The One and Only

The second thousand41 chapters will win numb

Even so, a few people don't dare to pay attention, and their own means of use all the skeletons all, and they can rest assured after flying.

At the same time, the three came to the silver spray at the same time, they bowed down and found many funeral products in the silver coffin.

The most amount is a circular silver metal sheet. These metal pieces are like copper coins, and there is no porous in the middle, and the pattern is inversely engraved.

It seems that it is very common, it can be used in the hands that can feel extraordinary, and the components are very heavy, and many holy prizes are intertwined.

"This should be an ancient coin, in the intersection of the Shengdi ... The power is very old, maybe we can also directly absorb." Cao Yang took it in his hand, he wanted to bite with his teeth. I finally endured.

"This is the Dragon Coin, which is refined with the sky, the sky, the sky, can be used in the cultivation of the power of the emperor, in the ancient China high-end strong, my family is hidden." Stone recognized Explain.

When Cao Yangdon suddenly was excited, this time I got it.

Three people were all incentive, and finally, each person lost three hundred Dragon coins, which was greatly harvested.

In addition, there are four pieces of funeral products, a bamboo flute, a jade pendant, a dagger and a silver dragon bracelet, there are many small bells on the bracelet, and you can make a crispy sound.

The strange choice of bamboo flute, Cao Yang took the dagger, Lin Yun chose the jade pendant.

Three people have seen it, the silver bracelet is the highest, at least a double-sinctry, and extremely gorgeous and delicate, and let people look happy.

The treasure only has a silver dragon bracelet, and three people want, and the scene is in silence.


Cao Yang Zhang opened his mouth. He wanted to say that he beaten the most, this dragon bracelet should give him right.

I just opened, Lin Yun and stranger saw it. Cao Yang smiled, quickly changed, smiled: "Two brothers have a life-saving, this dragon bracelet, I don't fight."

"You are not qualified."

The stranger is not polite, and later: "Night is full, you can take a baby, change me to exit, or you will pay hard, three tricks."

"You should also master the will of ice and thunder." Lin Yun suddenly opened.

The stranger is slightly smashed, and his ice property is hidden. I don't know how the other side see.

"So?" Unfamiliar does not move.

"A ice rose, change you to quit, as for the three conferences you said, huh."

Lin Yun laughed, and the words were turned: "This is too meaningful, the swordsman is handed over, and it is not ever-dead, the blood is not exhausted, the battle is not!"

Lin Yunxuo is low, and the three tricks will be lost, and it must be he suffered, he hopes that the other side knows a little, don't play these small means.

The stranger is cold and cold: "Have you heard of the Wei name of my Tianyin Magic?"

He is very strong, the avenue is released, the head of the treasure beam, the horror, the perpetual pressure seems to be erotic at any time.

Lin Yunbi picked up, directly pulled out the burial flow, faintly: "My sword is not disadvantaged."

His momentum is instantaneous, becoming a sharp, and the air like an invisible sword in the air is constantly accumulating.

The heart of the stranger, I feel extremely dangerous atmosphere, emotionally tightened, secretly alert, he knows that this person really can't be small.

Two people confrontation, stalemate for a long time.

The stranger chose to retreat. He didn't want to fight against Lin Yun, not the time, not worth it.

What's more, he does understand many ice race.

The urgency of the real dragon is not lacking, and the ice thunder is too small, even a rare point.

Cao Yang Zhang opened his mouth, looked at Lin Yun with the ice rose fruit to change to the silver dragon bracelet, and the eyes were aging.

Can this also line?

Is this TM not my holy fruit?

Cao Yang was in a hurry, and the heart was furious, but it could not be said, and it was frightened to shoot on the coffin.

"Swipe, take this step, this is not coming, it is not coming."

He is very annoyed and will take it directly.

"Oh, it seems that Cao Xiong is wronged." The stranger played the holy fruit in the face, showing a faint smile on his face.

This holy fruit is very extraordinary, and it is more rare than him. He likes it.


Lin Yun laughed, did not say it.

"Let's go."

Two people walked out of the bronze hall, and they were walking alive, and they will be separated when they will leave the palace.


When Lin Yun back disappeared in the moment of strange eyes, it was a sharp line of virginity in his eyes.


The stranger is clear, deep sucking, and suddenly turned. He launched the ghost-grade law. He changed his slowness and slowed down, returned by the speed of the wind.


Half time.

Before the big gate of the bronze hall, there is a ghosty figure, wearing a hood and mask, which is strict and strict.

The coming is very burly. He smashed his eyes. After determining no one, his eyes fell on the bronze door, and the mask revealed his faint smile.

"Cao Yang, think that I can't recognize you?"

Just when he wants to pull the bronze door, a ridicule sound, cold and ice.

Come around, the road: "Stone!"

Why didn't he think of it, the previous face is high, and it is back to him with disdain and despise.

He picks up the mask and is the Putuo Temple Cao Yang.

The stranger is a brids: "The last shot is so heavy, I will guess you want to steal against the laws, it is really the Buddha's defeat, the shame of Putuo Temple."

Cao Yang's face is red, and it is clear that it will be out of mind, cold and cold: "If you don't have the same mode, you are still in front of me, but I'm doing it. I am a fault, you are not a good thing, different Is it to steal the coffin? "

Both people are very clear, what emperor dragon coins, what bamboo flute, what dragon bracelet, is more precious than silver.

Although these people do not be estimated, they can see calendars, and they can come out.

Only silver, Sheng Hui, texture, can't see deep shallow, seeing any clues, absolutely to treasure.

Before the two, they were mutually squeezed, pretending that they didn't care, just want to make others hit themselves.

The stranger is faint: "The hand is defeated, the ability is not good, the mouth is very hard, hurry, otherwise I will let you make you ash now!"

He is very arrogant, proud of the look, did not put Cao Yang too in the eyes.

Two people made a few times, Cao Yang did not win once, he had this anger.

"Don't be too much!"

Cao Yang face is mixed, and the anger burns.

"Over, I don't want to die!" I am not polite at all.

Cao Yang is anger, you can look at the stranger and be afraid. He didn't expect any cheap in the hand in this person.

This will leave, it is too wronged.

At night, I have a niece, dare to confront him, is it not?

Cao Yang was sent out, anger: "My fist is not unfavorable!"

The mouth is smoked, and it is not too stupid to endure this person. Oh, honestly give me! "

He is very angry, long-haired is unrestrained, and there is murderous ruty in his eyes.

He is really anger, can't pack the night, and can't pack you Cao Yang?

In fact, Cao Yang said that it regretted that it was completely angry, and he suddenly came, and his face was still stubborn, but his legs began to tremble.

The horror of the horror, this pressure makes him scared, I want to learn nights, I'm really hard.


At this time, the ground suddenly trembled, and the bobbin hall came back to the loud nozzle.

The two faces have changed at the same time, and the eyes are watching the bronze gates.

what happened?

The magic stiff is coming over?

They have doubts in their eyes, they are not understood.

"Open the door first."

Cao Yang squatted and took the lead in breaking the silence.

The two open the bronze gates, and they will look directly when they look at them. The silver can't see it!

At the end of the hall, there is a huge gap, and the gap has left the star river sword. When you look at the sword.

"It's a night, chase!"

They immediately chased the cracks, but they could go all the way, and there was no trace at night.

Not only didn't see people, even the breath did not leave, this is too quirky.

After chasing out the palace, it is still not possible to see it, and any traces have not been left.


The stranger suddenly woke up, and I couldn't collapsed, and I took it on my forehead.

He didn't expect that he hadn't moved the night, and he did not kill a horse, and he left the silver.

"This guy is really fast." Cao Yang wrote frustrated: "We both were played by him."

The stranger is proud and said: "You haven't figured out now, he has not yet leaving, has been hiding in the bronze hall, and the gap is just a trap."


Cao Yangdon was shocked.

Morning is cold and cold: "You are enough to be, don't take me with you, let alone, I don't have to lose, at least, I took a faint fruit in his hand."

Cao Yang wondered again and wanted to laugh again, see him and arrogant, now still install, and did not intend to be used to him.

"You are idiolog, this ice raft is mine, and there is, you think that stone pillars have a weird, your feelings are right, that is the ancient star, and it is all scraped by him."

Cao Yang did not have a good way: "Everyone will win, don't install it, put a fart."

"how can that be……"

The stranger is in the spot, watching the ice of the ice. It is straightforward, and this holy fruit is not fragrant.

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