The One and Only

Chapter 377 The last winner

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The 377th chapter is now, whether it is Lin Yun or waterless, there is no accident.

When the other party appeared, the two of his hand did not pay attention to his existence.

Just fighting hands, is being critical, I can't come up.

The two have no sharpness, and they are very different from the reasons. They also exist of the scorpion.

Seeing that there is no trace of water, the crossed thorns, change attention to it in advance.

As he said, the Daxin Empire, could not find the second show with Lin Yun.

At the same time as the dragon tiger fist and the dragon icon, there is a fatal sword.

In the past few hundred years, the Empire genius has been talented, and it has never been broken.

On the stage of Longmen, there is no lachery's protagonist.

There is no one, it is complete, no one can be like Lin Yun, and there is so many martial arts, and can also cultivate so highly realm.

Whether it is Dragon Tiger, or the dragon icon, it is possible to be in the empire.

Can Lin Yun, both of which are repaired, with their own swordsmanship, and have come out of an unprecedented road.

Some of the sidelines are silent, taboo each other, the horror pressure brought about by truly growing.

He has got the treasure knife, and the sword in the nine layers is not awkward.

In contrast, he is more careful, and Lin Yun is removed directly in this ninth floor.

The treasure sword is home, just can be ignorant of waterless water, such a plan, an arrow double carving.

At the moment, it is also a great time in his appearance, and there is no reason for the water without the rejection.

As he thinks, the water that has been injured is no trace, no matter how he is very arrogant, it has to be accepted.

"You can really get timely.

There is no trace of water, and I read the other eyes deeply, and I laughed and said: "I accept your help.


In the main hall, the thoroughness took the lead in launching an attack, and the body scintitor.

In his body, the real yuan and suffocation were condensed, and the blood knife of a lonely proud, the blood shocked, and the past, flew it in Lin Yunfeng.

"I hope that you must not regret your decision!

Lin Yun's eyes flashed, he rarely angry, but it was really anger.

Whether it is this fine or water, there is a strength comparable to him. In this nine-tier, I will jointly deal with myself.

Very good, that battle today, don't blame his sword.

At a time, half-step congenital swords screamed, and the gas of the fence.

Wanrui's treasure sword is out, indifference is ruthless, brutal and bloody.

Muchun, the people who have kill, can die in the latency under his Lin Yunjian, no count.

Don't be he Lin Yun, it's really no temper!


Running the world, Lin Yun held the funeral sword in the back of the bomb, and the blood is connected to the heart.

Under the pounds, the sword is pulled out, the sword of the cold, the sword of the cold, and the throne will be in the horror blade.


During the fiscal crack, this sword is powerful, and the blood blade that is condensed with the truth and the real yuan.

Not finished, the remaining swords, whispering.

After the thorn is shocked, the face is slightly changed, and the foot will leave three steps on the back leg.

The strength of this Lin Yun is more than him, but also a bit.

"There is no trace, there is no need to prevent me, your smoke cloud sword method is no longer, I am afraid that you have no chance to come out.

At the same time, the thorough look is indifferent, and the body is blended with the real elements.

The bloody suffocating that shrouded in him, condensed into a sharp long knife, and the bloody suffocating cold breath, and it was an awkward.

"If you wish, smoke cloud!

There is no trace in the water, and the sword is suddenly put, and the sword is accidentally put, and the sword is out of sheath.

In the sword, it is derivatized into the smoke cloud, and the figure is divided into four. Every sword has nine true and false, and the swords of smoke clouds

For a time, he is like a sword like a cloud.

It looks like an endless sword, turning into a cloud sea, gathered from the four parties, and the sky is covered with Lin Yun.

This sword is strong, the exquisiteness of the smoke cloud sword law is perfect.


The thoroughness did not leave the hand. When he was united to the peak, he pulled out the sheath.

I saw a scorpion of the bloody blood knife, with a strange and evil breath, mixed in the sword of the water, and the clouds were covered with him Lin Yun.

For a time, the two of them made a killing trick, and there was no whitred hand, and the past was killed toward Lin Yun.

Scene is extremely dangerous, no matter who, depths, will feel a desperate.

Long-haired Zhang Yang, Lin Yun held the sword in his hand, at this moment, he is nothing, thinking about thinking, only the sword in his hand.

To the heart of the sword, life and death!

Semi-step congenital swords, was blocked by him to the limit, the purple swords were filled.

The sword waves the sword, the water moon sword, turns into the sword of the cold, welcomes the clouds of the sky, and the blood lights that are shrouded.






Hey ... Mars is splash, the sound of the blade is over.

The thrilling hand, it is like a storm with the wind and rain, there is no calmness.

The fierce and brutal evil battle, the whole continued half anxis, the truth in the air, the sword was long, the knife did not know, blood quad splash.

Suddenly ... Lin Yun's eyes flashed, and it was suddenly condensed, and the purple battle of the ancient dragon icon was out.

The battle is showing, and it is perfect, it is not flashing, and the hardcore is a knife.


The bloody blade is amazing. Under a knife, the four-point fifth crack of this war is bombed.

But this knife, after all, did not hurt Lin Yun, the thoroughness itself was shocked.

The light of the moon!

Lin Yun, this opportunity, the wrist shake, the sword is smashed with the mist.

The water hidden in the cloud sea is no trace, his sword seems to have everything, almost the instant that the other party just pushed out of the body.

A moon-like sword light, lightning is not marked.


The water has a large change, and the sudden changes, let him have some can't react.

This sword will be in the middle, it is closable, and the only thing he can do is to reduce the injury after this sword.

Electro-optical flames, no time, think, even the sword welcomes it.


As soon as the moon-like sword light, it is his rush, and the swords moves can be resistant.

His swordsmanship, it is ruined, and the sword is broken. The moonlight is so fierce, and the water is not shameless, it is like a rush, burning.

The thicker that took the lead in land, the eyes were shun, and there was a dangerous danger.

Fortunately, this sword Linyun is not marked with water, otherwise he is not reacted on the way to be shocked.


Water is not trace from the moon-like swordsmanship, it is up and down, the scar is tired, and a white coat is dyed, and the wolf is very much.

The two people look to Lin Yun, which is amazed, and there is no material.

Under the second enemy, there is still no advantage of how much advantage is still, and even the other party.

"Frost cold!

I have something to give up, Lin Yun's killing, re-emerge.

The funeral sword is in his hands, and the swordsman, and the sharp swords are like the cold wind of the violent, like the plum bloom in the winter snow.

Salch as arrogant, to the war!

A sword that is like a light fluttering, but it is like Lang Lang, and I entered the winter of snowflakes.


At this point, the sword is too, there is no exception, with an ice.

There is no trace of water and the thoroughness, and the real yuan is stunned.

Although I have not been frozen, when the truth touches the sword of the cold and mount, I will blow up.

Each spit out of the blood, fly out.

To the heart of the sword, bravely!

Lin Yun is so angry. He has no fear and timidity among him, and holds the sword with the sword.


Between the rush, the sword, like a huge waves, whistling.

The landless water is not trace and the thorns, in front of this overworker, the breathing that is forced is difficult.

Some difficult to resist, bite the teeth, confidence, crash at a little bit.

A sword Ling nine days, a sword sweeps Liuhe, a sword, eight, a sword, cloud.

Floating cloud nine days, eight wild six!

Didn't give the other person, I am lucky, the rushing Lin Yun, blooming endless domineering, and sacrifice the hegemony.


In the case of the day, the eye-catching sword light, defeating the opponent's last confidence.

The two were almost swords, they were twisted, and the chest ribs were broken, and the five internal organs were blown down, hitting the earth, and unbeatable.

There is a jade simple in the hands of the two, but when two people will hold it.

Seeing the cold eyes, I couldn't help but hit the emperor, and the action of crushing the jade is stopped.

"Want to go? Nor can it, leave your storage bag.

Lin Yun is cold and smiled, almost forced to the desperate, and thinking in front of him? Not possible!

There is no hangar of the water: "Lin Yun, there is no need to do so, the sixth floor, your teachers and brothers met me, I didn't force him two people.

When the speech, the water is inconvented from the storage bag, take a bottle of cold.

It is used, it goes without saying.

"I hope you haven't lie to me.

Put the medicine bottle in hand, Lin Yun looked at each other and nodded.

Water is no longer tone, pinch the jade, the rays, with a thick unlike disappeared in the 5th floor of the Baishe.

"You are best to die in the tenth floor, don't come out!

The Jingsi looks indifferent, throws the waist storage bag and crushes the jade simple in the hands.

In his storage bag, there is an ancient treasure knife, which is worthy of the sword in this nine-story.

When throwing out, his heart is like a piece of meat, that is lost to love, can't speaking.

"Reassured, I will definitely disappoint you.

Lin Yun waved, sucking the other's storage bags in hand, said calm.

... The silence of the wasteland, in the black lotus method, the two figures appeared before.


"Water no trace!

The elders of the Qi Tingbao and the Magic Moon Villa, suddenly exclaimed, see terrible scars in the two people, one of the faces.

Under the way, there is no third figure in the wilderness.

"There is only Lin Yun, it turned out to be the Lingxiao Sword laughed.

Undoubtedly, it is definitely the swordsman forest cloud, with an enemy, the big defeated water is not trace and the thorns, becoming the biggest winner in the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall.

Water has no trace and the sword injury on the sideline, enough to explain everything.

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