The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-two chapters

It's really a sacred sacred!

Lin Yun's surface does not move, but it is difficult to hide the heart.

It's hard to imagine that this is dirty than the sorrow, and the beard is like a weeds, which will be the Son of Daoyang.

Among the rumors, this person is windy, the crown is the end of the east, and the little princess of the godshan, together is called the east's quench.

Lin Yugang came to Tiandongzong, and heard of this person's name, seeing live people, this contrary is too big.

"I have seen the brothers."

The shock was shocked, and Lin Yun was also polite.

"Night, you are very good." Li Daoyang smiled softly, his trip was to see Lin Yun.

After seeing, it is quite satisfactory, and even exceeds expectations, the only trouble may be his identity.

"Do you want to go to the Tiangle Tower?" Li Daoyang said: "Not the bottom of the other saints, is the core secret of Tianhe Tower."

"Nature is thinking."

Lin Yun said: "However, I am going to promote half of the Saint."

Tiantong Tower has rare, Lin Yun doesn't want to waste when it is too low, you will go after going to the Holy Taoist.

The higher the realm, the more benefits!

"Smart people, then you have a good life." Li Daoyang watched the eye Lin Yun, and then prepared to leave.

"Li Daoyang, I have been going out for so long, I didn't give this fairy with a gift!" He Faizi took the waist.

Li Daoyang smiled: "Bring, bring, reach out."


He Faii smiled and showed it.


Li Daoyang took directly to the top, and the painful He Faii was angry: "What are you doing!"

"The love of this Son is all gave you all." Li Daoyang laughed a few times, so there was no face to go.

"The stinkhouse, this fairy curse, you will not take a bath for a lifetime." He fairy is full of red face red, groping.

Lin Yun laughed, this guy is a wonderful person.

"Night, you can't learn him, this is not a conscience guy." He Faizi put his mouth.

Lin Yun nodded, and then swallowed the nine-color daycloud fruit.


When the holy fruit, Lin Yun's injury is completely recovered, whether it is the crack on his face, or the skin is like a baby like a baby.

Without an emergency, Lin Yun took this feeling, cultivating firefly god sword in the top of the mountain.

Diwood flowers!

Such as day!


Fire tree silver flower!

Driven power!

Wan fire!

He will have already mastered the six swords on this top of the mountain, and the vision contained in the sword is fused over time.

The speed is getting slower, swords and light, like the heavens and the earth are breathing, that feels extremely mysterious.

"Tian Yan Jian Sheng once said that this is dazzling, in fact, there is a certain rule, and every sword is related."

Lin Yun grazing a funeral sword, cultivating it over and over again, and taste the sword.

The gradually has a great concern that these swords is like a grain-colored beads, and each bead is branded, but there is still a line to connect them.

"I just want to find this line, this holy volume will become quite easy."

Lin Yun was very smart. He did not attach the sword stroke itself, but jumped out, from the overall angle to see the sword spectrum.

This habit is actually developed around Yao Guang, and when Yao Guang gave him a sword, he did not deliberately teach him swords.

Just teach him to practice the words, enlighten the road, push the nine sword, and even cultivate with him.

In the writing, no matter how the sword method is complicated, there is a track on the paper.

Can look down from the height!

If it is obsessed with the sword tricks itself, once it is inserted in the entertainment, it will definitely be dazzling, the brain is supported, and the first poor must not have a harvest.

In Lin Yun immersed in cultivation, when I forget, Li Daoyang did not live.

He is standing in the sky, and he is standing side by side with a black dress, looking at the night.

Black old people are distinguished, but is the Lord of the Daoyang Palace, and the teacher of Li Daoyang.

"Dao Yang, how is this kid?" Night Qianyu Road.

Li Daoyang Shen said: "It is very good, it is quite powerful. His confidently the first word, wrong, should say that the two words of the wizards should be said to him."

Night Qianyu: "This evaluation is unexpected."

"I see people will not be wrong." Li Daoyang is appreciation and admiration: "I don't say his sword talent, I admire his willpower, too strong, I have never seen such a life. People. "

"This is still, he is still very smart, and the taller is a big but smart man is too small, he is really smart."

He recalled the picture of Lin Yun, walking and stop, stopping and walking, absolutely dry.

It seems to be resting when stopping, actually in trying, let your own flesh to adapt to the sword of the crowd, and quietly solve.


I have understood it, this kind of person is really too little.

"Tian Yan Jian Sheng let him participate in the name of the monarch conference, what do you think?" Night Qianyu touched the beard, the face smiled, and it seems intentional to test his love.

Sheng Zi smiled and asked: "How do Master?"

Night thousand Yu smiled: "Tianzhu is a bit anxious, he should have some achievements, the Canon's ridiculous sword is too powerful."

"If the sword is not falling in 18 years ago, he has an example, and the east's young generation should rise to rise, and the respective inheritance will be continued. That wave is too hurt, Jianzong is suppressed too Hey, the six holy land has inheritance, and it is also hidden with each other, and does not communicate with each other. "

"The Swordsman is different, and the holy land of the major swords in the north of Heaven and the north of Heaven, there is constant to each other. This is still very obvious, the gap is still very obvious."

Duoyang Son did not deny it, laughing: "These disciples are also known, but he is really different, the teacher, you don't know, the will force is more important than the talent, his will power is too strong."

He is far away from Lin Yun, and there is a light bloom in his eyes.

"Oh, you are very optimistic about him? The teacher does not gamble." Night thousand Yu smiled.

"Well." Duoyang sanzi promised.

Night thousand Yu smiled: "I gambling him will suffer. You, gambling him first?"

Daoyang Son smashed the grass-like long hair, disdainful laughed: "What is the meaning of the first two decades, the first division of the Sword Conference? One hundred years ago Do you know who is it? "

"Master, not I said you, the eyes are still too low. Master didn't have to take the first one, even the top three things, the first time should be Yao Guang, we are different."

The night, the cheeks were twitched, and forced to hold the fire, wait for him to finish.

"I am from the small to most, I am a para. I do, what I do, I don't think about it, I don't think it is interesting, right, master." Li Daoyang smiled.


Night thousand feathers knocked him, airway: "The master dares to install, speak well."

Li Daoyang touched his head and smiled: "When I finish, I will not be late. The first is really not awkward ..."

"You still say!" Night Qianyu: "Pure heart, your master is not!"

Li Daoyang avoided this time, smiled: "No, I just want to say that the first is true, so many first in the past three thousand years, I really let people remember or nine emperors."

"Even if you are as strong as Yao Guang, if you have a robbery, you will be forgotten sooner or later."

Night Qianyu heard this, sighed, regardless of his saying.

Li Daoyang continued: "So he first didn't mean, up and down for five hundred years, thousands of strongest swords. I gamble him, will let the whole east's sword, even for five hundred years, after eight hundred years, afterwards The Sword Conference cannot avoid this person! "

Night thousand feathers pour the mouth, not coming to the eyes of the night, Shen Sheng: "You are really too high."

"High is not high, walking, saying that it is still low." Li Daoyang didn't matter.

Night Qianyu is not entangled in this topic. He let Li Daoyang observes this person and has another purpose.

"So, have you sure it is him?" Night Qianyu positively

Li Daoyang has a smile and condenses: "Just he is, I am dead, let him come as a host. If he is interested, he is willing to go, as long as you can hold the word two words. "

"No, you can't let the little king of the small king, a group of guys who have a group of people, there should always be a cleaning. Now, the only trouble is that I can't determine his identity, he is definitely not the original night."

The two people talk about the position of the association!

The main owner of Tian Daozong is too special, and he has to hold the two words of the heavens, in order to truly do it.

There are only two results in the history of heaven, or you can fight against the sky.

Either it is navigated, and you don't know how to die.

Li Daoyang has a sense of confidence, integrating all parties, and completely packing the four-fold five-cracked Tiandong.

But he didn't dare to say that he will definitely hold the two words of the heavens.

So find a spare tire, of course, is not a spare tire.

According to Li Daoyang's ideas, the other party is willing, it will be as a spare tire.

The only trouble now is the identity of the night.

"This is a little unfamiliar." Qian Yu Dasheng is very confident: "He is with the three gods, the sky, the dust, the dragon, and the Dragonfly, which is paying attention to other saints. It is clearly known that his details. "

"The most important thing is that the night Qing Hong, Xiao Jingyu has Zhang Kui to miss the valley, and several are suspected to be killed by him, but they have no evidence."

Li Daoyang smiled: "This is nothing ... , how is this guy's swords become more and more stronger, will not be promoted to the big sword."

Night Qianyu was also spotted, and it was surprised. "

"But now, it is not impossible, it is clear that it is going!"

The teachers and apprentice paired the eyes, and the next moment of his face revealed.

If you can in the Nirvana, you will harvest the star river swords to Dacheng. It is a treasure to Tiandongzong!

Nine mountain top.

Lin Yunyan is sitting, he runs the dragon phoenix to determine the world, and the swords of his eyebrows are increasing.

Every moment, the swords will refine a large truncation, like chaos explosion, and there is a new world that is constantly born.

Not long, he was linger by nine-color light, and many black and white shadows around him.

The picture of the imagination in the mind is now a little bit, and the fireflock sword is constantly derived.

He is like a volcano that will break out, and the swords in the body are constantly surging, and the power accumulates is more horrible.

It has never been erupted, like a certain intangible force, can't really explode.

The night thousands of feathers are dignified, touched the beard: "The bottleneck is still too strong, I want to break, I am afraid that it is a bit difficult."

"Let me try it."

Li Daoyang deeply sucking, white as a jade hands, showing an old rune.


Next moment, his body is burning like a sun, and the deep eyes blooms in golden holy.

Half Holy Holy Mince has skyrocketed, and the fierce mouth, a sword was spit out by him.

The sword is like a blazing god, Jin Guangxing, the surface is branded, and the sword is sharp.

When this sword appears, the air is ignited by igniting, and the space seems to be some distort.

"go with!"

Duoyang Shengzi made a bomb, Jin Guang's holy sword punctured the void, and a flash will kill Lin Yuntou.

Feel this pressure, Lin Yunzhi, such as the swords like a magma, a direct fleet.

The volcano of the Star River sword is finally exploded at this moment.

Lin Yun sent a long hack, and his eyes were sword, and Jian Wei was aging.

Rumble, the vast sword is turned out, just like it is essentially of this Jinguang Shengjian.


Lin Yun said that he stood up on the top of the mountain, and he visited the sky.


The 36th floor of the sky was broken by a layer of layers, and the embarrassment of the star river in the eyebrows broke out, like the soul coming to thirty-six days.

The universe star, the thousands of stars bloom, the sword is a huge figure, and the eight parties.

"Good guy, this movement is really big." Li Daoyang swallowed Jin Guang's holy sword and looked extremely shocked.

This is the sword repair. He is very envious, Lin Yun said, he is indeed a sword repair, he cultivated the Daoyang Palace inherited martial arts, intensive the flesh gods, and walked to swallow the avenue.

Night thousand Yu Run, suddenly said: "Dao Yang, gambling, what should I do if I want to lose?"

Li Daoyang took out a piece of Danhui burned to Shenghui, smiled: "It is good to eat this, this is the essence of three years."


Night thousand frown frown.

"Good things, I have justified it in my arm, absolutely preservation." Li Daoyang was proud.

"You are really unspeakable!" The night thousands of feathers said to teeth, and the fierce shot, "roll!"

Then I took the palm of the palm, flew Li Daoyang and flew for thousands of meters on a peak.

Li Daoyang helplessly climbed out, smiled: "This is really the essence of the sun holy fire, I can't even send it, I will give it to Crane Faii."

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