The One and Only

The second thousand one hundred and ten chapters of the Taikoo Xiyutian Wanjian

River day, month, golden round, wooden wheel, water wheel, hot wheel, earth day.

Lin Yun looks very clear, a total of seven rounds, every round is a color different moon.

Jinmu Water Rapid Soil Sun Moon is just a seven big stars, and it is too Xuan Tian and not moving.

After the refining of Jiu Zhong Tian, ​​it can condense the Xuan Tian Universe.

Lin Yun understood this practice method, and the three division brothers, I used to explain with him, so he confirmed the practice of the master.

Xuan Tian Baojian!

It's really Xuan Tian Baojian. It is the dragon spirit method of Tianxuanzi complement, and after cultivating the Xuantian Universe, it can be comparable to the god level.

Lin Yun is extremely shocked. How can the master will be Xuantian Baojian, and cultivate it into an extremely deep point.

"This is not Xuan Tian Bao Jian ..."

White emotionally doubts.

Lin Yun's eyes flashes, and there is also a puzzling color in the eyes, but it is not so simple that Xuan Tian Baojian is so simple.

The master of the master is in this martial arts, it doesn't seem to be much lower than the Tiansi.

If Lin Yun is expected, when the seven days later, the night will open a day, too Xuantian.


That is an amazing momentum, Lin Yun only seen in Tiansi.

The night, the body is hung in the air, the seven gold waves are surrounded, the top of the head is the ancient tower of Taixuan Tianzhi, and the radiance is shocked.

"Xuan Tian Baojian? Interest ..."

The red teenager looks surprised, and the face is very interested in the face.

"Interesting is still behind, seniors."

The night is lonely, and the right hand of the Qing River is pushed forward.


Qinghe Holy Sword Cave wore the void, wrapped in the sword whistling, piercing the swords into the flash.

The swords on the cold body are penetrated like a flowery, and then condensed into a true and illusory portrait, chasing the Qing River holy sword with the faster speed.


The red juvenile has already blocked the Qing River Holy Sword. However, the figure of the outside of the outside will hold the Qing River sword, the sword has skyrocketed, and the squats will bounce directly.

"It's just a bleave, I see where you can get it!"

The night is helping the treasure, and wrapped in the unparalleled pressure of Taixuan Tower.


When everyone suddenly saw the extremely strange scene, the Qing River sword was soaked. In the case of "people" control, they will continue to kill them in the red juvenile, and they are all mystery.

In an instant, the night is divided into two people, the body shows Xuan Tian Bao, the Qing River sword is showing soily swords.

This is not just a simple branch, but the power of Taixuanxian's power stacked with the power of Xuan Tian Baojian, the two perfectly fused, and the power of outbreak did not understand.

However, the time of half an hour, there will be more scars in the red boy, completely pressed against the cold.

Everyone looked at it, and one was surprised.

"How can this be?"

"Xuan Tianbao Jian Jianxuanxiao?"

"How to do the San Sword of Qinghe Sword, the sword seems to be controlled, but the naked eye is completely unable to see."

"This is too strange."

The hometown of the chapter and the white family, one is amazed, but the face is finally exposed to the color of a hint.

After you know that the red teenager is identified, they have desperate, and they have seen a vibrant machine.

The two people are very terrible. The rules between the heavens and the earth seem to have suffered damage, the ground is crazy, and the space is constantly cut.

Even the time has a mess, many pictures come back and forth, and people can't distinguish between the past and now.

Everyone is in the heart, this is the means of the power of the emperor!

Although the red teenager is just a furnish, it is an emperor that is the strong, or the legend is not a lot of emperors than the nine emperor.

Early rumors, this bloody teacher and Shenlong Emperor have traveled his hand, and the unfamiliar is extremely wolf, almost falls on the spot.

If you don't die, you still have to hit the Dragon Emperor.

Shenlong did not appear in many years, it is behind him, there is a bit of a bit.

"Flying to the moon!"

Only heard the extremely terrible angry, from the two people played out, a round of blood red moon, palm.


The blood month is between the rotation, the spatial rule changes, and the number of spatial cracks is born.

These spatial cracks are almost sweeping everything, even if it is a scholarous blessing of Taixuanju, and is also blocked in an instant.

This trick!

The people have a slight change, before this is the moonlight, break the night, the cold, so that the seven holy peaks have been annihilated.

In addition, this is slightly different.

As the bloody moon rolled, the distance between the red teenager and the night belongs, clearly is close, but it is opened with an infinite distance.

The rising blood month, constantly supporting this space, red teenager reached out to the blood month.

Even if it is hurt, it is still arrogant, and it is a domineering, this is the proud bones of the emperor.

Bloody teenage cold road: "Even if it is divided, the emperor is willing to humiliate, Yao Guang's disciples, give me a death!"

The night orphanless corner showed a smile. He figured over, hey, many space fragments were like a face mirror, which reflected in the top 100 nights.

He has a chaotic dance, and the handsome face, the look is unhappy, facing this kind of people who are close to the fabulous, and there is no fear.

Then, the thousands of difficulties continued to overlap, escaped a terrible space crack, and the Qing River sword is like a spanning time and space, finally being held in his hand.

At this moment, the incredible integration of the Soluch Sword and Xuan Tian Baojian, the two kinds of unparalleled exercises are directly integrated.


The night is cold and danced, and there is a terrible golden sac, and his flesh has been supported at this moment, and there is an explosion at any time.

But the night is so laugh, it is clear that it is possible to die at any time, but this person is like a madman.

Under the bloody moonlight, under the roaring of the sky, laugh, laughing, laughing, laughing.

"Taikoo Xu Tian, ​​Wan Jian returns!"

In the midst of muddy, the night is sword.


The rays of this sword cannot be described in words. Under this sword, the original broken space is like a puzzle, constantly returning back source.

Rely on the space rules, the red juvenile that is unlimited from the night is unlimited, and it is constantly drawn under this sword.

He is the domineering eye of the eight parties, and finally appeared, this ... how it is possible.

Space rules, is the eternal avenue!


I have no time to surprise him, and the sword is swept away, and the bloody moon is in half.


Then, there is thousands of bloody fireworks, in the air, the picture is beautiful, and it is cold.


The sword is falling on the bloody teenager. He spits out in a blood, and the body is gone directly, and the single knee is constantly vomiting blood.

Every time I spit out a blood, my breath is weakened, and I will fall below the strategy.

"The bloody old ghost, my teacher can catch you, I can pack you, Yao Guangyi, I can't get into you!"

The night is so lonely, and it is very fast.


After he landed, he immediately spit his blood, holding the sword to the ground, and his face was very pale.


Lin Yun's heart pain, no longer can't stand by, and rushed out directly.

With the speed of thunder lightning, there are several ups and downs, and they fall around the night.

He can't take much care, put the right hand on the back of the night, the sourcing of the Qinglong holy gas is constantly injected into the body.


I can't vomit the blood, but my face is very bright, and I will open Lin Yun's hand and watch him anxious.

That star-like eye, immediately exposed the favorite look, laughed: "Silly kid, this is the traces caused by Eternal Avenue, not the sacrality can solve, but die can't die."

"Don't lie to me!"

Lin Yun saw, grief, tears all switched in the box.

He killed the road in Tongtian, and he never been a person. The teenager bite his teeth, and she insisted on Kunlun all the way.

Only after being taken by Yao Guang, there is a feeling of home. Several brothers have already become a relative.

He looked at the situation under the eyes of the night, and he couldn't help himself think about the scene of the big brother.

He is not afraid of him, this moment, he is really afraid.

"I can't die, in addition to can't eat fruit, everything is fine." Night is a cold smile, he is really heavy, you can't die. "

"I want a big saint to die, not so easy."

After the white sputum fell, he spelled the confession.

Night lonely said: "You see, the saint is more than you know, you still know what the saint killer, crying, where to look at the slag men."

The mouth is still so damaged, it seems that it is really dead, and Lin Yunxin is relieved.

"Qinghe Jian Sheng, I went to this old ghost!"

A chapter is strong, seeing the bloody boy, the body, the body is only half holy.

Suddenly, the courage is rushed directly, and I want to completely end this.

"Don't go!"

It is preparing to pick a fruit, and see this scene, and take a look at it.


But it is still late, the bloody teenager is fierce, and I caught the neck of the people.

His eyes are cold: "A cat Augo also comes to join in the fun, you dare to do it for me? Are you also a disciple of Yao Guang? You also match!"

He is a cold, with an anger and killing.

The stagns of the neck were constantly struggling, but there was no possible possible, and his life was rummering.

"Blood Phoenix is ​​not dead ..."

The night is sigh, and the look is downgry: "Take it, this place can't stay."

Everyone was shocked, and they opened: "Where is it?"

Tiandao altar. "

The night is struggling to get up, Lin Yun quickly helped.

Blood phoenix is ​​quite overbearing, you can plunder your life to make up for your own deficiencies, and even directly engrave the other party's repair.

This chapter of the family's holy strong, thinking that it can be cheap, but I don't know if the meat buns are tonic to the other party.

If he can be cautious, it will not be made by the bloody teenager.

Swallowing this chapter of the home, the injury of the blood jacket can be at least 50%, and the night is more troublesome to return to the peak.

At the moment, I can only retreat, I will retreat to the Tiandao altar, reopen the big array of the sacrifices, see if the ancest is ascended, which is the first and thousands of conservatives.

A group of people quickly evacuated the malls, went towards the Tiandao Square, and the night was left behind.

The blood jacket is very heavy, and there is no evacuation of these people, just the icy showing blood collection.

"You also go, Tiandongzong is still safe, now there are only two, Tian Dao Square is one of them, I will come." Night looked at Lin Yun and white sparks.


Lin Yun focused on it and left with white sputum.

On the way, the white split is not retired, and the night is full, are you god? I have a secret, I haven't said to you ... "

"What secret?"

I don't know when the little ice cream arrived, suddenly a smile and asked.


At the same time, at the bottom of the Shengxianchi.

The Holy Spirit is not responsible, and the ban is successfully broken, and the ban is separated from the grain.

But when a few people completely see, they are all stupid, and the face is revealed.

It is the supreme gods, but it is not the grain of the sun and the moon. Here is only the gods of the moon.

The supreme gods were cut half!

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