortex was directly smashed by swords.

Then, the arms are fierce, and they will rise in the air, and they fall in the clouds in the cloud.

"The power of unicorn, the vortex of the god!"

Jin Xuan is very urgent and ruined, and the killing of the party will once again, and a more pound black vortex is.

When the swirls appeared, the quartet became the trembling, the wind turbulent tremble, as if to collapse at any time.

This is a complete vortex vortex, and the horror of the farmer is only one hand. The masters of the king of the people are giant.

"The light of the moment."

Lin Yun drunk.


Others sword in half air.

This sword turns back, the sky is land, the sword is eloquent, everyone only sees a flower in front of him.

The radiance, this sword broke the black vortex, and Jin Xuan Yi took a step backward.

Everything happens in an moment, time seems to be still average.

"Night, your sword is very slow."

Jin Xuan Yi's mouth hooked the smirk, and he performed the danger when he was a moment, and he had already avoided in advance.

"You are dead."

Lin Yun turned, his left hand louderly, and the burial flowers turned the end of the sword.

Jin Xuan Yi has not understood what happened, suddenly the pupil fierce, a blood mark appeared on his neck.


In the next moment, there is a smoking sword light, which broke out in the wound.

The sword light is like the sun, and the eyes are hurt, but they are dead and staring at dare to move their eyes.

Because this scene is too shock!

Sword light and blood are sprayed at the same time, turning instantly, and the head is broken.


The head is rolling on the ground, and a strong eye is dead.

A headless body, standing on the wind and cloud, the neck is bloody.

Heaven, Lei Yun dissipated, universal violentness.

A legendary enchanting, not really rising is half-holy, have not witnessed the prosperity of the world, so falling on the windpoint.

The four silents are quiet, and the chop is silent.

Strong as the song and Li Yanxian, I can't say anything at this moment, I only feel that the scalp is malaid, and it is shocked.

They are like other, their eyes are on Lin Yun.

After half a ring, he reacted, horrified, the song, trembling: "You ... have you seen the sword?"

The song is fascinating, and it seems that it is unable to accept the scene in front of him. If you haven't heard it.

How can I die?

Fang Nai is still as Shen Xi Jin Xuan Yi, as a sword, he died in the hand on the stage.

Jin Xuan Yi is in the epicard, which is invincible, and it is impossible to accept him being killed.

"No ... no, didn't see clear."

After waiting until awakening, the song was trembled, and the tongue was knotted.

Lin Yun's last sword, they only saw a shot, did not see any sword at all.

I am afraid that only Jin Xuan is easy to see, but he is dead.

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