The One and Only

The second chapter will not go!

The road to Zhenlong, the first throne.

Cao Yang sat up for a long time. He sat on the top overlooking the Eighth, and the breathing can enjoy the powerful real dragon, and the income is much more.

The scenery is unique here, Cao Yang is quite enjoyable, close your mouth and laugh.

But now I can't laugh!

"Get off!"

Along with an angry, the scene is never tearing the junction of the truth of the Dragon, and the strong will come to this place.

Just just a black and white holy wing gently, many monks feel huge pressure, and the look is frightened.

Ye Yu Ling on the dragon claw seat is no exception, she looked up, Mu Thousands of hanging, and the black and white bids released horror, they were terrible, and they were unable to see.

Cao Yang's face change, but the ass is not sitting in hot, it will take the peach, which makes him very unhappy.

Let me go?

A funeral dog is over, how is the top of the Tiandu, how is the black and white wings?

My ancient Gome is not necessarily a battle!

Cao Yang god cold, there was a war in the eyes, and the momentum was constantly accumulated.


He spoiled up and waited until Mercury, the truth, and the opposite of him, he shot!

The left hand took the right hand, Cao Yang greeted his hand, laughed: "Gong Ying Tian Road list!"

If you don't wait, Cao Yang gave the position of the throne, and he revealed his smile, respectfully, and humble attitude.

Mu thousand flashed in the eyes, this person is not too strong, but it is not intended.

His eyes fell on the Zhenlong Throne, revealing some of the lottery.

The road of Zhenlong is in their eyes, but a group of Miscellaneous dragons to wait, the list is not only glory, but also a shameful existence.

Mu thousand sighed, and the look was complex: "If some choice, it is afraid that no one is willing to do the so-called real dragon list, a group of Miscellaneous dragons."

Unfortunately, I haven't chosing!

He left the path of Zilong, or to other gods of the dragon, or go to Shenlong Road, it is not a good choice.

At the same way, he can only hope that the next round of competition is countered.

People outside Longshan also shocked, and the exclamation continued.

The list of Tangtang Road, even selected the road of Zhenlong, and the myth was indeed broken.

"Do you seem unwilling?"

The curtain is in the eyes, the eyes flashed, and the other party will answer, and they directly buckled Cao Yang's wrist.


The bones of the Cao Yang wrist immediately were crushed. He paind the five senses, but he still squeezed a smile, and he said: "Thousands of sons said, there is no other idea."

The scene has been told and the scene is high, and the road: "You don't have to disguise, I am in your eyes, I saw the war, and I didn't disdain and angry. In your eyes, I am a dog?"

Being forced to leave the path of the purple dragon, Mu thousand is slightly distorted, and the look is cold.

Cao Yang made a scream of screams, and he had a little bit of torture him, so that he paind is very difficult and difficult to compete.

"Pain, hurt ..." Cao Yang was screaming.

"Roll along, like you, I will not look at it at all on weekdays."

Mu thousands of ruthless and ignorant, backhand, and directly broke his arm.

The so-called ancient Gome, in front of him, there is not enough to see it.


Cao Yang pain is sweating, but it is dare to worry, I can only look at the opponent's throne.

Others on the road of Zhen Dragon are also scared, and their groups are very pitiful in front of the top of Tiand Road.

Qinglong's strategy has come to the world, saying that it is the world's leader, but it can really shine, there is a person who is invincible, and finally a few people.

Others are just a marted stone, which makes them feel frustrated, and it is only a lot of weakness to read, and can only curse inner. ,

"Who is sure you embark on this Longshan?"

Just in the moment of Mercury will be on the moment of the throne, a cold voice came, there is a sight of the sword light smashing the road of the real dragon.

Lin Yun killed from the road of Zilong, and Tiandong's swordsmanship, re-descending the road of Zhenlong.


The swordsmanship of torn the light curtain, the trend is more than a movie blade, and it is coming to Mu Thousands of lightning.


Mu Thousands were reached, and the figure was retracted. He took a few steps behind him. He looked up at a young swordsman appeared in front of the throne, and the look was cold.


Mu thousand surprised, lips tap, the color of shocking is difficult to cover up.

"Deceive too much !!"

Swirk, Mu Thousands were completely angry, and his eyes were in the flames, and the black and white holy wings released terrible rays.

Tiandi such as ink is general, there is only black and white.


Mu Thousands are unable to endure it, this is to take another way to other Shenlong, he wants to be smirked by the people all world.

The double wing is in a dramatic trend, and the fierce blows, the wind, the sky is chaos, it is like ink sputtering.

Lin Yun is calm, the Canglong sword is blooming, the silver sword is spread, and the black world has added a color.

Mu thousand is the power of the avenue, showing unrestrained stars, bullying close.

The covered palm hood flew past, every hand, there is a horrible different beast, and these different beasts are also black and white, such as ink.

It is completely ink rendered world, black and white, the world seems to be in the control of Mu, except for the rivers of the sky, except for the rivers of the day, except for the funeral, fireflies Except, except the sword of Canglong roar.

Who of the river first saw the moon, Jiang Yue, the beginning of the year!

The deceased is like, the only month is forever, only the rivers are endless.

Lin Yunjian is flying, and the throne has not moved, and the beast is applauded, and one is passed by the sword.

Every pierce, this ink rendering world will be more popular, this is Lin Yun's front, which is the color of the burial flower.

After ten tricks, Lin Yun, a sword, cracked all the palm prints, lifted, funeral and fumes.


Mu thousands of mouths overflow a blood, the whole person was shocked out, and the three steps were barely stabilized.

In the world, the ink is disappeared, and the throne of Lin Yunjian is eternal, his eyes spoke.

"How is it?" Lin Yun coldly said: "Just because you are the list of Tiantao? Just ask for you to bully others, don't bull you."

"The list of Tangtang Road is headed, since the departure, come to this road, you still have a face!"

Lin Yun is cold, and a lot of people on the road of Listening, the many rigorous children are happy.

"well said!"

I just took the broken arm, I couldn't help but shout, I can involve the wound, and the corner of the mouth is clotted.

"I advise you to say less." Ye Yu Ling is white, she passed him on the broken arm with the cold ice, a little bit of the wound.

Cao Yang smiled: "Nothing, no pain, watch the night to fight this dog, comfortable!"

Other handshake on the road of the real dragon is also happy.

I have a big saying that people say that people on the truth of the Dragon are all the dragons, and the premium is presented, the result is still licking face to sit on the Zhenlong throne.

What is the dragon?

Miscelon is also dignified, no one is born is a waste, let alone this is the road of Zhenlong, not called the dragon.

No one has no temper!

Seeing that the ends of the tempering blood, the dissatisfaction and indignation in the Dragon Road, and immediately vent it.

"Mu thousand rolls out the road!"

"Mu thousand rolls out the road!"

"Mu thousand rolls out the road!"

They made a hate, shouted, and they were deafening, and they had a big shock outside of Longshan.

"My God, the weather is reversed?"

"This is too bad, and even the people of the real dragon will give up him."

"I will not be cool, I am clearly a dog of the funeral, Cao Yang smiled and welcomed, he also shouted, broken people, one arm, he can be installed."

"That is, what is the top of Tianlu? I should be shattered in my words."

Everyone talked about, there is no much standing in Mu, some people who have gone, and they don't dare to express their opinions, and they can only be available only.

The road to Zilong, a few people on the dragon, and it is quite surprised to see this.

"An girl, please sit, please go to seat, please go to the Zilong throne." The son of the son smiled, he recovered his sight, and politely with the stream.


Angan smoke is very nervous, unknown, she and the junior have not familiar.

She guessed that this may be related to the son, but it seems not much.

"An girl doesn't have to be more, I will wait for the Lord's life, please sit on the Dragon Throne." Bai Li Xuan said.

The junction is also laughedide: "Nothing, the advantage is the night's day, after all, when he is in the face of the people, he said that he is his woman, to fight for you a god throne, why not dare. "

Jiu Princess!

Angan smoke is more nervous and said: "No, I don't, I am not."

The flow smiled: "Nothing, you have a job, your family is worried, afraid."

Angan smoke is very fearful, very helpless, just sitting on the throne of the Zilong Road.

Running and Bai Li Xixuan, such as guards, she is standing around her, not allowing anyone near.

The road to Zhenlong, along with the deafening voice, the war is still going.

Mu Thousands will not be able to hit Lin Yun, and the world of black and white ink is once again broken again. He spit blood, and his face has been pale.

"Mu Thousand, roll it out of the road!"

He has long heard these voices. If it is often necessary to pay attention to it, a look is enough to make this group of people shut up.

At the moment, his face is extremely difficult, and the heart is deep in the heart.

He is the list of Tangtian Road, why taste such a humiliation?

"Oh, it is really ridiculous, and a group of Miscellaneous dragons will be shout like this." Mu thousand taunting.

Lin Yun faintly said: "Even if there is the most humble existence, there is also the power of the sky, the legendary unparalleled Dragon is born in the melon, and my generation can be arrogant. It can be blocked by weakness, there is really no need. "

Mu thousands of faces change, cold and cold: "The antite is a antity, there is no need to say, I only ask you, are you staring at me?"

Lin Yun asked: "Is there a list of Tianguo, not from the antity of ants? Also, I am not too staring at you, but you come to Zhenlong Road, I want to sit this Zhenlong Throne, I really don't agree! "

"Then I will give you a face!"

Mu thousands of cold and cold, said, black and white double wing fan, he is going to leave this place.

He is very strong, the look is proud, it is still not overturned, the eyes are not sweet, people are in the air, cold and looked at the eyes.


Mu thousands of right fists are clarified, the eyes are cold, and the heart is endless hate, the shame is humilia, he will report early.


Lin Yun saw that he didn't fight in his eyes, smiled and didn't care.

He has an exhibition of his arms, and he fell around Cao Yang. "Nothing."

Cao Yang is after he lost the throne, what is really doing, Lin Yun will definitely not go.

"Nothing, a funeral dog, can I resist me? I just didn't open it, I was sneaked by him." Cao Yang didn't care. "

"Guoruo gold body?" Lin Yun played a smile.


Cao Yangbo said.

"It's okay, the real dragon throne is still a more appropriate." Lin Yun laughed.

Cao Yang scared a jump, said: "No, I can't do, Ye girl is sitting, Ye girl is sitting, everyone is fully served."

Ye Yu Ling was suddenly named, and it was a little bit a little.

"The top of the road, the girlfriend is sitting, and we absolutely have no opinion."

"Yes, the gods, let the Ye girl come to sit, she is the thrilling daughter, she has the godlong sword, the future potential is unlimited, she is here to sit again."

"Yes, whoever dares, let's fight with him!"

Other leaders on the road of the real dragon, after listening to Cao Yang, start up and attacked.

Lin Yun saw this scene and was slightly screaming.

They are sincere and have their own heart.

No him, the night is really strong, it is worthy of respect. And the night gap, I said that they were on the heart.

The top of the sky is also killed from the ant antity!

The presence of humble, and there is also the right to fight against the sky. The Shenlong Eviel should be so, do not ask for a long life, just for the dream.

Just a word, service!

Cao Yang smiled: "I didn't say anything wrong, Ye girl didn't pay attention, killing, I won't sit in the throne."

Ye Yuling can't laugh, blink, look to Lin Yun on the side.

Lin Yun is also quite helpless, but it seems that it is good to think about it.

"Hey, the guy seems to turn a circle, go to the road of Canglong." Cao Yang was swept away, suddenly the road.

Lin Yun came to see, he would see the balance of the road of Canglong's road and descended by the dragon.

Lin Yun's face change, angered: "This grandson, how to always go!"

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