The One and Only

Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166

Lin Yun fell away from the body of Ye Yu, after passing through several streets, Ye Yuling entered a hall.

The hall is equivalent to a house, guarding the guards, and the door is guarded outside the door.

Ye Yu Ling gave it to the big side, and the door guarded his hand.

Lin Yun looked at a few eyes in the distance. It can guess it is the station of Jianzong.

"I don't know who Jian Zong is the team."

Lin Yunxin said a few words, and some curiosity, Josen will participate in this monarch conference.

After the Jianzong fell to the holy place, the heeling was still in the holy land, but the gap was opened.

There is still other people in Ye Yuling, it is difficult to achieve achievements at the Cabin Conference.

This place is not very good mixed, Lin Yun wants to follow the past, hand on his own Saints.

"Tiandao Night is in the sky, come to the same way to pay attention to Jianzong." Lin Yun directly on the identity.


I heard the identity of Lin Yun, and checked a token, and the guards guarded the masters were quite surprised.

The night is now a haired figure, and the Tian Daozong is recognized as the Jiancai, which has already spread it.

"It is me." Lin Yun laughed, and asked: "Judien this is the team."

"It is the master of the peak of the peak." Guard is like a doctor.

Three brothers.

Lin Yun Shen said: "I want to see it, I can not report it."


Guard does not want him, only let Lin Yun wait for a while.

Soon, some people came to report, and Lin Yun entered the government.

People in the house are not a lot, Lin Yun looks at it, and did not find the acquaintance of Jianzong.

After walking through a rival, the guards brought Lin Yun to the loft in the center of the Fu, and Lin Yun went in and saw Macuan, who was reading the book.

"You go first."

The three division brothers, so that several guards all went, and later looked to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's heart is excited, and I am busy with the forehead.


But I have not waited for him to do this, the animal husband's arm shakes, and the petals of the normally condensed the petals, like a shocking flash to kill.

Lin Yun is slightly surprised, and the power of the normally fills the palm of the palm, and the lift is easily clamped.

The seemingly inconspicuous petals contains powerful corrosion, which can bring death and silence.

"Little brother, really is you." Muchuan smiled.

Lin Yun laughed, crushed the flower petal: "I have seen three brothers."

The two are the brothers, after the Macama received a notification, it was still surrounding this night, how to find themselves.

Recall some of the arrangements of the master, I am awake in an instant, and I will determine Lin Yun's identity.

The cultivation of Macchuan's brothers now, has already entered the semi-holy, and many half of the Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Words have seen.

It is estimated that it is similar to the purple half of the purple, and it is only a small walk from the Holy Gate. However, this small step is quite difficult to go.

"You are in the spirit of the temple, catch up with me. In the past few years, it seems that the progress is fast, I heard that the Sword of the River is mastered." Muchuan smiled.

Three brothers saw Lin Yunzhi very excited, the little brother is now the same, it is a big surprise.

Lin Yun laughed, asked before: "Brother, how is the situation?"

The two have a shallow relationship. I haven't seen it for a long time. I naturally have a lot of words to talk.

Lin Yun especially wonders to the reception of Master, and also wants to know some of Jianzong, and ask Mumchuan's brothers are undoubtedly the most convenient.

"Master is rarely seen now, I only have seen the teacher on the Senior Seminar, and the teacher is better than the outside person."

Macade laughed: "But the repair of Master has reached a critical point, and must be robbed within one year. Only by the help of the external force can break through the realm of my generation, the emperor!"

"It is also a chance to the Master. He didn't know how long it took this day. No matter how it was, it would not regret it."

Lin Yun's brow is slightly wrinkled, and if it is just a robbery, I don't have much worry. If the brother said, even if it is true, it is not satisfactory, but it is still no regrets. "

"But the sky is the scent, will not let the Master have a robbery, he will never see this day."

Muchuan smile converges, and he is more helpless.

Tian Xuanzi, like a knife hanging on the head of the Jianzong, one day does not have a day.

Muchuan Shen said: "Teacher, you don't think too much, you are really able to succumb to the clothes of the clothes. Even if the teacher is really sitting, you must not send, you can't send life."

"why me?"

Lin Yun said: "Is the Sword of the Sword not?"

Macade shook his head and said: "The sword is thrilling in the 18th year, even if it is expensive as the king, the sacredness is invincible, and it may be too difficult to take this step."

"What about the big brother? The master is now the San Zun, and it will become a great sacred in ten years."

Lin Yun Road.

Macade shook his head: "The master is sleepy, it is difficult to rush, it is easy to get into the emperor, I am afraid that it is difficult than I will wait."

"Others, you said that it is said that it is late, but there is no one in the late late."

Lin Yun said: "I still have the second division, my second division is also the sword, the talented, the style is boundless."

Muchuan played to Lin Yun, laughed: "Who is your second division, do you know?"

"I don't know." Lin Yun said: "But it is definitely not fake."


Macade helplessly said: "However, your second division is more complicated, and it is impossible for the successor to honor the clothes. Only you can really hear the clothes."

"Master said with me. He didn't want me to be the second Yao light. He hoped that the disciples under the door can surpass Yao Guang, only you have this possibility."

Lin Yun, the master is really so.

Macuan continued: "This monarch conference, you must behave well, you can't lose the face of the master."

Lin Yunxin has a decision in the heart, heard the brother, and the will of the heart is stronger.

At this time, he not only got the list, but also to take our best to get the oven sword.

"Have you seen Ye Yu Ling?" Muchuan Road.

Lin Yun nodded: "I saw it, but she didn't see me."

Muchuan brows, said: "You don't know this, this girl heard that after you have something, almost crazy."

"After you go, she has been crazy, and now it is the strongest existence of Jianzong young generation. But ..."

Lin Yun's heart is tight, said: "But what?"

"But this girl is a little magic, and there is only sword in my heart."

Macade sighed: "Your guy does not know when it is the affection, it is all right, and the girl's girl is hard."

Lin Yun gods, Ye Yu Ling did not have the surface that looks like it. Everyone has its own pain.

Just some people will be deep, and they are reluctant to know.

In a way, Ye Yu Ling's personality, in fact and Lin Yun is very like.

There are the same pride, never easily bow.

"Do you want to tell her?" Muchuan Road: "If you know your identity, this girl should be very happy, at least, it is like it is now self-enclosed."

Lin Yun did not speak, now tell the other person, there is not much beneficial.

"I let her see you." Muchuan called one person and told him a few words.

Not much time, Ye Yusi rushed over, arched his hand: "The peak master, what is the call to Zuling?"

Macade laughed and said: "Lu Ling, this is the heavenly night, I and Zi Lei Feng is the old knowledge, he comes to see me, I want to see you by the way."

Ye Yu Ling looks indifferent, looked at the eyes, said: "The peak owner doesn't have to introduce, I know this person, Tian Dao Zong Jian Dao Qi, no less long, but also killed Jin Xuan Yi, boarded the first, but nothing , A kinky | thief. "

Lin Yun smiled, slightly.

This is really no way, and the night is not defeated, and the reputation has spread out.

It's just half of it is a bad, it is not easy to remember that the bad part is impressive.

Mukawa Road: "Since I came to the empty city, I have to interact with the young generation, and the intimate disciple of the ice emperor is also good."

"The night is in the past, and it is possible to return to the lady, and the young people walk more, exchange communication, which is better than the Sword."

Ye Yu Ling still does not change, said: "The peak owner, I really don't want to go out, before the start of the Sword Conference, I will not go in the hall."

Muchuan facing helpless colors, smirking.

Lin Yun looked up: "Ye Yu Ling, I know why you dare not go out, you are afraid to be entangled, you have fear, so you can escape these troubles in the hall."

"The heart of the swordsman, once there is a jealous and fear, the sword that is pulled out will naturally lose the sharpness. In the past, you will continue to close yourself, the sword will become more and more blunt."

Ye Wei's brow is picked up, and the eyes are in the eyes, the cold channel: "Is it not two more than the trial? I heard that you have mastered the star river swords, and Lu Ling just teach someone."

Lin Yun is very clear that Ye Yu Ling's sex, the heart knows that she has been put, laughing: "You are not my opponent, there is no need to take it."

Ye Yu Ling suddenly made a cold light and appeared extremely sharp.

Lin Yun said: "You don't have to look at me, I am telling the truth, if I have encountered the valley, I will never let go back to avoid it. The so-called ice , may not be able to block me a sword."

"You follow me!" Ye Yuling's face sank.

Lin Yun faintly said: "I didn't track you, just happened to see it, you don't have to argue, your sword is still sharp, but your heart has rustful."

"If you are such as you, I want to come in the famous conference, there will be no performance, the snow goddess dragon is actually true."

He smiled and got up and straight.


After Lin Yun walked out of the attic, Ye Wei was not chased.

She is cold and watching Lin Yun, said: "Night, do you know how bad is yourself in the east?"

"I naturally know, but it doesn't matter, I don't care" Lin Yun hardly admitted.

"OK, you don't care, then you come with me." Ye Yuling looked at the cloud cloud, and then he walked directly outside the hall.

Lin Yun gods change, I wanted to take this gimmick, take her out to turn.

In the eyes, it seems that he is a routine.

He deeply smoked the mouth, and he had followed the past, and asked before: "Where?"

"Less nonsense, you will know." Ye Yu Ling did not return.

Lin Yun helpless, can only keep up with it.

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