The One and Only

The second thousand19 chapters

Chapter 219,

The name of this holy killer is afraid that it can't get it for a long time.

Let him think that low-key is low-key!

The two came to Tiandao Zong Shengseng gathering, and someone immediately greeted Lin Yun, or nodded slightly, or in front of him.

Even if Lin Yun hits Nirvana fail, he is still in the talent, even if you miss the Qinglong policy, you will not really have the opportunity.

Even some of the Saint-Holy Saints have been promoted to him. They are very broad, and the most important thing is to know what the Sword Star means.

As long as you don't fall around, even if you miss all the opportunity, you will be at least a sword in the future.

Of course, except for the four families, especially the people of the white family, seeing his eyes is quite not good.

"Green rain, who makes you bring him?" Bai Yunfeng brows and walked over.

He doesn't like nightclubs, and it is not worthy of his reputation, especially the relationship with the Holy Masain.

The title of the Night Temple Sacred Fan Killer is starting from white.

Bai Qingyu Road: "The night brother is a big holy, you should come."

Bai Yunfeng looks indifferent, faintly: "The semi-holy holy in the Qingyuan is just a number of people. Nirvana also wants to divide the Saints Jinlian? Dacheng Pi passenger does not have this privilege."

Bai Qingyu did not accept the gas, said: "Why, as long as there is a holy fire lotus, the night brother can cure the injury, and can be half-holy in the two months."

"If you have, he is not half holy." Bai Yunfeng refused.

Lin Yun is very boring, laughing: "Then I will go?"

"You will go, don't you think someone will stay?" Bai Yunfeng disdain, a kinky | thief, is it really not able to open you.

"If you can compete for the holy fire lotus, I am willing to let me come out." A old generation of Saints opened.

He has Ziyuan to repair, it is already a big year, and it has not yet mastered the avenue rules.

For him, even if you have a holy fire lotus, you can't master the rules of the avenue, and the strength is limited.

So, it is better to let it come out and make a smooth person.

"I am willing to, the night brother is the same as we are different, he is the first of the famous sword conference, and there are no such gikese."

Wang Ziyue opened, he is a king's enchanting, but Lin Yun has always been very close.

"I am also willing."

Ouyang Hehe and Chen Zhong have opened, looks frankly, they met the white clouds, there is no fear.

Many of the other people have not opened their mouths, but they face their faces, obviously to Lin Yun.

Bai Yunfeng was stunned. He didn't have a year. This night's prestige in the paramen, even he can't even comply.

He has mastered the Ziyuan in the avenue rules, and no matter whether the qualifications and strength, the night is not better than him.

Lin Yun is also quite unexpected. He looked at a circle. I didn't know that the prestige of him is so high.

"White brothers, night brothers have no problem, before the no-frost gods come to Zongmen to provoke, they are shot, and they are also in the Six Shengcheng, which is also the Wei name of Tiandong."

"Yeah, the night brother has passed the nine days in Feiyun Mountain, leaving the name on the inscription, and leading others."

"I heard that the firefly gang sword in the night, has been cultivated to the tenth sword, definitely a rare Wizard for five hundred years."

Some people are afraid of Bai Yunfeng's prestigious and strength, and the eyes do not dare to look at him, but it is still a small to talk to the night.

Bai Qingyu is very happy, laughing: "Night brother, you want you to stay."

Lin Yun was quite surprised by this. In this day, there was a warm feeling in Jianzong, is this the same?

Bai Yunfeng's face is blue, he still encounters this situation at once, and it is not possible for a while.

Wang Ziyue, I saw the shackles, I laughed: "White brothers, nightclub, although hit ten yuan to fail, there can be a half-holy man of Ziyuan."

"This golden fire is not necessarily for it, there is still a strong force, and it is better than the first half of the people who are in the middle of them, maybe white brothers can share some pressure."

He is very high, giving Bai Yunfeng's step, and said that this place is still in him.

Bai Yunfeng faintly said: "Let's leave it, but you don't have to shoot, look good, if you are reimcoming thoroughly, I can't explain the Dragon San Dynasty. I really have a copy of the Murdian, I will leave a copy of you. "

He is very cold, ruthlessly refuses the proposal of the prince, only when you are good, Lin Yun.

This guy is really different.

Lin Yun laughed and was too lazy to argue with him, and found a position to sit down.

"They all said that you are a sword, I am very curious, your sword, can you break my Qiankun San A."

Just just sat down, I have not hopped with Wang Ziyue and others, and a saints near Mingzong rely over.

His name is Xiao Yi, which is the top master in the Mingzong Saint, is wearing a luxurious and violet dress. It seems to have a look of more than 20 years old.

Such young, there is a half-sacred sacred sacred in the purple yuan, even if it is cultivated by the time and space, it is enough to be a Talent.

The scene is the top of the top of the big holy place. In addition to the east wilderness of the Son, they are the strongest, even Bai Yunfeng and others are not weak than the Son.

All of them are not camed, I have heard that the name of the night is full of time, I naturally want to go for a while.

Prince Yue frowped: "Xiao Yi, this has not started to start?"

Regarding the distribution of holy fire rivers, the six holy land has been very much better. Every holy place has all five people to allocate, and the first round of the first round of Tiandong is Mingzong.

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Night is full, I will come to hand with you, you are Jian Dao Qi, and I have killed the Ziyuan Half, and I am doing a loss."

Lin Yun smiled: "The world is so much, what I have, I'm going to kill the purple yuan, just fortunate, I am just a visit, I will not play."

"Oh, I see that you have a virtual name."

Xiao Yi saw him, and smiled and left.

Other holy places have long been jumping, wanting to be with Lin Yun, especially the monks who have no frost, and the gods, and the war is extremely strong.

The former lost Lin Yun, the latter is purely uncomfortable, and the two fair have been long.

"This night is inadequate, and I am unable to hit ten yuan."

"Poor generation of Tianjiao, this is no longer available, even if it promotes half-Holy, there is no need to have before."

"The most important thing in the swordsman is Feng Men. If it is the day before the night, they will definitely pull the sword on the spot."

They are very sorry, they have shaken their heads, guess Lin Yun's impact ten yuan Nirvana failed, and the heart did not have a completeness.

God Huishan is a one person, suddenly blinking: "Bai Yunfeng, you have always let everyone wait, now the people are here, we should start."

He is Ji Haoyu, the gods of the gods to master the rules of the avenue, the strength is unleaded, and the glass is exuded with glazed treasure, like shower fire giant.

Bai Yunfeng speechless, he has been waiting for white rain, but I didn't expect this girl to bring Lin Yun.

When you are the first: "Start."

Tiandao Zong and Shenhuang Mountain are the most old holy land in the east, and the two have always been the name of the first holy place. They have opened it. The battle for the Jinlian fire is officially started.


A great sound is coming, and the next moment is screaming, and a portrait is lost.


The anti-fierce vibration is also made in an instant vibration, but it is broken in an instant.

what happened?

Everyone was shocked, and the six holy disciples who were guarded outside were all hit hard, and they did not look at the entrance of Chao Stone Buddha.

But see the door, four shadows, three men and a woman, each wearing a bright holy robe.

They look at the style, and they can all have a strong suffocation, and there is no convergence.

It's not the middle school!

Lin Yun looked at the four people, and his eyes notice that the woman wearing a bloody clothes was recognized, which was the bloody session of the bloody moon.

Before two months, they were still in the monster mountain range, and the other three were also seven-color respect.

"Blood Moon Devil, Zhao Tianyi!"

"Damn, it is him!"

Some people screamed, see Zhao Tian's gentleness, and the face smiles will come out.

After they, slapped, a group of people, all of which were previously blocked by the Sixth Sacred Land.

Zhao Tian is wearing a green dress, looks Wen Wenya, unlike the so-called magic people.

It's just that the momentum of his body is terrible. When it appears, people will gather their attention on him, and it seems that he is the protagonist of this world.

"That is the God Moon Devil's God Zhao Tianzi, recently, they attacked four things around and took many east waste."

Wang Ziyue said in a whispering around Lin Yun, but I didn't know Lin Yun has already turned over with these people.

Zhao Tian's three words have a strong oppression. After he appeared, everyone retired a few steps.

He is this era, one of the strongest enchanting, and the people in Baiyunfeng and others are much more inferior to him.

Several respects saw this scene, the face of the face, and the east of the holy land, it is true.

"Zhao Tianzhi, what are you doing?" Bai Yunfeng said coldly.

Young people wearing oranges smiled: "Nature is to take this treasure tree, this Jinlian fire tree is 10,000 years ago, our gods gave the empty temple."

I heard this, the face of the people of the east's harmony has changed, and the cold chills are exposed.

"A group of devils walks the dog, is your home?"

"Ten thousand years ago dared to take it out, you are a clear grab!"

The bloody moon is famous, this is an ancient forces that dare to call the plate of Shenlong Emperor. Canada and six holy land, and it will not let the treasure tree will go out.

God Hui Mountain Ji Hao Yu, the eyes are cold, he is looking at Zhao Tianzhang: "Zhao Tianzi, I want to pick us up our six holy sites with one person?"

Zhao Tianzi smiled and said: "I won't shoot, the true master of the east is going to fune the gods, I will be bullying you."

"Rad, I will come!"

The Ming Zong Xiao Yi, who wanted to confront Lin Yun, rushed out, he was tilted, it was very public.

Zhao Tianzi is getting careful, his eyes are slightly closed, said: "You have a color, I see that you lose me, the mutant holy slam is almost."

Xiao Yi's face suddenly bleed, and he was burned in anger. He didn't feel that he was Zhao Tianzi.

Just try the opponent's pound, lose it, you can have a few tricks. It can be boiled for a long time.

Equivalent provoked Lin Yun gave him a lot of confidence, who once thought that Zhao Tianzi did not want him to see him.

He is a huge illusion, and the sun and the moon are formed into a huge clear word behind him, and the yin and yang two auto flow is now a tattoo.

This is what he said, San A, he is confident, there is this holy army ten tricks, Zhao Tianyi is not him.

Everyone saw the holy Ah of this yin and yang, all of which were bright, this Xiao Yi was not too arrogant.

There can be one person smile, but Zhao Tian is a bloody woman behind him. She directly stopped in front of Zhao Tian, ​​and took the past.

She seems to be a delicate body, but it contains amazing power. This raise hand directly shocked Xiao Yi.

"Can you pick me up, you are not particularly waste." Blood jacket smiled.

At her feet, there is a blossoming jury in her feet. Her body flows with a weird blood, non-human non-demon, like a plant with powerful vitality.

Xiao Yi is very wronged, but I just want to talk, I will see a bloody shadow flash.


But the blood jacket is directly flashing, make up the palm, Xiao Yi, Sanjia, broken, chest, rib, a blood light.

And he flew out and fell to the ground, it was dead to be alive, and the mutant was shine.

This blood jacket is strong, and the strength has become a lot.

Lin Yunxin Middle Road, although there is no master rule, but it is significantly better than the last time.

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