The One and Only

The second chapter is not a person

Chapter 26

Wang Muzhen didn't take a long time, Lin Yun's goddess flew out.

The golden token blooms, and the hollow, the sound of the Sheng Sheng, the next moment, passed.

"Come, Xuanwomen."

Lin Yunxiang moved in the heart, the two teachers came back.

After half an initial clock, Lin Yun was in the mysterious gap and saw the stunned and the sword.

"I have seen two teachers."

Lin Yun did not have a lungs, and he has been called so much after habits.

The stuzzering big sansh face reveals a smile, she has always been love to Lin Yun, and she has already accepted the teacher.

There is no change in the sky, but there is no change.

"This is your championship reward, this holy help you have to come back." Tian Yanjian holy touched two jade bottles, and the sword was filled with Taixin, Sun Sheng Dan.

Lin Yun's eyes were bright, and I came over: "Thank you teacher."


The sword conference, the sword, the sword sentiment, the firefly god sword was completely satisfactory, and the cultivation was also broken through the nine yuan Nirvana.

The only regret is that he is a reward, there is no chance to take, and now it is full.


Lin Yun holds two jade bottles, and the face is concealed.

"Tianzhu sword still needs some time, but Fengyuan has promised, never delineate." Tian Yan Jian Sheng continued.

"It's enough." Lin Yun is already very satisfied.

Can help the Sword star cultivation, even the Tiandongzong is also extremely rare, if he is not a sacred, it is not qualified.

With the status of the two teachers, they cannot be easily taken out.

"There is still one thing."

Tian Yan Jian Sheng looked to Lin Yun, took out a brocade handed over: "This is a true dragon bloody Dan, which is a true dragon, is a good dragon, is your teacher's wife in the East China Sea."

"I know that after you cultivate the dragon branch, I deliberately give you a gift. You can regard it as a eight-character dragon holy liquid, but the effect should be better than dozens of times ... this is a pure blood really dragon, at least 10,000 The pound of the dragon is quenched repeatedly with the holy fire. "

"The value cannot be imagined, even if the Shenlong Empire is absolutely scenario, even if it is unrecofed, it is also comparable to it, it can be said to be the Supreme Holy Dan."

Lin Yun micro-tensioned mouth, one face question mark: "My sister? When did I have seen my sister?"

He carefully recalled, is it a girl who is sleepy?

It can be seen from the young, Lin Yun didn't think about it at all, and the colorful girl would be his own teacher.

"Nothing, your sister said that your mouth is sweet, she likes you very much. This baby, she is going to use itself, now give you a courtesy." Tian Yan Jian Sheng, handed over the blood of the dragon.

"This is the full punching of the Dragon Box, before the teacher promised you, this time I borrowed more thanks to you." The stunts and big holy are tended, and they came to handed him a jade.

Lin Yun laughed: "Thank you for your mother, the matter."

"This can be a matter of time, how many dangerous times during the period, do not say the difficulty of the sword, the only sword is sent out is a life. You don't know, wait for you to go, even the white bones are coming out, The total is always a bit. "

After the Santeds and Datt, I accidentally looked at the sword.

"no, I'm fine."

Lin Yun is not stupid, seeing the stain of Dustu San in the arch.

The Tianzhu Sheng Sheng is refreshing, said: "Night, you don't have to be polite, this time the monarch conference, let you delay the inheritance of the funeral mountains, this holy will compensate you, but now Not the time. Waiting for you to enter the firefly sword into the holy roll, truly cultivate into the world, this St. will teach you to enter the road, it is still not time. "

"As for resources, you want to hit ten yuan Nirvana, now the ordinary Tianwang Di Bao, there is not much good effect for you. If you want to enter half, I can give you an idea, you can keep you before the Qinglong policy Promoting half. "

Lin Yun said: "Thank you for the mother, about ten yuan Nirvana, I am really confused."

He is very desired to Ten Yuan Nirvana, and the two teachers are all gods, and they will definitely have a half-time.

His original plan is to enter the Tianshu tower, rely on resources, and time lapse speed to impact ten yuan Nirvana.

After listening to two teachers, they shook their heads at the same time.

The quiet dust is the first to open, tell him that he wants to hit ten yuan, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on time.

If it is so easy, ten yuan Nirvana's Tianjiao has long been everywhere.

Ten Yuan Nirvan needs unimaginable heritage. It is similar to the bloody dragon Dan to treasure, at least three.

It is also necessary to face great risks, and it will be repaired in caution, and even directly into the waste.

Three days ago, Lin Yun closed more early, otherwise it would be quite trouble once the failure.

In addition, it has to rely on some luck.

Yes, it is luck!

The two teachers were in favor of Lin Yun shocked ten yuan, the reason was in this luck.

"You are still the first, whether it is the king of the king of the dragon, the name hanging on the top, the air transport will be stronger than others."

Tianzhu Jian Sheng also also said: "Now the whole east, if you have strong air transport, there are no few people can get to you."

Lin Yun was surprised that he has always believed that the existence of gas transport, but this is a relatively etherence.

Unexpectedly, the two teachers were so peaceful.

"The gas is really existed, but it is not omnipotent. If you can't hold it, your air transport will also be plundered away." Tian Yan Jian Yan calm. "

"You should use three fruits, half-Holy, still don't work with time to use it." Silent dust.

"Is there this?" Lin Yun Road.

The dust is nodded: "Although the time flow rate changed, the body is still still, the body age is a life. The life of the flesh life is half-holy, how much will have some effects. If not, if you don't hide directly in the inside One hundred years, it is invincible for the same generation. "

"You have the Shuanglong Holy Body, the body of the flesh will be very slow, and it can be late."

Lin Yun nodded and said.

After answering the other questions of Lin Yun, the Tianshu Sword Troning went away.

Lin Yun stared at the back of her, and the words were dignified: "The mother, about Wang Muyan ..."

He came to him again, and he said with the quiet Dush, he was worried about this woman's conspiracy.

"White is already sent to her, you don't have to worry."

"Average people, it is difficult to focus on this woman."

Lin Yun cautiously.

Wang Muha is too demon, even half-holy, may not block her mmeir, and don't even need her to show mmeir.

She has been born, the people of the country, the more it is, and the more dangerous, it will enhance the desire of the people in the invisibility.

He is afraid to stare, and no one is a person who is Wang Muzhen.

Silent Sacred Santaid: "Teacher Niang knows what you are worried, rest assured, Shenzi is whose arrogant, will definitely stand hard."

She is very confident to the white man, except for the Hutchon Institute, the white man has a big voice in the white family.

White family is deep in Tiandao Tree, and it is necessary to have a bit more than the king.

"Now, the autumn, this little girl is not enough. There are two things, you have to talk to you."

Siqi Dushang: "The first one is that Tian Xuanzi has already warned to God, six holy land, he will come one by one."

Lin Yun Zhang opened his mouth. This day, the mysterious scent is really weighing.

"There is also the second thing, August 15, Qinglong policy will fall."

finally come!

Lin Yunxin was calculated, and the Qinglong policy was now in the world, but it was only four months.

"The news is that Shenlong made the wood Snow, and the Qinglong policy will be hosted by the Qinglong policy."


After returning from the mysterious garden, Lin Yun felt time urgent.

Whether it is Tiansi to weigh the east, or the time of Qinglong, finally officially confirmed, bringing him a lot of pressure.

He looked at the sun, Taixin Sheng Dan, and looked at the blood of the blood, did not emerge.

He began to practice the sword, he wants to put the firefly goddess into the holy roll, cultivate into the land.

This is the realm of the situation.

The water is not strong, and it is tangible.

This is the oysters of Ji Yue Qingfeng, it is not his oysters, he still has to use it as herself and do it true.

I don't know how to pass away.

This day, Xiao Bingfeng came back, she was very eye-catching, a pair of beautiful eyes and bright.

"What? This emperor is not there, there is no lazy." Xiaobo said.

Lin Yun said: "OK. I have to be a successful, Tian Yan Jian Sheng help me take it back the championship reward, and the dust is gave me to the full box of Dragon Boxing. The second division also gave me a Bloody Flash Dragon Dan. "

Xiao Bingfeng listened to the eyes, one is more exciting, and finally can't help it, some sour words: "Your teacher, the sister is really a big side, this emperor is nothing to give you."

At this moment, the night is coming, the sky is dim.

The clouds are hidden in the clouds, and there is a rain at any time.

Lin Yun laughed and said: "Let you stare at Wang Muzhen, there is no movement."

Xiao Bingfeng lying on a soft chair, lazy way: "This demon woman is too normal, there is no abnormality, almost all in the sky. It is not a lot of men, this emperor has never seen it. She really looks like you. "

Rotary, Xiaobo: "But she left the sky today, it seems that there is something to go, this emperor will come back first."


Lin Yun's eyes change, said: "She is very normal, but ..."

Entering and exiting the door is very unusual, I don't know why, Lin Yun always feels a little is not very right, and I can't say it.

"Hey, this emperor knows that you have ideas, this emperor has already remembered her smell, and she can track her at any time."

Xiao Bingfeng's eyes are hot: "This demon girl can't help but go outside to find a wild man, go to catch!"

Lin Yun speechless, this is the word of tiger wolf.

When he was preparing to put down the matter, he suddenly thought about what, the pupil fierce: "No, walk, we hurry to chase."

After that, I just rushed out of the door, Xiao Bingfeng was in the back: "I know that you are the slag male, not a person who is."

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