The One and Only

The second thousand and sixty-nine chapters of the Tiandao killing boxing

Gu Xiyan really gave birth to an illusion, and when he re-held the burial flowers, this moment of killing him, the other party seems to be a burial flower.

So he stunned, and some did not respond.

not good!

When he woke up, Gu Xiyan felt a fatal breath, this sword stabbed his eyebrow, no way to avoid.

The master passed the trick, and the winning and losses were only between the ideas. This points could not avoid this sword.

Gu Xiyan flashed in his eyes, since he couldn't hide, then the sorry did not hide.

"Qilin's body!"

As the voice falls, there is a hevantly violet, from the inside of Gu Xiyan.

And his flesh, then constantly inflate in this horrible violet, the skin has a dense purple scales, and the scales are glossy.

The body is like a god iron, filled with a sense of strength, and the spread of purple texture, which is extremely terrible.


Lin Yun killed a sword, in the

In the random sound, accompanied by a radiometric violent, the burial flowers gave it out.

"Kirin body ... Gu Xiyan this Holy Field is too horrible."

Inside and outside Longshan, everyone is shocked.

I thought that the night gapped in the ground, I had to end the game. Who can think of Gu Xiyan's unicorn, which can have reached the point of the unicorn.

This guy, absolutely refining the legendary unicen, and those scales are really true.

At this moment, Gu Xiyan on the Tianlong Warfare is really like a legendary unicorn, there is a noble.

"If you want to play, you will play with you, but you will be true, or you will die ..."

Gu Xi Yan is proud, screaming, looking up Lin Yun, on the face of purple light, showing cold coldness.


Lin Yun looked at the body swelling, the scales were filled with Gu Xiyan, nor did it suppressing the long blood of your own body.

The wind is roaring, the horror of the dragon's voice suddenly violent at this moment, and Lin Yun has a terrible electro-optic light.

Most Longwei slams the eight parties in their body!

The body is a heaven and earth taboo. Once the dragon, once the body is sacrificed, it is equivalent to the power of Taikoo.

Taking Lin Yun's body centered, the quarterly space has been thrown, the purple air flow visible in the naked eye is filled in the Tianlong Battery.


The wind whistling, and in Lin Yunzao formed a small whirlpool, these vortices torn the space out of the road, and then directly cracked into a few gaps.

Lin Yun has a thunderstorm, and then the clouds are straight, and the sky has dropped the heavy rain, and there is lightning that does not stop.

The release of Canglong poppons, broke out amazing vary.

Lin Yun's body also expanded a large circle, and he appeared on him on him.

The scales extend, full of explosive power, as if to raise their hands and tear the mountains.

Compared with the harvest of the unicorn of Tong Xi, the changes brought by Lin Yunnim have the same power, even more winning.

"I want to play with ordinary sacred body and you play, in exchange for only despise and arrogant, it is like this, I don't have to be with you. Drake, I am not a Canglong Body!"

Lin Yun smiled and smiled, and the dark eyes were full of terrible light, and there was a dragon in the deep eyes.

"Then I will be Dragon!"

Gu Xiyan flashed in his eyes, he can notice that the other party's momentum has a strong force.

"The idea is good, but unfortunately ..."

Lin Yun watched Gu Xiyan, the feet farther in the ground, and then the body appeared in front of the other side, and there was a simple punch.

I don't like to fight, accompany you!


When the martial arts is coming, the air is instantly cracking, but the space is twisted by this mount.

Gu Xiyan was very calm, he didn't break, but revealed some lightning.

The fist in the thunderstorm, the same outbreak, greeted Lin Yun's boxing.

In the moment of double punch collision, there is a harsh voice outbreak, and there is a broken air around the air.

Gu Xixi retired two steps, but he exposed a smile, and then took the initiative to rush.

Although the body is strong, but you can make a sword and I fight the law, that is, find it.


Lin Yun did not slow, did not call the burial flowers, and then the opponent's punch.

"Come again !!"

Gu Xiyan's eye is in the eyes, I haven't been so happy for a long time, and I have always depressed my hands.

Because it is afraid, it is very afraid to kill the other party.

It can be today, but it is very hurt! !


On the Tianlong Battery, two huge bodies were mad, and a horrible aftertaste was cleared.

The monks on Longshan, are numb the scalp, and the heart is going to crack.

I can't imagine that these two people have more horrible, and the flesh can be horrible.

"This night is too crazy, a sword repair, actually practicing the body!"

Outside Longshan, many of the sacred sacred sacred gods were unbeatable. They were very clear that there were more horrible, even if they were only the same.

Tiandao Zong Daoyang Palace Qian Yu Dasheng, the look is quite lighter, and it is difficult to cover the color.

Is this a dragon to teach?

I'm really taught by him ...

But a battle is still not good.

Jian Xiu is the first in Jian Xiu, there is no sword only with fists, you want to defeat Gu Xiyan.

He has long seen what is the fist method of Gu Xiyan, which is the legendary Tiandao kill, a generation of days, killing the world.

People who are not hard enough, cultivate this boxing is to die.


It is also a ribbon, filled with purple thunderstorms, bombards the left shoulders of Lin Yun, thunder, can't burn Lin Yun's nature.


There is a broken sound, it is clear that Lin Yun's skeleton is shocked by this punch.

Lin Yun's body flew out, and it was able to fly out, he was in a foot, like a tail of Canglong, and scratched a arc fell on the chest of Gu Xiyan.


Violet fragmentation, blood splash.

Lin Yun turned, and the volicit is standing, and there is a lot of blood in this moment. Canglong scales have broken a lot, but Gu Xiyan's situation is better than him.

This is a fierce confrontation, both of which are injured.

Many monks in the inside and outside of Longshan, seeing this scene, all of them are scratched.

This is the confrontation of the top flesh!

If it is changed to others, just let them punch, I am afraid that I have to explode on the spot.

Gu Xiyan wiped his mouth blood stains, handed over, the handsome face immediately made a scarlet, full of fierce.

"After the fade of the sword, I can hurt me this point, night, you are very uncommon."

Gu Xiyan looked up and looked at night, and there were many desirable colors in the eyes, and there was a lot of appreciation and admiration.

I have been so happy for a long time.

Especially if the swordsman don't work twice, there is such a fighting force, really makes him a look.

Lin Yunxiao deep sucking, the body of the dragon blood does not stop, resolve the other party's thunder and unicorn,

This guy really is a squat, such as such a big kill, after the sacrifice, it actually can't crush each other.

"But you hit the behavior of porcelain funeral bonus, or some people are annoying, speeding up."

Gu Xi Yan didn't want to drag it, because he accidentally found that the other person's body's recovery ability is stronger than him.

In the next moment, the horrible lightning is like a storm, and there is a unimaginable unicorn's power to flood this world.

There is also a murderous gas in the same time, and it is constantly accumulated in the sky, and it is like slowly integrated with the heavens.

The atmosphere between the heavens and the earth has become extremely suppressed, and the unicorn seems to have a certain change.

His eyes are rushing away. At this moment, he is like a thunderstorm that is bathed, and the moment is awkward.

"This is my last brand, if you can hold, this day, I will not fight."

Gu Xiyan grinned, and suddenly suddenly burst: "Kill!"

An old killing word, there is no comparative appearance above the sky, the next moment, this killing is falling.


In the moment of killing the heavenly dragon battle, this team is connected to the outside world, and it is isolated.

"Tiandao Prison!"

Gu Xiyan's right hand, the right hand, the fighters of the black, and a unimaginable killing accumulated in the boxing.

Kill kill!

It seems that there is a thousand horses all roar, the black boxing, seems to be killed by thousands of people.


Gu Xiyan moved, he was a punch, and there was a martial arts that was close to Baizhang in an instant, with alarming speed to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun looked at the mamns of his eyes, and the look was lifted.

He can clearly feel that this area is isolated from some field, so that the power of the body is completely suppressed.

And the boxing is extremely quirky, except for killing, there is still a power of giving him a shocking, even the soul tremble.

Lin Yunsi is like electricity, and the hands ten fingers cross, and a dragon-screening continues to change.

Qinglong India, Bai Long India, Zilong Print, Jinlong India ... Supreme Dragonprint!

Waiting until the seven-color gods bloom, the Supreme Dragon is completely formed, and this amazing boxing is blocked.


The power of the heavens contained in the boxing, the impact is on the supreme dragon printed, squatting, dragon printing, Lin Yun mouth overflows blood, flying for dozens of meters.


Lin Yun is in a strange, the power contained in this boxing, seems to be above the three thousand Avenue, let life can't resist the desperate heart.

"It's not the heaven, this is the power of the heavens of the unicorn's mock, but it is enough to deal with you, the good play is just beginning!"

Gu Xiyan laughed, finally let this kid ate some truly bitter.

Next moment, he whispered again.

Black light is filled, killing the sky, this time the martial arts directly became a fierce and unparalleled Lei Qilin.

These unicorn contain a purple yuan, there are two kinds of avenues, and there are some Timao's power.

This terrible scene makes the scene seems to be horrified, which is too terrible.

Simulated Tianwei, as if it is the thunder of heaven, let them not cold.

"Unicorn's Wrath!"

Gu Xiyan double-handed, hundreds of unicines fall from the sky, one is like a sign.

They have fallen from the sky and make people can't break.

[This chapter is yesterday, there is still in the evening.

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