The One and Only

Chapter 1154 is chasing me.

The appearance of the star river swords, so that thousands of people in the fighting country are caught in silence, shocked to an additional point.

But how long, these people have been silent, Lin Yun has died in a sword.

The sword is full, and the sword is like a star, and the half-style frying is fried in the half-style.

Jin Xuan Yi and Zhang Ziling, if you can pick up your head, you still have a whole body.

Can be black, but it is dead without the whole body, miserable.


After the horror, the audience has set off the waves, and it is unbelievable look.

"how can that be?"

For a long time, he saw the tragic brother, and his face was white.

Shi Si Han is welcome: "This matter, if you look back, if you don't give an account, I will definitely be with you."

Dowager half-faced face is difficult to see the ultimate, completely no previous proderation and arrogant, look for a gray, and the lips are shaking.

The situation of the burial gods is special, and if you want to cultivate a half-holy, he must be a big responsibility.

"Even if I don't shoot you,"

Dowager is half a holiday for a long time, and if you leave the sentence, you will take someone to leave.

The hidden people in the fighting field, the look is embarrassing, and the eyes are helpless.

Jin Xuan Yi is a lot of movement, so that many people are moving, they want to be famous on the wind and cloud.

Before you have confident, such as the leadship of the song.

In a glance, there is no more than half of the war, and Lin Yun on the stage is a taboo.

If Lin Yun, sword kills Jin Xuan Yi, in many people, there may be many water existence.

I feel that Jin Xuan Yi has not burst all the strength, and there are many means that there is no display.

But Lin Yun is incomparable to Zhang Yang, and I don't know how to try it.

Then Zhang Ziling died, and then haunted was also dead, who else dared to try?

"The star river swords, no wonder so strong." The track is powerless.

Li Yanxian god pale, deeply weak, his hierarchy was more terrible than the song.

Don't look at him is now a half-step river, you can actually have a half step, even if you are going to the Holy State, you may not be able to take it.

There is only the star river swords, and the seven yuan Nirvana kills the sun and the holy, completely said.

"Li Xiong, how do you see?" Asked the song.

Li Yanxian was silent for a long time, it slowly spit two words: "Invincible."

"..." The song is completely speechless.

Lin Yun waited for half a ring on the wind, and the host of the competition will give the blood gods to Lin Yun.

The windpoint of the Six Shengcheng, the back is mysterious, with a large background, even Jin Xuan Yi does not dare to make a fake.

He dared to spend the true blood gods, and he was also confident in his own strength, but unfortunately, it was a highweight strength.

Today, the new person is the first birth!

No one dares to question Lin Yun's strength, he is a well-deserved first, and the king of invincible in Nirvana.

It can be imagined, how long does it take? The new person will spread to the east, become a hot and hot.

"Night brother, you have succeeded, you killed Jin Xuan Yi, I also got the blood gods. Go back to Tiandongzong, will definitely receive a rich reward!"

Bai Qingyu took the lead in rushing the past and excitedly welcomed Lin Yun.

Xin Yan, Wang Muzhen, Wang Ziyue, Chen Zhong and other sacred saints, greeted the governor.

The king of the king list!

This is quite a great thing, not only can you name the East, but also harvest a small air transport.

Wang Muyu smiled: "I didn't say it wrong, I can win the night, he will be a rare Jianji, which is a rare Jewa, the next five hundred years."

Wang Ziyue looked to Lin Yun smiled: "I really don't believe it before, it is good."

Others have been in front, with a smile on his face, and naturally have a lot of blows.

Nangong Vulilla is also full of emotions, and looks complicated to Lin Yun's look, which is not in the interior disciple of this year.

After returning to the Zongmen, less than half a year, it is so good, it is incredible, and it is incredible.

Lin Yun and Xin Yu were looking at Wang Muzhen, and wanted to see some end from her face.

"Hey, the Night Mission is to see what I do. You are watching, this holy girl can be embarrassed." Wang Muyu smiled, like a pool of water in the pool, it is particularly fascinating.

"Wang Shi, I'm really a good heart." Lin Yun Road.

Wang Muyu smiled: "I naturally be a good heart. If you ask Tiandao Zong, who is most understanding to the brother, definitely not me, my brother is willing, I am very happy, let the brother look at how good my heart is."

Lin Yun looked at the other side smile, only to say this woman's mood, but now I can still don't move.

"Don't say it, bring the blood gods to the gods." Shi is half-holy.

Lin Yun nodded, and then re-handed the blood gods to Xin Yizhen.

This is the object of Zongmen, and he is not interested in this.

That night, they live in the city.

Six Shengcheng is a very large urban, which is an absolutely safe place in the funeral mountain.

The city center has an ancient altar, standing with an ancient monument of a thousand blades, and the steering of the six holy places is built around these four parties.

At this moment, Lin Yun is thinking about the candlelight in the room.

Under the candlelight, Xin Yizhen's skin is tender, and the glamorous five senses are delicate, and the light is beautiful.

Xin Yuxi revealed a smile, said: "Night, you have come to my room in the evening, and now it is so fragrant, you want to say it directly."

Lin Yun is finally determined, looking up: "I really want to tell the teacher a matter, one is crucial."

Xin Yan first, : "What?"

"About Wang Muyan." Lin Yun Zhengqi.

Xin Yizhen flashed deeply, all of them, let her people have a feeling of familiarity.

Especially when the other party boarded the wind and cloud platform, this kind of familiarity, from seeing this person's first eyes.

Her heart is vividly guessed, but she dares to think, afraid, the greater the more disappointment.

Suddenly, the other party suddenly, she thought that the other party had to open up, and did not expect that the opening is Wang Muzhen.

"It's worth all night, I have long heard that you and the Tianyin Shengwu are unclear, and it seems to be true."

Xin Yu was lost, ridiculed.

Lin Yunxiao's deep breath, Shen Wei: "I have enough to grasp, Wang Muzhen is the bloody moon, is not right, the bloody magic, the sacred girl, even the god!"

The gods of the bloody gods, born from the holy girl, once the goddess is born, the rest of the saint will become a servant.


Xinyu's face smiles, and it is: "This is quite serious, you have to have evidence."

Lin Yun did not hesitate, and the things experienced by Wankumi, hidden the secrets, and inform each other.


Xin Yan is shocked: "The night Qinghong, Zhang Kui, Xiao Jingzheng is killed by you ?!"

Lin Yun nodded and said the Ziyi people, also talked about it.

Of course, he did not say Xiao Jing Wei is a magical thing, this is too dangerous, not appropriate to tell each other.

"This is incredible."

After hearing, it still feels not credible.

Lin Yun said: "The sister didn't believe me?"

"I believe."

Xinyi did not hesitate to think.


Lin Yun just said something.

Xin Yi broke: "But there is no evidence in this, people are all killed by you, even if the Ziyi respect is true, Wang Muzhen can also say that it is a sland."

Lin Yun nodded and said: "So I disconnected this thing with the teacher."

Xin Yan sneaked half a ring, suddenly said: "There is a little wrong. Why don't she do this? If you really want to make it unfavorable to you, let Jin Xuan Yi go directly to kill you, why bother to put down the wind, such a big battle, make people Find all the best. "

"So I will ask her." Lin Yun Road.

"you think?"

Xin Yu immediately guessed Lin Yunxin.

Lin Yun nodded: "I think she will hold her tonight, directly to ask, this funeral mountain is not allowed to be half-holy, I can do it."

Once the funeral mountain range, the other side may hide the half-holy strong, and even the strong.

"How can you help you?" Xin Hao.

Lin Yun Shen said: "I need the sister to go with me, lest this demon woman to smear me, when it is reasonable, I can't say it."

"If you can, the teacher has to take her to stop her escape."

Single alone, Lin Yun is enough, but it is still looking for it to help.


Xin Yu nodded and said: "I have thought that she is not alive, the tree house is inexplicably being smashed, I am forced to hand over blood gods."

"Following and self-studying, I will go to Wankumi, which is obvious."

Before all, Xin Yizhen is noticeable.

But the king is the same, the native, or the king's palm, no one will suspect that she is a bloody people.

"When do you do it?"

"right now."


The two are very decisive, and the idea will be immediately out of the door, rushed over to Wang Muyan's room.

"Sister, I am in, you are good outside the door." Lin Yun Road.

He always thinks Wang Mu Han is very deep, unlike it seems simple, the other party is scored only four yuan.

Once you have a hand, if you accidentally hurt, you are not very good.

"What is the movement, you just say it directly." Xinyi didn't think much, nodded.

The other party is now the first, and even the young and middle-aged holy is not an opponent. She doesn't have to worry too much.

"Night, before you said to me, you will always have only one sister, who can you tell me?"

When he is going to push the door, Xin Yu is not to hold back.

"Why do the teacher ask this?" Lin Yun Road.

Xin Yan blinked and laughed: "No matter how many people don't feel that he is doing something wrong, he will forgive him, how to have a sister blame your brother, be careful."

Lin Yun wrote a slice, and then nodded and pushed the door.


After walking two steps, the door is automatically closed.

Lin Yun kicked the room, looked up, a crystal lamp, Wang Muzhen is holding the chin.

She is lazy, under the refraction of the light, there is a dreamy beauty, but it is very unhappy but it is very fascinating.

"Night, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Wang Muyu put his book and smiled.

"We should have a good chat."

Lin Yun stared at each other, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, and the swords were quietly spread.

"The star river swords ... You are really unexpected, all kinds of safety, all are broken by you." Wang Muyou glad over the fascinating shiny, softly.

"Sure enough, you."

Lin Yunyan is not hidden.

Wang Muyu Chu Chu said: "Night is full, we have had so much wonderful time, you now want to kill me, men are really not good."

"Why do you have all this, if you come true, I can consider letting you." Lin Yun Road.

Wang Mu Wei smiled: "You let me go, I haven't planned you, I want to kill me, let me catch up with me, if it is chasing, I am as you wish."

The windbell is out of laughter, Wang Muzhen smashed a red river, broke the sword, and people smash the disturbance of the dome.


The room door was pushed, and Xin Yu came in and looked at the top of the top. "" May be a trap. "

"Sister, you stay here, I will go see."

Lin Yun god cold, Wang Muyan's scourge, staying too dangerous.

The burial gods is the best place to kill her. Once this place, I want to kill him.

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