The One and Only

The second thousand seventy-nine chapters flow two

call out!

But Lin Yun opened his eyes, and the silver bell laughed immediately disappeared, and everything was restored to calm.


It can be closed, and this laugh is coming again, but this time becomes a man.

Laughing is heating, like a bloody swort mountain river.

After several times, Lin Yun finally saw clearly, and these laughs were passed from the Tari hovering around the Dao Da.


Lin Yun shook his head, pushed the dragon phoenix, and did not pay attention to any voice, and the whole body was put into cultivation.


I don't know how long it has been in the past, and the 36 small tower is playing, the world is dark, and Wu Dao Tai will seem to be the universe.

From the small tower, fly out of a personal shadow, this should be the sword spirit that the master said.

Every Jianling has mastered the unclear swordsmanship, they are drilling into Lin Yun's consciousness and constantly handing with him.

Sometimes it is one-on-one, sometimes it is more, Lin Yun immersed, and asked them to learn to discuss or purely.

I don't know how long the time has passed, I only know that the small towers are like a light, and the light is gradually disappearing, like a lights that are constantly destroy.

"This stinky boy is very fragrant, there are so many sword spirits to communicate with him."

The night is cold, and the dragon fruit is smiled.

When Lin Yun opened his eyes again, he didn't have God, his expression is embarrassed, and he only felt a dizzy steering.

He feels that he has done a dream. It took a long time in his dreams. There were a lot of fun people in the dream, and the men's women, they took him to the star air in various places to take risks.

There is a mysterious planet, there is a fascinating fairy hall, there is an ancient temple, and there is a hill mountain.

I also saw the sea, that is the sea flowing in the starry sky, which is hovering the planet, there is a monster than the planet.

There is also a lot of legendary pure blood gains, amazed and wonderful, he has mastered many swordsmanship in the experience, and there are many magical experiences.

Just now I am trying to think, but I can't think of it, it is very real, but it is very blurred.

"Is it a dream?"

Lin Yun was surprised and found. His star river swords were in many, and the number of Star Rivers reached a whole.

Two swords stars in too yin sun, the size of the previous grinding disc, reforms into the size of the fist.

Just Jiexing became more silver, and the sun sword star is a golden gem, and the Sun Sword is a silver gem.

They become smaller, and the rays that can be released, but it becomes more condensed and huge.

Looking at the eyes of others, I can't see the kernel, I can only see the eye-catching rays, and the burning flames.

"Isn't it a dream?"

Lin Yun was surprised. His swords were more than ten times more than before, and the double sword star had a major change.

"Woke up?"

Going to Wu Dao, the night is lone to him.

"Master, what is going on? Is it a dream?" Lin Yun asked.

Night is cold: "It's a dream. These swordsmanship, Tari, take you experienced some of their lives, just ..."

Donned, night, night: "Just, like your Sword, this dream is a bit long, see your face look, this dream is at least a hundred years."

"It is a brother, that is, this is so recruited."

The night lonely, I touched Lin Yun's head, but I was still addicted, and I pinched his face.

"Brother, enough ..."

Lin Yun is helpless, and he doesn't dare to resist. It is mainly afraid that the master is embarrassed.

"Hey, feelings can't help, can't help." Night lone laugh, looked up, watch Lin Yun's sword.

"Yes, the double sword star is condensed into a star. This happens to be a half-hustle, I am afraid it is difficult to ruin your sword. Your sword is not enough, and you can only condense the star river in the future. Sometimes. "

Lin Yun, the master's meaning is that his sword can only occur, and it cannot be changed.

"What is the seven-piece swords?" Lin Yun curiously said.

"Don't worry, step by step. One hundred years a dream, the sword is enough, the realm is firm, the impact Ziyuan masters the rules of the Holy Taoist." Night is unforgettable.

"They ... okay?"

Lin Yun looked at the surrounding small tower, and he had a bad feeling.

"They are okay, just fall asleep." Night is relieved.

Lin Yunxin fell in the heart, looked at some small tower for a long time.

He is a brother in his dreams, a friend is a partner, after life and death, traveling to the stars.

Although the experience doesn't remember, it is still a matter of feelings, some difficult to accept it for a while.

If you really fall asleep ...

"Precious road."

The night was shot and patted his shoulders, said: "Eternal way, Supreme Holy Road, there are three thousand Avenue, 100,000 small roads, these are waiting for you."

"Eternal and Supreme, no need to worry. You will first experience it, put on the Avenue of Feng and the Avenue of the Ray, you should cultivate Canglong's body to imperial, these two avenues should be more easy, so on other trails, then it is natural ...... How many more you can do. "

"I will pass it for you ..."

Night is cold in Lin Yun, sitting on the face of the face, and the hands of each hand, and then take it together.


In a flash, the flowers bloom, fighting.

The flower of a blossoming avenue, delicate, let this monotonous Wu Dao Tao become bright and beautiful, even smelling flowers, hear the sound of the avenue is long.

Lin Yunxianee, only feels ripple in a certain river.

"You do not Cause my perception of these rules, which are only auxiliary, so that you become a little easier enlightenment." Night miserly explained.

"Kendo did not see how the flower."

Lin Yun curious way, and he saw a lot of road flower, variety, except not seen kendo.

Although Kendo is one of thirty-six kinds supreme Avenue, Big Brother can gift it is impossible not to grasp.

"Kendo and I have the Holy Spirit blending, it is difficult to open, if I cast out, it will affect your own enlightenment." Miserly night laughs.

"Big Brother has mastered the eternal road?" Says Dowling.

"This is a man's secret, like asking how long people Tintin, like, are you sure you want to know?" Night miserly blinked, cloud forest to an encouraging look.

"Poof! You're funny brothers." Purple Iris Uncharted, wheatgrass Phoenix thief holding a cat cheerful smiles.

Lin Yun Samsam smiled, quickly waved and said:. "No, no."

"Then do not so much a problem, concentrate on enlightenment it." Miserly night flapping his hands, took a blossoming of Fame, drill four weeks suspension of the small tower.


These dark small tower, was 11 lights, flowers in full bloom soon again become empty on the stage of enlightenment together.

With the cloud forest slowly closed his eyes, surrounded by a Road melodious bell sounded, thirty-six small tower quivering.

Night miserly floating gently, slowly left the stage of enlightenment.

"I'm also practicing the good."

Last night miserly glanced cloud forest, after determining the other into a state of enlightenment, just began to practice.


Kendo is not showing on the flower bloom, a little knowledge up to several Jianguang, take a road trip from appearance, into the sky, and the whole Fam will have a bright shining.

In possession of the sword Villa, Xiaobing Feng Lin Yun to talk about it, this has not unfamiliar cloud forest.

Right now there are brothers for his tract, thirty-six small tower to re-bloom, purple yuan promoted throughout Saint rule is not difficult to master.

However, there is a success, he has to hit the purple yuan.

He is too thick in the heritage of the Qingyuan, and has a hundred years of travel in the dream, and it will cost some time.

Time passed, those bells continued to pour into Lin Yun's mind.

Many of the original vague sentiments are accompanied by the bells, and they have some feelings of the top.

Time passed, a blink of an eye in the past half a year.


Wu Dao Taiwan's wind masterpiece, whistling the wind of Ling, seems to have a void to tear, surging the power of violent.

But very fast, this wind becomes soft.

The wind is good, he can tear the mountains and rivers, and can also have a spring breeze, and warm.

This is the rules of the wind, changing the multi-end, shadowless, can truly cultivate into extremely high-profile realm, and even the star can be stranded.

Half-rang, these weathered into rules visible, pouring into Lin Yunzhi, and a completely stable in the rules.


In the void, there seems to have a seed into soot germination, and then it will grow into a flower of a mysterious and transparent avenue.

Flower fragrance, glamorous.

Every petal is crystal clear, perfect, and you can indulge in a glance.

The flower of the avenue, the avenue of the wind, it is!

However, I haven't ended yet, this trip course is just over, there is a lightning violent, and a lightning is slightly smashed, and the smoothness of Lin Yun is clear.

The wind has become, he is in the Thunder.

Compared with the wind, the Thunder has not changed so much, it is violent, it is fanatics, just do it.

Thunder has symbolizes destruction and destruction, representing the number of robbers, representing disasters, which can not be good.


On the occasion of Lin Yun's nervous, the rivers and rivers who have walked over the ridiculous ancient domain, one night, lonely on the river, with the wave.

Compared with the broad vast rivers, this night is very small, and even worrying about being subversive at any time.

But in fact it is very stable, there is a wonderful voice on the bow, like a scorpion, usually echo on the river.

This is a young man who cannot describe, and the river is too dark because his appearance is quiet.

He wears a snow white long shirt, open open an exaggerated gap, showing a whitening skin inside.

On his right shoulder, leaves like a lush, branches are entangled in a quiet and deep purple flower.

Flowers have nine petals, stamens burned with candle-like flames, and the flames have a non-distorted god of jumping.

More surprisingly, this person has a golden shawl, long hair micro-roll, eyebrows, smooth, smooth, and the five senses are extremely stereoscopic.

He seems to have an alien blood, which is slightly different from ordinary people, but the eyes are not harder, such as autumn water is quiet, flowing with all the gentle time in the years, full of east.

Lonely boat, river, , this is like a picture, white snow is like flowers, and the years are quiet.

Some people look very nice, like fairy that came out in the painting, extraordinary with a little fireworks.

He is not the same, his beauty is a birthday painting, there is water in the mountains, there is a snow, and he never came out in the painting.

No need to say, this person is Tiansi.

There are two people outside the boat, all of his disciples, Zhuge Qing Yun and Qin Wei.

"Master, don't we go to Wan Lei? How to take the water ..." It's not enough to say that Qin Yan asked.

Tian Xuanzi smiled: "Let's go to the world of evil sea, go to Tianxiang Palace, Qinglong Politic is just over, see old friends."

Old friend?

Zhuge Qing Yunxiao reveals the color of doubts, who is old friend in Tianxiang Palace, may only have the holy old man who has passed the hand.

This is true "play".

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