The One and Only

Two thousand thirty-one chapter

The second trial is much better than the first time.

Lin Yun summed up many failed experience. He can feel that even if it is failed, the flesh is also strong.

Two days later, try again to declare failure.

Lin Yun deep sucking, without anxious to carry out the third failure, he slowly got up a set of boxing.

This is the sun and moon fist, once again drifting, you can first let the body recovery, and feel the mystery of Canglong.

It can be described as three things, Lin Yun has been cultivating, waiting until the body of the body is gradually recovering, he stops.

"Although it has failed twice, the flesh seems to be stronger, and the blood has produced some changes."

Lin Yun looked at the palm, and the eyes were rays.

The first weight of the Canglong Shen is a dragon blood, which is the blood of the blood and reaches the blood close to the blood of the dragon.

The previous blood only contains some Xu Dynasty blood, but the eyes are all transformation. Once the transformation is completed, the blood gas will change in the sky.

This is the first step in Canglong's body and the most important step.

It's still not changed, and the flesh is so much, if it is really successful, will it be?

It is time to support the gods in terms of dragon blood, compared to the Supreme Dragon, and there will be no many problems.

Lin Yun is hot, and the heart has become more expected.

It is the matter of the height of the world, which can have the blood of the God, and everything will be possible.

Lin Yun took the blood fruit of God and started the third impact.

After four days, failed again.

This time Lin Yun is very heavy, he keeps cough, the skin is all split, and it can even see the bones directly.

Lin Yun continues to drill the day of the moon, waiting until qi and blood recovery, the injury is improved, and the time has been seven days.

Three trials, every time I walked away at the ghost door.

Initially, Lin Yun sentiment fluctuations were relatively large, and gradually, it was completely calm.

The three ghosts did not die, what else is there?

If you have been scared by others, you only have such a big heart.





Lin Yun hit six times, finally fused between Canglong and Qinglong in the eighth successful, and finally made a blood quenching into a dragon blood.


When Lin Yun's successful moment, his blood boiled, poured a mighty power, and then brought the eight parties.

"Cang Dragon Body!"

Lin Yun opened, an angry.

The first weight of Canglong poppons can also be sacrificed.

The body is the ban on the heavens and the earth, and once the dragon, once the boss is sacrificed, it is equivalent to having a little power of Taikoolong.

Even if this is not a complete Canglong poppical body, because there are eight heavy, the power that can be exploded is also extremely horrible.

Taking Lin Yun's body centered, the quarterly space has been crushed, and the purple air flow visible in the naked eye is full of this world.


The wind whistling, in Lin Yunzhang formed a small vortex, these vortices blow a road to a road, and finally crackled a slit.

Lin Yun said a lightning, and then the clouds were straight, the sky drove heavy rain, and there was lightning and not stopped.

The release of Canglong poppons, an amazing vastness, this is still in the territory of purple kish.

If it is an outside world, this vision is only afraid of more amazing.

Lin Yun's flesh expanded a large circle. He was very pulled with a height of the kg of two meters.

On the phoenix tree, Xiao Bingfeng opened his eyes and looked to the distance from the distance, and the eyes were great in the eyes: "This family is really big, it really gave him."


Her arms were exhibited, as birds flew out from the tree, and the latter is still in the past.

The snow-white palm shot a Phoenix beauty, and the blink passed through the void and came to Lin Yun.

In the territory of purple kis, the strength of Xiao Bingfeng is extremely powerful, she wants to try Lin Yun's first body of the body.

Lin Yun was suspended, looking at the falling Phoenix gods smiled slightly, and then fully operated the Canglong body.

He just uses the power of the body, the blood of Canglong is like a magma, and his body is toned to play, and the Phoenix God is not almost shocked.

It turns into a golden flame, which is scattered toward the fireworks.

"Good gods, you haven't truly shot, I broke the test of this emperor."

Xiao Bing Fengmei is bright, speaking, said.

It seems to be hit, in fact, you can easily shoot the Qingyuan half.

It is a quite exaggerated strength that Lin Yun is now in the power of the Qingyuan.

She wants to use two to respect the patterns, and then try again, but think about it or count.

There is no such thing as the body of the body, let Lin Yu first be familiar with it.


Lin Yun will converge, and the villain disappeared. He fell on the ground and looked at the hands: "This body is just the power of the first achievement.

Today, his blood has been initially changed into dragon blood, but also needs further condensed, and its purity is constantly increasing.

"Your heart can be big, the ghost door is going back, the emperor is scared to death." Xiao Bingfeng branched the way.

Lin Yun laughed and didn't say much.

Xiao Bingfeng only knows that he is a big, but he knows himself, he just didn't choose.

His opponent is too strong, his Jien's road is dead, he must succeed, you must stick to it.

The next time, Lin Yun began to exercise the sword, cultivating the initial sword of the moment.

The firefly god sword is entry and into the holy roll, he cultivates no more promising, reaching the godification of the situation.

Enter the road, you have to master the avenue before you can practice, Lin Yun is not anxious, put your energy in the initial sword of the moment.

Sitial people only know that the light of the moment, but I don't know the light of the moment, just the first trick.

There is still a shackage, flash of glory, eternal, flashless, and flashback in the moment.

The five swords behind, a sword is more horrible than a sword, and every sword is much more light in the moment.

It is still a short period of time from Qinglong.

It is enough to become a killer, just in the case of cultivating the five swords.

Time is too short, there is no need to pursue the situation, just use it to be used.

The cultivation of the swords, can be consolidated and familiar with the first-year Canglong poppical body, and can also reach the sword.

He wants to feel the two swords, integrate into his swords, see if the star river sword is shocked to a complete.

In addition, he also has the Shenlong Sun and Moon Print as a bottom sign.

Blood fits the sky, reversing the yin and yang, the sun and the moon, these three changes can be maximized.

The flesh, swordsman, swords, Lin Yun is constantly integrated in cultivation.

He suddenly found that the flesh can be retro the prince law. After the body, the sword is clear, and the sword can release the power of the body.

Under the continuous convergence, Lin Yun accidentally found that cultivation of the flesh is also cultivating the sword, and it seems that everything can be integrated into the sword.

Even the artistic conception of the reincarnation can also be integrated into the sword, and the sword can be part of the flesh.

"People sword one? I used to think that people swords, it is really a sword."

Lin Yun is thinking, his swords have happened a subtle change, and it is still unable to think about it.


Xiao Bingfeng jumped from the Wutong Shenshu, standing in Lin Yun: "Qinglong will be afraid to come, you don't have it, I am afraid I have to miss it."

Lin Yun stopped thinking, looking at the burial sword in his hand, calming, whispered: "I always feel that the Qinglong policy is coming, there will happen."

"A nonsense, Qinglong policy itself is a big event. It can even be an epiper artifact, you can calm the gas transport of Kunlun." Xiaobo said: "When the dragon gate is still there, the coming of the Qinglong policy will cause the world to be shocked, Kunlun Tianjiao I don't want my name to engrave it. "

"It has the quota of seven god dragon, symbolizes honors, dreams and strength, is the dream of all monks in the world. Their names, not only spread through the Kunlun, the four seas, the 30th mountain, and the era will be willbeterworthy Long broadcast. "Xiao Bingfeng whispered.

Lin Yun is curious, does not laugh: "Have you participated?"

Xiao Bingfeng coughed a few times, his face was red, said: "The emperor is too small, and it has not been there."


Lin Yun laughed, he felt that Xiao Bingfeng did not tell the truth.

She is definitely, but she didn't get the title of Shen Dragon, so I didn't go.

Xiaobi Feng saw the smile on Lin Yun face, and suddenly the face was shame, said: "The Emperor of the Emperor, the Tianjiao is too much, but it is not like this."

Lin Yun laughed and did not continue to investigate.

He is still quite expected to Qinglong, after all, who doesn't have a sense of enthusiasm, in the hands of the sword, will be in the world.

He has long heard that after the top of the nine Tianshun, the top of the rays, the wind bloom, the wind is full, and the Kunlun is already famous.

It is said that his top Ninth Tianshun Road has never been handed over to these people.

The fall of Qinglong policy is given to this stage.

Take a look at the top of the nine Tiandao, who is the real crown!

In addition, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Kunlun is so big, there will always be unexpected genius.

"Qinglong policy is in the hands of the wooden snow. This event is hosted by her. You can see this big woman." Xiaobifeng blinked, testic laughing.

"I am really expected." Lin Yun did not avoid it and laughed softly.

Xiao Bingfeng's face is sinking, the airway: "Sure enough, your slag male, remember the beauty."

Lin Yun did not argue, Moon Weidi has not seen it for a long time, and there is no news.

If you see the wooden snow, just ask someone.

This time, the Qinglong policy is coming, I am afraid you can see many of the old people, those people in the wild ancient domain should come.

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