The One and Only

The first chapter of the first nine hundred eighty-one chapter!


The Tibetan Lake, which was smashed into two and a half, and the lake water such as a waterfall poured a deafening loud noise.

Everyone's eyes, all fall on the air of Lin Yun in the air.


This wizards from Tiandongzong have won, it is really numb this.

The swords of the swords is very bitter, only feels hard, and the look is complicated.

This is how good is the wonders of their swords!

Many people are not coming out of their ideas in my mind. If so, they have already begun to cheer.

Lin Yun's sword is returned, and the statue will be funerally on the side, while the lattice is knee-catching, and it is hurt.

"My God, he will fight!"

"I don't have to let it, I have to let my swordsmanship, the face is swept away, this night is too embarrassed!"

"Good gas, he is enough scenery. After this battle, you will definitely be famous to Kunlun, why not accept your hand?"

"Do I can't stop him?"

Seeing Lin Yunyan's knee treatment, the swords of the swords, the scene is stupid, and one mentality is directly collapsed, which can be instantaneous.

The sound of the four squares can no longer stop, and the 18th Holy Land of the Swordsman is full of urgency, one by one to hold the fist.

There is no courage, I really don't have the courage.

The sky is above.

Shazhuang main winds, the face has long been white, and his most worrying thing happened.

Zhao has no greatness, it's so awkward!

Now that other people are nobody to see, it is really the sword of the sword too much, and I can't pay attention to him.

"Jiang Yun!"

Hey, Shandu, looking at it, with a hopes, and looked at the wonders of this Wan Jianlou.

Jiang Yun was disadvantageous, and then shook his head.

"Ginger brothers afraid?" Feng Shao Yu.

Jiang Yun said that he sighed, and he was soaring: "Shazhuang owner does not have to force me, I really say that it is really afraid."

Feng Shaon suddenly drunk and asked: "Your sword is hot!"

Jiang Yunnan heard his words and laminated: "You have a sword in the sword, and there is a frenzy. I still think about the star river to the star river, the waters are grateful, and the result is no blocked."


The wind is nothing to say, and the face is gloomy and terrible.

On the side, the wind is shaking, and the low head does not dare to talk, he really gave the Tibetan Villa.

Fortunately, Jiang Yunyi is more gentle, he is a wide saying: "The wind brothers are qi, I just make an alteration, my generation of swords, and even the life and death are not afraid."

"But knowing that there is no winning, but also forced to shoot, it is not a sword to repair the style, this is simple stupid, don't pull what is on what is."

Jiang Yunli said very euphemistic, Jian Xiu returned to Jianxiu, but the sword was not a brain.

The wind is slightly slow, Shen Wei said: "Is there really a chance? His battle has a lot of bottom cards, how much can be seen."

"If you are willing to shoot, no matter the loss, I can send you ten Sun Sheng Dan."

Jiang Yunnan is bright, and the spin is bleak, helpless: "Shazhuang is really atmospheric, if you are really grasped, there is no need for the Sun Sheng Dan, I will shoot, after all, I am also a shame. It is really, the opportunity is embarrassing. ! "

"How to say?"

Feng Shayu is still refused to give up.

Jiang Yunwei saw the shackles, gave him: "If he only has such a means, my winning will have more than 30%, after all, the things he exposed is much more."

"30%, too little." Feng Shao Yu.

"A lot."

Jiang Yun's look firm said: "If there is a three-year-old opportunity, I will definitely fight, but this is the three-way chance, or it is built under the premise that I can block the last one."

Feng Shengling picks up, the small channel: "That sword should still receive some, if it does not accept, the power will only be bigger."


Jiang Yunzhen Zhengqi: "This is not a key. The key is that he has decided to fight again, then there are other means. So I really chance, in fact, it is not enough, it is white."

He is very awake, his strength and Zhao have no extremely between Jiefang.

Even if you are confident, it is absolutely strong than Zhao.

I really encountered Lin Yun, the other party gave the face, maybe I can fight with you, and it is not ugly.

If you don't talk about Wu De, the speed of speed, it may also be better than the wind.

And this is a very possible thing. After all, it's a step, and there are not many things that the other party can hide.

"What should I do? Is it true that he will take the list? I also give him a sword of Jian Shanzhuang." Feng Shaoyuan is not very good.

The famous conference is so attractive, except named, naturally beneficial.

Tibetan Sword Mountain is much stronger than other swords, it is not awkward, so this top reward is extremely rich.

Jiang Yunwei said: "Shazhuang is in urgent, the Google can not talk yet."

Feng Shaimi is like a dream, and I am busy looking into the valley and said: "Old Valley, you said words!"

The four big talents of the swords, the smallest rankings of the remains, Zhao Wuyi and Jiang Yunli are between Jiefang.

The strongest, is unquestionable, it is definitely the ice emperor, the disciple of disciples.

Valley has always stared at Lin Yun, and it seems that there is no such thing as he heard the wind, Feng Shaoyuan couldn't help but ask again.

"I am thinking about one thing." Valley.

"what's up?"

The Valley Mirror returns to Lin Yun, did not speak, he did something.

If this is true, you can solve it.

But if it is true, then it is too horrible.

He can't believe that there will be such a wonderful talents in the world, think of it, he is not shaking his head.

He has an unforgettable skill, and the sure is closed, and the mind is constantly flashing back to Lin Yun and Zhao Wuyi.

Feng Shaimi still wants to ask again, Jiang Yun said: "Let him think about it, I probably know what he is thinking."

"Don't talk about the seal of the ice, just say that the firefly god sword into the holy roll, the valley is half a year ago. Just wait for the Google to open your eyes, this battle, he There is also a dozen grasp. "

Feng Shaoyu he is happy, but it is still curious: "Is it thinking about the old valley?"

Not only that he, the other people on the sky include Feng Shengling, and it is very curious to look at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun Shen said: "The night's sword is very magical. He is very popular with Zhao's unpredictable, which can easily find a flaw. Many times, it is clear, but the energy is not a hawade, like it is not a general."

"This is amazing, so he is not high, but it has always been firmly occupied."

People who can watch the battle in the sky, or the family name is either the Sword of the Sword, at least the two people can be worn.

At this moment, if you remember the ginger ginger, it seems to be such a thing, it is true.

Jiang Yunli continued: "Can Zhao's helpless, no matter the body, the body, or the sword skills, the martial arts will, in fact, no weak and each other, even more strong. This is quite amazing, there must be a demon ... "

"So the key to think of this, if you want to stop, even if you can block the fire, it is difficult to really defeat your opponent."

Everyone suddenly realized that this only understood.

Feng Shaoyu is shameful, muttered: "If you say this, just want to pass the mystery, then this night is just like this."

Jiang Yunli is smile, said: "Sifu people, divide people, it is true for Valley mirror. For others, such as Shengling younger brother, even if you want to do it, it is true, or a sword is white."

Feng Shengling is serious, what is the mystery of the night to the end? When you hear this, you will be dark.

I am doing it again, I am already very low.

Feng Shayu doesn't think about it, laughs: "Both, the Bang brother will definitely want to understand."

"You look, open your eyes at night!"

At this time, someone suddenly said.

Is this so fast? !

Everyone was shocked, and the valley mirror didn't want to understand. The injury in the night was just fine.

He and Zhao's unpretched war can be a horrible, whether it is the consumption of Nirvana, or the sword injury left by Zhao's helpless, it should not be resumed so quickly.

On the poor statue, Lin Yun, who is sitting on the knee, holding the burial flowers, slowly getting up.

His gaze is a circle, and people who are staring by his sight cannot be returned to the back, so that the head is like a tide.

Lin Yunxiao deep sucking, said: "Who else, willing to fight in the next battle."

He has a green dragon bone, which will have returned to the peak, and there is no impact.

The sound of the four squares is constantly, but no one dares to stand up.

"Sure enough, you have to fight again!"

"Is the swords really nobody?"

"No one is playing, this is the first to be taken away."

The top of the Swordsman's 18th Holy Land, the look is anxious, and their respective discussion.

"Smoke Rain Villa, please take advantage of Valley Mirror, Zhuang, I am the Sword!"

Suddenly, there was a big drink in the crowd, which belongs to the smoke and rain in the Sword of the Sword, and some people look at the height of the sky.

Everyone is awakening, yes, there is Valley mirror!

Valley mirror is a biography, as long as he is still there, the sword is not really no one.

"Yu Yunzong, please take advantage of the valley mirror, strong my swords!"

"Water Moon Jian Mountain, please take advantage of the grain mirror, strong my swords!"


For a time, I have a strong voice of my swords. Those sounds are gathered together, and the people listened to the blood, gradually gathered into a torrent, such as thunder.

"Please take the valley mirror, strong my swords!"

Everyone's hopes, all gathered in the valley mirror, the sound is large, and the eardrum is blocked.

"Good guy, this battle is bigger than 20 years ago, and the sword was thrown away from this place."

White Youth Yunfeng, calling a good guy, it is surprised.

Jian Zong Ye Lu Ling and others, and was scared by this, and a night gap actually pushed the swords.

This is the alliance of the 18th Shetland Holy Land!

They looked at night, and the look was quite complicated. Many people had a unpleasant emotion.

If the Lin brothers are still there, there is a place where he is so lively.

call out!

In the row of the mountain, the valley on the sky finally opened his eyes. He hooked up, and it was a slight.

"Grain brother, the shot!"

Shazhuang main wind Shaoyu is busy.

"Valley mirror, shoot! At this time, don't fight!" The other people on the sky opened, and they were awkward, and the words were eager.

"That's war."

The valley mirror is exhibited from the sky.

The wind smashed the cheeks, his eyes were all burning battles, and the eyebrows were revealed.

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