The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-seventh chapter I said, don't move

"I just." Lin Yun's replied, let the thriveful Yunfeng live, I don't know how to respond.

Half speed smiled: "Brothers really said those?"

Have you said?

Lin Yun thought, he didn't say anything with Zhao's helpless, it seems that there is no saying.

This is really acknowledged, you can think that Lin Yun can't help but laugh, I will do this.

I hate you, I don't care about this at all, and the world of swordsman is talking to the sword.

"It doesn't matter, just when I said."

Lin Yunrano.

Yunfeng looked at the past, secretly surprised, rumors ten eight nine fear is true.

The two have fallen into short silence. At this time, Shazhuang is Shi Shi Yu Yu, and began to officially hosted the monarch conference.

After declaring a rule in accordance with the class, the Sword Conference started.

For example, Lin Yun thinks, the world of swordsman is quite simple, and this Sword Conference is not so much rules.

On weekdays, who have hatred, you can directly click on the battle, and the sword will be finished.

Under the important thing, no one will go.

The sword passer is like this, but it is absolutely can't be ignorant, otherwise it will be seen in a lifetime.

Or just sister named, it will not be shot after winning a few games, keep your own unbeaten gold.

Then there are also some of the grievances, this time often fights quite powerful, everyone is also talking with the sword.

Lin Yun saw some ends, and this Sword Conference also had some effects of dismissal contradictions.

The sword is so much powerful, there will be a grievances in the weekdays, but it will be in the same time.

Just a sword conference, let your disciples play, and the disciples can solve the grievances and minimize losses.

I have to say that there is almost no weak of three times.

Lin Yun will look at a few eyes, which can be comparable to the Tian Daozong's sword saints. Of course, there are still gaps with the top people.

There is a winner on the stage, and occasionally there is a place in front of you, Lin Yun himself has opened a lot of eyes.

"Is this a sealing proud prince?"

Lin Yun was attracted by a disciple of a snow and snow in the Taiwan. He has a half-step river sword, repaired in the peak of Nirvana.

It has been able to win several games, and the wind is full, many people remember his name, South Gully.

Inheritance of the Ice and Snow Temple, the ban on the ice, is not a simple ice will.

It is based on ice will, but also contains a destruction will, a will of a hint of life, and many banned means.

Lin Yun's open eyes, the inheritance of this ice and snow, and it is not much in the imagination.

Single attributes of ice will, actually play so much pattern.

"He and Valley mirror are more far away. His seal swords have just started, only cultivating the top three times."

Yunfeng saw Lin Yun interested, and he said softly.

Next, there were several people, the black feather, the Ouyang Heng of the Wan Jianlou, all of which were gains from nine consecutive victories, and the morale is like a rain.

These real fidel masters have not debuted, and under the bottom of the disciples, they feel the horror of these swords.

Suddenly, the Tibetan Lake has just got a 10-winning Ouyang crane, and suddenly a sweep, cold channel: "Tiandao night gap, dare to compete with me!"

Everyone is slightly stunned, and the spin is boiling, and a sound is awkward.

Night of the day, this name is recently, but it is boiling.

This is from the east's retreat, arrogant, and he will be the second of the sword, caught great wave.

"Brothers, take care."

Yunfeng said, and quietly pulled the distance.

Everyone looked at the eyes of Ouyang Heng. For a time, the countless people saw Lin Yun.

Is this the night?

Take a bath to take a shower, defeat Zhao's four major swords, threatening to be the second Lin Yun, the second of the sword.

On the top of the Tianzhu, Shazhuang main Shi Yu Yu also looked at it, and the look was somewhat nervous.

If this is the famous conference, then taken away by the people of the east, then their swords are really shameful.

"This person is really a sword, the second?" Feng Shaofu frowned, he would not want to repeat it.

"The madness is." Zhao helmetly smiled: "My brother is enough to win him."

He is very confident, and the peaceful Lin Yun will not be an opponent of Ouyang Heng, and the next Southern Xinjiang local sword is the same.

"Night, you are not very mad on the day, how can I not play now?"

Ouyang Heng laughed on the stage.

If there is no one in the name of the Jianjian, I don't dare to debut after being named. See Lin Yun is late, many people think he is afraid.

"Sword is the second, just this?"

"Ouyang Heng has been wins, dare to continue to fight, this guy is inverted."

"What kind of swords in the east thing can have, I have long fallen."

For a time, all the four sides were the voice of the discussion, and the eyes were quite contemptuous in Lin Yun.

"Night, roll up, and fight with me!" Ouyang Heng lectured by the trend of ten consecutive victories.


This sound of anger, a strong sword, even the sky began to shook, the holy water stacked in the sword lake in the Tibetan swords and landscapped.

Lin Yun is so helpless, he just looks at the opponent's winning and many games, don't want the passengers.

I want to explain it, I can see that the other party is aggressive, too lazy to say anything, the arms have fallen on the sword lake.

It seems that the clear and transparent holy scorpion, the facts are twice more than the magma, and it is also more stiff.

The foot step is in the top, and a wireless ripple cannot be scattered.

"You can take a break, there is no need to worry with me."

Lin Yun open mouth.

Ouyang Heng's eyes flashing, smiling: "You are afraid of me ten consecutive momentity? If so, I don't mind let you, wait for the momentum to easily accept it, I will accept it, I will say that I will say that Deceive too much. "

Lin Yun shakes, said: "No, you shot."

"Within the three tricks, I will lose you, I don't think that the sword servant can be comparable to the saints of the black feather!"

The Ouyang Crane is very confident, grinning, and ran over the lake.


Between the rows, the black long cloth behind him, stretched a little stretched into a wings that burned the gaw of the magic flame.

On the same time, the powerful swords of his half-step river were also released with his pace, which was filled with this sword lake.

When he approached Lin Yun, the holy sword won, and the sword light appeared to hinder the void.


When it is in the air, the flabby sword is brought together into a huge shadow of a hand holding a hundred feet.

The black vain is born, and after the opening of the sky, the powerful pressure is forced to force, and the momentum is extremely uncomfortable.

This sword is extremely powerful, before Europe Yang Heng no matter how strong opponents, as long as this sword is out, the opponent will fall.

Under the powerful sword, don't say to the sword, even if you move the bomb.

Ouyang Heng is obviously the difficulties, and then there is no longer to stay, and a sword defeated Lin Yun.

"Night, dangerous."

I didn't know when I took the cloud and shook my head and secretly said.

"Ouyang Heng, it's really powerful, this sword!"

There are many swordsman monks on the watchtock, I can't help but praise it, and my eyes are exciting.

There is even an urgent and impeller, and it has been made to make a good shape, waiting for Lin Yun by this sword.

During the electric light, Lin Yun suddenly shot, and he is a sword, and the fierce looks.


I only heard a crisp sound, there was Mars Splash, the next moment, a handle of the Sagitty was shocked to flow.

It is the sword in the hands of Ouyang Heng, and the fingers that Lin Yun joined them directly, the so-called killing is not attacking.

"I said to let you rest, I didn't lie to you, you can't watch the sword." Lin Yun Road.

Ouyang Heng Zhang Dazhao, a while, the people who are ready to applaud, and they are still stupid.

Ouyang Heng's sword was flying away, how is this possible?

I still dare to confuse the chicken.

"You won't think that I have only one sword?" Ouyang Heng face is gloomy, anti-hands, and a sword in the sleeve.

Then, with the speed of shocking, the lightning talked toward Lin Yunxin.


At the moment, the sputum discovery, the space in Lin Yun, has a few remaining shadows in shaking.

The residual shadow is in the shake, and even the space has a little bit, the gas is unable to lock Lin Yun instantly.

Not accidentally, this is close to a sword.

He took the sword to the general, Lin Yun once again shot again, he was long sleeved, and he waved the wind and whistling.


The holy sword that is too arrived, the double-finger that is closer by Lin Yun is directly interrupted, and this scene suddenly scared everyone.

Freehand sword?

In front of it is only an exclusive holy sword, and now it is exaggerated to disciples, and Ouyang Heng is stunned.


His sleeves are flying in the Holy Sword, Lin Yun is not polite with him, and the peak is a full-time Canglong.

Gather Zijin Dragon and Swords to gather in the index finger and middle finger, and it is a hit, and then a sword.


Ouyang Heng is sinking, then recruits a holy sword, and it is a sword.

Lin Yun looked at the eyes. These holy swords have a Tibetan swordshanzi logo. It seems that this time I bought a lot of holy swords in the empty city.


Just between these breaths, Lin Yun took the nine-handed holy sword, and the Ouyang Heng face was green.

"The Hidden Bing of Tibetan Villa, it seems that the quality is not too good." Lin Yun handed his hand and calmly.

Ouyang Heng is in a hurry, I only feel that from the head to the end, I am in the opponent, and I immediately kill the past.

"Don't move, you have lost."

Lin Yunyuan turned a circle, turning back, the right hand has gripped the funeral sword.

The funeral flower did not have a sheath, and the sword handle was posted on his head.

This is Lin Yun's hand, if not, this sword is enough to smash his head.

Ouyang Heng suddenly scared his face, his legs were shaking, but he still wanted to struggle.


Lin Yun gently pressed, Ouyang Heng intuition to the top of the mountain, when he fell to the ground.

"I said, let you do this." Lin Yunxia is cold and cold, a word.

Ouyang Heng is cold-sweating, only feeling like a pendant garden, like a peerless killing.

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