The One and Only

The two thousand seventy-seventh chapters amazing reward!

Lin Yun is one person, and then to the hall, at first glance appear to be quite surprised.

Not only have thousands of birds Story, two Mistress and Master Yun Long in all, Big Brother also miserly night, even the Son Yang Road also.

This scene is a little big!

But it also shows that thousands of birds Story regarded as one of us, worry about before is not necessary.

"I've seen thousands of birds Story."

Lin Yun hand salute, look respectful.

"Night dump days, you now Denon His Holiness, this is not a title in name, unless someone Emperor environment strong, not just the territory of Kunlun, you can afford this worship."

Chiba Story cheeky smile, look nice, "the dragon feast your ranks first among the pack, a strong won first place, I Heaven were also considered steal the show in this holy always have a question, why refuse the invitation of the Dragon Empress?"

Lin Yun know why, towards the night miserly looked in the past.

Night miserly blinked, faint smile, did not give him any tips.

"Students have a Master." Lin Yun said.

Chiba King laughed: "Long Yun Story, you received a good apprentice."

He did point out, continued:. "It should have said to you before Yang Road, were the door so that you become interested in the identity of this holy Son now Tao Yang Palace Miyaji formally ask you a question, whether of Heaven were willing to become a saint son. you know, if not the son, there are many cases of the door does not pass the secret is not to you. "

Not the Son, not learn tricks of the trade.

Lin Yun naturally know, this is equivalent for binding to each other, each other's interests completely tied together.

Heaven were a number of doors that existed before the ancient, and certainly there are many secrets to give him.

It just does not do his Son, the cloud forest is not something people want to cheat, once again verbally declined.

Night Chiba soft look, smiled, did not continue the onslaught.

"Well, what you want to speak directly, in addition to cases of Heaven ancestral secret law, you can ask."

Chiba Story attitude, so that pressure is much smaller cloud forest, he muses:. "If I really wanted to eight items Long St fluid"

Then, the wings were added: "The quantity demand is very large."

The eight product Zhenlong Holy liquid is extremely rare. Lin Yun last time, it is a seven genuine dragon holy liquid to give him a huge income.

This real dragon holy liquid is not only for yourself, but also for Xiaobi Phoenix, two of them a Canglong body, a phoenix god tree, is a large household that consumes the real dragon.

He is very embarrassing, because he is required, at least 50,000 pounds, this is a very horrible resource.

Who knows that he just opened, Qian Yu is laughing, and there is also Dulong Dasheng and Dragon San.

"Your kid is really don't know how big it is, this is to put it in other holy sites ... I will not set up what treasures come."

Thousands of holy taistored a mustache.

Dragon Big Sterings said: "My disciple is sincere."

Lin Yun has not understood what is going on, Qian Yu Dao Sheng said: "This way, eight products Zhenlong Holy Li I will prepare for half a Ding, I will give you a thousand pounds for you, then one thousand pounds God dragon holy liquid. "

Lin Yun surprised Zhang Danedi, his head is screaming, it is directly shocked.

"I drop, a big hand, scare the emperor." I even a little frightened even the little ice cream in the secret of the purple kis.

Thousands of hairdresses: "Let's take this first, wait for you to enter the sacredness, I am preparing for you."

Lin Yun has not awakened, and the sentence of Qian Yu is in the style of the halight.

Is this the bottom of the east waste?

too exaggerated?

This is to be a holy, and the resources are not more exaggerated?

Qian Yu Dasheng seems to have done through Lin Yun's mind, laughing: "Tiandongzong has already existed, there are so many great emperors, the peak period, the whole Kunlun has a rudder. It is also a strong Queon, there is a hegemony The eligibility of the world is not as simple as you think. "

"You regret it now, if you are willing to be a sacred, give only more now."

Lin Yun returned to God, laughed: "Thank you, I have rejected it, I don't mention this matter."

Qian Yu Dao Sheng Road: "Well, what else, you talk."

"It's enough, enough." Lin Yun was busy.

The other party gave it too exaggerated, half-Double eight product Zhenlong Holy liquid, 100,000 pounds of nine products Zhenlong Holy liquid, there is still a thousand pounds of Shenlong Holy liquid, which is completely scared.

The nine-product real dragon holy liquid is completely true dragon blood circulation, no impurities, and dozens of holy drugs are needed for tens of holy drugs.

Its value can be more than a simple true draft, as for the god dragon, Lin Yun has never thought about it.

He used to be a legend, he never thought, one day he can have.

After reaching the Stunning, he also gave him a drop of blood, but also made him surprised to imagine.

In this world, I really have a god!

Or accurately, in the ancient golden age, Tiandongzong has the gods, otherwise it will not explain how God is coming.

"You can't afford me, let you talk, hurry, don't you give thousands of holy faces." Long Yu's big holy board faced.

"I dare I."

Lin Yun laughed smiled, this level of the world, he really didn't see it.

I don't know what to open for a moment, I think half of the day: "I don't know if the Shenlong Sun Moon printed with no integrity?"

He got the Dragon Sun Moon Print in Tianlun Tower, the incompleteness is relatively powerful, and many must be derived, I want to see the complete god dragon sunset printing.

Qian Yu Dao Sheng Road: "This is a bit difficult."

Lin Yunxin is shocked, thinking that it is not too high.

Dragon Holy San explained: "This is much like a walker, a small part is the treasure, most of which are useless, and the Zongmen is full of mountains and clean, unless it is a more special existence, Zongmen will not deliberate attention."

Lin Yun's mouth is slightly smoked. It turned out that the level is too low, and the big will not pay attention.

"Unless it is recorded in the special artwork, it will be collected, such as branding skills on the bones, or engraved on the text of the artifact, these things, even just just a word, will also set off the sky Large wave. "Dragon Holy is explained to Lin Yun.

Qian Yu Shengdao: "I remember as a disabled of Shenlong Sun Moon Ding. It is very extraordinary in a predecessor in the God of God. He looked back with you."

Lin Yun's eyes were bright, and I was busy: "Thank you, Qian Yu Dasheng!"

This is really ... Lin Yun has some speech to describe it, this reward is simply unable to breathe.

Too much!

"What is going on." Qian Yu S.

Lin Yun breathed and suddenly urged, and the surprise was a bit got to lose his ability to think when they were about to open.

I have been silently eating the night of the dragon fruit, and I smiled and looked at him, and then shook his head.

Lin Yun woke up, quickly said: "It's enough, I can't eat more."

"Yes, these holy liquids will be prepared for you within three days, Daoyang you sent him." Qian Yu Dabao.

"I will send him, you continue to negotiate a big event." The night is blocked.

Thousands of feathers, slightly, slightly wrong.

"Night, this is holding."

At this time, Tian Yu Jian Sheng was hungry Lin Yun, and he went over a golden jade, and he quickly reached out.


This golden jade, I don't know what materials used, I am so heavy, and Lin Yun is actually extremely tasty in his hand.

"This is the firefly god sword into the road, but this volume is not able to teach you." Tian Yan Jian Sheng looked at him.

"Thank you teacher ..."

Lin Yun is not a teacher, and after the reaction, I quickly said: "Thank you Master."

"Return it." Tian Yujian holy.


Lin Yunnian is in the cold, and the look is still in the embarrassment, and it is a bit awkward.

"I haven't wake up yet?"

The night is cold, and the dragon fruit is smiled.

"It is a bit." Lin Yun is active.

"Do you want?" Night is more brilliant.

Lin Yun scratched his head: "It is true."

Resources This thing does not have the reason, don't save you, there is nothing to play, it's okay.


Night lonely knockdown his head and smiled: "If you think about it, tell you the truth, even if it is the sacred, it is not necessarily to get so much resources."

Lin Yun gods, there is a cold wind, and immediately wakes a lot.

Indeed, although it is just a true drain, this number is much more unimaginable.

Don't talk about the god dragon holy liquid and the nine product Zhenlong Holy Separate, the light is half-Double Eight Treasury Holy Spirit, Lin Yun feels unimaginable.

Half Ding is the concept, at least 500,000 pounds!

"Half-Double Eight Tablet Rules, Almost is one tenth of Tiandong." Night relief.

"so much?"

Lin Yun was really scared, finally notice that things were not too strong, said: "What is going on?"

Night relief is nothing, it is free to smash the fruit, and say: "If a person is going to die, you said ... What is the use of more treasures?"

Lin Yun gods slightly changed: "Tian Dao Zong encounters similar things?"

"That is not too." Night lonely laughed, faintly said: "But who is right, no, don't give it, you will be good. You don't take it, four families will also take."

Lin Yun said: "Do they not promise this matter?"

"Of course, I will not promise, this is cutting their meat, drinking their blood." The night of the night is tauntful, and then slap Lin Yun.

Quite disdainful way: "But your kid is enough, there is a Tianlong Zun who is from the head, not promised, you have to promise, don't convince, let their family disciples, also fight for a Tianlong Zun!"

The night lonely looked at Lin Yun, continuing to say: "The little brother is worthy of me, the teacher knows, I am afraid that I will be quite happy, you also think that the teacher will fight for the teacher, the elderly have become an emperor, said Going out and definitely also has a face. "

Lin Yunxin has a warm flow in the heart, and the brothers have been in this night, and they are very happy with each other.

"Master, I have a matter of incomprehensibility, this day, the deficiencies are so deep, why not reward some to the saints." Lin Yun opened.

He got these resources, hundreds of saints added, and they did not have to have it for a hundred years.

Night, sigh, smiled: "Said to be cruel, Zongmen is the most needed is genius, not only genius, but also to be a peerless genius, but the wind is full of emotions. Otherwise, more resources, also Unable to digest, but it is still a disaster. Such a peerless genius, such as ... "

"For example,?" Lin Yun smiled.

This is a joke, but the night is positive but it is: "For example, Tian Xuanzi."

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