The One and Only

Chapter 2,166 Red Teenagers

This sword is extremely overbearing.

The people are all breathless, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Directly by the swords outside the hundred miles, the people of the white family and the chapter are all dedicated.

More exaggerated is that there are four Shengzun squatting on the ground in front of him, and the sword pressure on the cold body is completely impossible.

Holy Confusion is not humiliated?

This is already the ultimate humiliation!

Before threatened, I have to smash the Shengyang Sheng Zun, who is the source of the night, and scared the face, and the corner of the mouth is .

too frightening!

Not saving it, you can't feel the horrible pressure of the horror of the night.

Is this a person who first entered the Dasheng?

Not like!

"Junyang Wu Shu, do you want to dig me a holy source?" At night, he looked at each other, with a trace of play, and there was no expression.

Junyang Shengzun is angry and angry. "" Night is cold, you are really a thousand people to do the night home? I am almost, I am sorry you, do you dare to move old ancestors? "

I am sinful in the night, say: "Where is the night home? I will not say it. I didn't say this year. These years, this year, you put in other tricks, I am too lazy to ask, after all, I am just a melon, But you do things tonight, really over ... "

He doesn't pay attention to these five people, watching the half-holy and holy and sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

He is in love, and there is no killing of the night at night.

Night home many holy signs are afraid, and they all look at Junyang Shengzun.

"It seems still not enough!"

The night is sighing, and then it is a sword.


A vertical sword is whistling, and the ghost that is squatting on the ground has not reacted, it is directly smashed into two halves.


The blood splashes in his body and sprayed directly in Junyang Shengzun, and a group of night holy situations.

His Shengyuan in his body cracks, releases the unclear spotlight, such as the thousands of fire insects, floating in the air and then bleak a little bit.

His sacred soul broke out, but he was still in the cold swords of the night, and it was twisted in the air and screaming.


The flower of his avenue is divided by the speed visible to the naked eye, and then a little bit will die.

Come with the heavens and the earth, scattered with the sky, the flower of the avenue, and the smoke is disappeared.

When I arrived at the Shengzun, even if I didn't deliberately cultivate my flesh, the flesh will also be very hard.

If it is deliberately quenching, or in engraving the holy grape, it is even more water, it is not invaded, and Tianlei can't hurt.


But now the ghost is broken into two flesh, under the invasion of swords, inch breakage.

The voice is crisp, like fried beans, usually , listen to people in the ear, can be said that the soul is tremble.

This is really horrible!

It is difficult to kill it even if it has been reached.

Because the Sheng Zun has not been seen from the vast eyes, they are too vital, the holy soul, the holy, the Shengyuan three integrates on the flesh, and the whole body is moved.

If you want to really destroy each other, you must destroy the soul, holy, and the Shengyuan also destroyed.

Otherwise, as long as one is still, the flesh is impossible to really be destroyed.

This is also the reason why Junyang Shengzun, etc.

They cultivated for hundreds of years in the Shengzun's environment, even if they were humiliated, they also knew that they couldn't die in a time.

The Shengzun unless you want to die, even if the Dasheng wants to kill it, he also costs a good job.

Generally, it is a seal, it is slowly tortured, and then let the years will slowly die.

Who can think of this, who can think of this sacred, and a sword is dead in front of everyone.

This is the style of the Yao Guang disciple, a sword breaks!


"Walk, we will go right away."

The remaining night home is full of stunned, and no longer stays at the moment.

No matter how Junyang Shengzun is angered, this helpers flew this place, and the face is frightened.

"Self-scrapping is."

The night is so relieved, there is no domineering of the sacred sacred sacred, just look at the holy and others of Junyang, and the look is indifferent.

Junyang Shengzun wants to cry, close to the millennium, if it is so abolished, even if it is alive, it is not as good as death.

But do it, look at the end of Ghost, the night is absolutely able to kill them.

A few people lifted their hands, and the body was shaking.

Think about it before, several people are still in danger, let the white family have been scrapped.

Who can think of it, it will be turned to themselves.

"The big night home is actually a self-cultivation, forced to this, it is really a taste."

At this time, I didn't know when the night home came out of a red teenager.

The teenager seems to be 14 or five, but his eyes are deep, no vicissitudes.

It is hesitant to start the four people who have to be self-remnant, and you will be a thrown after this boy.

Junyang Shengzun took the lead in reacted, this should be "aid" in Wangjiakou, and immediately open: "Seniors, seniors saved us, Hirazza has broken."

However, this red teenager did not care about him, but his eyes looked at night, with a smile with a smile.

Seeing this sudden red teenager, the white family and the chapter, the gods are nervous.

This boy is too surprised!

He is silent, it seems to stay for a long time, but everyone has never noticed him.

I know that after he speaks, I realized that there is such a person.

The scene is a sacred world, but this person can be silent, and it is conceivable to know how terrible.

The most weird is that the opponent's vicissitudes, but the face is the face of the absolute juvenile, and even a tenderness.

This contradiction has created an amazing, making people feel cold.

The night is cold and brows, before this teenager talks, he did not pay attention to the existence of this person.

But he recognizes the clothes on the teenager, and there is bloody road in the top, gorgeous and noble, this is the bloody people.

"Which high person is you magic?" The night is alive.


The red teenager smiled: "I just believe in a group of hardships of the holy fire. In your eyes, I became a magic. I used to teach me to accommodate me ... No wonder today's Kunlun, getting more and more The gods of the Dragon Era have never been there. "

"Since you call me magic, then I will do things about the magic people, the night is cold ... You are too kind, and you should not be self-reliant. Self-accident is ... Oh, even Waste the repair, and some is the opportunity to recover, and they have been pulling the sword.

"You can't do your hand, this seat is to help you do it!"


The red juvenile transformation of the red dress appeared in the top of the holy head of Junyang, and raised his hand to catch the past.

The speed is fast, and people feel that space seems to be moved by him.


He became the palm of the claw, and the palm of the strange space was condensed, the whirlpool scarlet was incomparable, like a flowing blood color clear spring.

The night is free, and a sword is hovering, the young palm swirls, the red teenager smile does not reduce, the other hand hidden in the sleeve is ready, and the lightning is like the night.


The head and the sword of the Qinghe Sword, the two are in the air, and the night is waving, and the four people who are squatting on the ground are relieved.

One by one was taken out, stayed away from the battlefield of the two.

The hands of the electric light rock, the night is cold and the cold, the loss is not small, and it is sold.

Although the palm of the palm of the sword was blocked in front of it, the power inside is still infiltrated, let the night are quite uncomfortable.

"Yao Guang is too kind, so let Tian Xuan have become a climate, you have not much skill, it is contracted with him, this is not ..."

The red teenager laughed, eyes, obviously only a young appearance, but hegemony is incredible.

He took the initiative to kill, bulky, and the cold in the night.


Seven Holy Sword is surrounded by the night of the night, the Taixuan Sword is constantly changing, but this teenager has a general way to crack.

Whether it is a frightener of Jinyanjian, or the thunder of the purple sword, or the flame of the red sword, the teenager should be relaxed.

There are both Tian Lei Ru Jian, then I have one finger, and the lightning strength is several times.

The . ....

If the golden sword is coming, the teenager refers to the sword, the double sword is mutually fighting, and the golden holy sword should be broken.

If there is a flaming, I also have a holy fire red lotus, and the waving is also destroyed.

Just in the shocking, the two people do tens of tricks, and the red teenager is like a leisure, swim in the Taixuanjian array.

Wan Jian returns!

Wait until Qi Feng merges, Wan Jian returns one, and the red boy is a little serious, and the right hand will hold the past.


A round of red moon appeared in his hand, it was extremely true red moon, like a planet in rotation, there are many pothole holes.

The vicissitudes of vicissitudes are long and vast.

The night orphanless Taixuanjian sword is a sword. The sword is incomparably, the sword is extremely horrible. Under this red moon, the space is hard to distort the crack of a curved.


The sword is blocked like this, waited until the red juvenile lightly pushed, and the red moon turned into the sky.

In an instant, not only the sword is broken, but the sword of the night is also unclear cracks.

The red juvenile is safe and standing, the eyes are located, and a power falls, and the emperor is in the moment.

When a look, let the white family members have spoated blood, as if the soul suffered a heavy blow.


The night lonely mouth spills the blood, the eyes are surprised, the chapter of the house is also very horrible, trembling: "I know who he is!"


The half mountain waist in the Holy Mountain, Shengxian Mountain.

Zhao Tianzi, Wang Muzhen, Gu Yu new three people walked very slowly, when the red moon is lifted, they stopped and looked back.

Gu Yuxin suddenly excited and excited: "The director is finally coming!"

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