The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight chapters

When the night is coming, the empty city is still clear, and the people are full of people.

Almost a restaurant and the road are talking about the battle during the day.

This battle is too hot, all parties continue to sacrifice the bottom card, but in the end, it is not only ruined the eight-year-old statue, but even the Tibetan Lake collapsed.

Waste I don't know how many holy water spirits, the Tibetan Villa can be said to be a heavy loss.

The most important thing is that I have lost this game.

Half of the holy in the pool, lost to only the night of Nirvana, and the people who watched the people did not dare to imagine.

The night from the east waste, just like the teenage myth that is born in the air, the radiance is more dazzling.

There is no doubt that after this war, the name of the night will inevitably be famous.

"As long as you promote half-holy in the Qinglong policy, you will be famous in the list."

"The night is very good, now it is low, the name is not asked for the first time, and there are also the gold enchanting of the big holy land. Once the rise, it is absolutely not ignored."

"It's still a lot of younger, but you are also an advantage. In the future, it will definitely be more than the shoulder of the east, and maybe you can catch up with the Sword."

"Don't be too happy, he has not promoted half-holy, the other holy situations and gold enchanting are not vegetarian. Now everyone is in powerful, waiting for the Qinglong policy to go to the world, once you really born, you will know What is gold prosperous. "

"Yes, when you refer to how much peerless black Malay, the martial arts is really coming."


The battle during the day, even when it is now, it is still discussing the public, many people are rising.

Empty city black feather segment.

This is a vast government, inside the high-rise building, the temple, the mountains, all kinds of rare beasts, Feng Shui treasure should have.

The resident is not weak in a small parade, the station is like a cloud, the master is gathering.

The black feather is the three immortal holy land, and the school is naturally bigger than Tiandong. It is not a east thing.

Don't say that it is Tiandongzong, even the resident of the other holy land of the swords, it is far more than the black feather.

It can really be comparable, there may only have ice and snow temples and Wan Jianlou.

In the courtyard, there is a quiet temple in the hospital, and Zhao has a feast for a few VIPs.

Three people have nine yuan, the peak of the peak, ready to promote half-holy, the top leaders in the coming generations, all have a half-step sword, saying that people are Chinese dragon phoenix is ​​not over.

"Wang Xiong, Zhang brother, there is Qin brother, how is the words of us?" How is the three considerations? "Zhao helmeted to make a glass of wine, his eyes slightly, and smiled.

Zhang Ping is drinking a cup, saying: "I am unfortunate, the Supreme Sword is so white, I will take it away, no one will be willing. Can be directly to grab, is it a bit too much."

Zhao Wuyi smiled: "This is not a man-made, the 18th sword holy land, there is already seven holy and I pass the gas, everyone does not want to see that a outsider will go to the Sword."

The smoke rain mountain Zhuang Qin, he wanted to whisper, and he smiled: "I thought I was unwilling."

Water Moon Jianshan Wangcheng is cautious: "But he is a disciple of Tiandong."

Zhao has a smile, faintly said: "Tiandao Zong is not the Tiandongzong that year, and it is a bit of power in the east, what is strength in Nanjiang."

"My black feather is not afraid of innocence. They only have a hall in the air, sitting in the town is just a semi-sacred. It is really worth noting that the people around the night, that is Zi Lei half, It is the owner of Tiandao Zongmen, just step by step. "

Zhang Pingnao is bright, said: "That is to say that there is no contest, I have not remembered the wrong, the furrower in the black feather is here, is there a holy strong,?"

Zhao is unpredictable, this is also one of his annections.

Even if it is a holy place, the number of contextors is extremely rare, and it will not be sent to the towns casually.

But here is the empty city, the black feather palace is frequent with the Tibetan Tibetan Villa, so it has always been in the town.

"Don't have it, don't go to this step." Zhao said unpredictable.

Even if there is a battle between the holy land, the Shengda is unable to easily end.

Once the Shengda strong, the nature of the things has changed, it is easy to trigger the death of the two paramenities, that is, it is holy battle!

Once the Johns started, there is no back to the way.

Especially the aim of Tiandong and the Black Pattern, each can involve many forces, and the sacrifice will be willing to do so well.

Qin Wei Shen said: "Zhao brother, if they directly use the transfer array, how to dispose?"

Zhao Wuyi smiled: "Transfer arrays in the hands of Tibetan Swordshan, not they want to go, and ... Who knows if it will happen?"

He laughed and said that the triple of Wangcheng went to some other meaning.

"Mo-Tibetan Villa ..." Zhang Ping Trial.

Zhao said that he nodded: "Tibetan Sword Mountain Villa, is not everyone hope, they can take the sword to take the sword."

"He can get the Supreme Sword is his own business, you can want to bring the sword back, and he will not say it."

"When you arrive, you are on the side, the rest of the seven seldles their retreat. The black feather palace will personally shoot, out, black feather palace!"

Wangcheng three people have a little tone, and the black feather palace is willing to be topped.

For those holy land of them, no one is happy to see the Sword Sword is taken away by the outsiders, especially this sword or the ocean sword.

"After the event, the Supreme Holy Sword is in the black feather palace, after three years, I will wait for a competition, no matter who gets the baked sword, I have to compensate for other home." Zhao Wu has also thrown out. Your own allocation plan.

Zhang Ping Road: "This is good, anyway, this sword is always in our swords, and everyone is connected to each other."

"Fair." Wang Chengdao.

Qin Wei smeared: "This is not a bit of a bit of bullying."

Zhao Wuyi grinned: "If you want to deceive people, this sword has arrived at Tiandao Zong, and the Tiandong Zong is a matter of this, even though I came to my black feather palace."

He is very confident, as long as the sword has come to the black feather palace, this Taoist Taoist must swallow.

Just like the sword, once the Tiandongzong, what hangs in the 18th Sword Holy Land, and it is absolutely dare to ran to Tiandao Zong.

The sword has not been recognized, and it is still in the middle of the night, this variation can be more.

Wang Cheng's brow wrinkled: "Why did this Tiandong send a half? Is it a bit too ancient ..."

Zhao Wu Yan sighed: "I am afraid that Tiandao Zong also didn't think that he really can take the burn of the sword. I can't imagine the championship. I feel that he just takes a full house."

This is indeed unexpectedly, who can think of an east's scorpion, not only getting the first prince meeting, but also borrowed the Supreme Holy Sword.

This change, noble before, there is still a shock than him, the hidden mountain, and more than him, let alone others.


Tiandaozong Hall.

Lin Yun was sitting at the top of the high-rise roof. Here, he can overlook the empty city, where the light is swaying, like a fire dragon who burned at the night.

Many people dreamed of the Supreme Holy Sword, was placed at hand casually.

He tried some, found that this sword did not make a look at the spatial storage, and even the purple ook could not be placed.

I want to go, I can only bring myself.

Lin Yun looked up at the bright moon in the sky, the moon was as deep, and it was deep in the night.

"The month is in the moon, the morning is Chu Yun returned ..."

Lin Yun light self-call, repeating the words of the white knife.

There is still a mysterious sword in the body, it is good, don't really pull it out.

My knife is waiting for your sword, even if fate is also unable to stop.

"Still thinking about daytime?" Xiao Bingfeng hit a white dress, and the model was dropped.


Lin Yun and Xiaobi have no secrets, even in their own origins, all inform each other.

According to the guess of the emperor, Lin Yun seeing people, ten eight nine may be really the adult.

This will make Xiaobi Feng extremely shocked, incredible, seeing Lin Yun's gaze has changed a lot.

In his body, "broken sword", actually has a relationship with the adult, and it is a bit too scary.

"Don't think too much, anyway, this emperor only knows that you are a slag male. Even if the adult is coming, I will think that the emperor is soft. Whoever has changed, you can't change your facts." Xiaobo .

Lin Yun is can't help but the emperor is a great emperor.

Xiao Bingfeng will say this, because Lin Yun is a little confused, he vaguely feels that you may be some associated with the adult.

Looking at very strange, there is an inexplicable familiar.

If you haven't seen it in this life, it is the cause of the past.

Once I have a relationship, I am still me?

Lin Yun has a little confused, listening to the emperor, is a lot of mood.

"Perhaps, he is waiting for this sword in your body, there is nothing to do with you. Even if you have a relationship with you, it is the foreshine cause. Anyway, the emperor only knows that you are burial, Lin Yun!"

Xiao Bingfeng looks to Lin Yun, Zhengqi: "You will be able to get rid of this emperor in this life!"

Lin Yun did not speak, stretched the palm of his hand, Xiao Bingfeng saw his face immediately showed a smile, and her little hand was taken up.

Under the moonlight, a big one and two palms were just attached together, and they were relatively, and they feel the temperature of each other, and the softness in the heart.

In a sense, Lin Yun and Xiaobi Feng are lonely people, floating and sinking, after life and death, it has been binding together.

"You are right, I am burial, Lin Yun, who can't change." Lin Yun Shen said: "Always bring a mask, I have already been enough, I have to bring this sword. go back."

He reached out to hold the baked sword, and the look is unprecedented.

When the teacher is successful, he does not have to have too much scruple, whether it is a funeral flower, a funeral sword, and it is just walking in this life.

Tian Xuanzi's account must be counted.

The next morning, the sun sprinkled, Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes on the eave.

Zi Leifeng is anxious to fall, said: "Night is full, it is not good, the transfer of the road is destroyed last night, and it could not be used in a short time. Want to cross the domain, can only go to Southern Xinjiang St. Alliance, there is also a transfer array available. "

Lin Yun has not changed, and it is flashing in the eyes.

Autumn, I have long guessed that I will take away the french sword, I don't know whether it is a sword hill, who is acting, or other people secretly engage in ghosts.

Zi Lei Feng mainly saw Lin Yun gods and was surprising, and it was surprised: "Night is full, you are not surprised."

Lin Yun reached out to hold the bake sword, said: "The peak master is about to pan, it is so easy to spit it out."

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