The One and Only

The 380th chapter, my sword, glory is forever

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The 380th chapter looks at the Yipianqinglian on the lotus platform, Lin Yun is thinking, thinking about still reaching out.

Who knows that it is a horror, and when you are amained, you will disappear.

All everything, all disappeared.

In front of me, suddenly a picture, he seems to cross time and space, in a vast war.

It can be everything, it is nothing to do with him, and can only go to the perspective of the foreigners.

In the mountains of magnificent, all are fierce batons, cry and roar, one of the disciples died.

But this group of people, the dead war, abandoned, guarded in front of a towering treasure hall.

The treasure hall has some eyes, and Lin Yun is bright, this treasure hall is Hemian Temple.

The sky is like a cloth, and the clouds are detached, and the blood circulates into the river.

In the broken building, there is a cums of bones and died.

It can be a group of people, they are dead to guard the Hall of the Hall of the Town, this is the belonging to the pass, it is necessary to use the life, and the inheritance of the guard.

Even if it is a Lin Yun, who is doing outsiders, is also moved, hate can't be placed, killing the enemy with a sword.

Can't do it, he can only look at it, look at a paradise, sword.

Finally, only one person left in front of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall.

Can wait for him, and die ... a black figure, is full of magic, bulky, blade, ruthlessly piercing its body.

Just as he will die, suddenly look up, a sword shook a black magic eye.

"My sword, glory forever!"

The voice is falling, and the last sword of life will be opened, and the magic people will be killed.

After it turned into a vast cyan sword light, the whole black lotus hall, shrouded.

That is, in the moment of his head, Lin Yun saw his appearance, and the white man of the Temple is clearly exactly the same.

The picture is gradually blurred, the magic shadings are heavy, but I can't let the blue sword light shrouded the treasure hall.

Did it completely disappeared completely, Lin Yun has some gods.

For a long time, he woke up like a dream.

Look at it, the Temple is ten floors, the empty, and there is nothing.

There is no palace, and there is no river, only one of him is alone stands in place.

If not, he is in the war, understanding the cloudlessness of the cloud, thus mastering the last trick of the Water Moon Sword.

I am afraid that it is half a mark, it will not exist. It will suspect if it is really existed.

But the ten floors of the Temple, all did nothing.

There is no cloud, no rain, only one man is in many years ago, there is a sentence.

My sword, glory is forever.

"A sword is like a dream.

Lin Yun is lost, and it is a little sad.

He is now fully understood that the other temples in the Magic Lotus is destroyed.

Only this Black Lotus Temple is alone, this is the inheritance of a group of people in the year, is that it will benefit from it.

Inheritance, glory forever.

Black people and white people are the man, the cloud is a dream that is unhappy, and the rain is the fault left.

"time to go.

Ten floors, no treasures, no legends.

Can Lin Yun got full, no regrets, the most perfect end of the Magic Lotus Middle, painted the most perfect period.

Silent wasteland.

The elder and disciples of the big gates of the Daqin Empire, the eyes are dead, staring at the black lotus in the center of the Method, looks quite tense.

According to the reason, this secret has already closed it.

It can be seen that Black Lotus is still, it can only be explained, Lin Yun is still living in the Temple Ten Fed.

The longer the last time, meant Lin Yun, the greater the chance of test through the ten-story test.

The core disciples of each parade, looks a bit complicated.

The top ten layers of top, have been distant to become a legend, it is difficult to see the legend? In the mountains of the Magic Mountain, the water returned to the water was not trace, and there was no expression, and he did not send.

Suddenly, his face was slightly changed, and the palm was expanded, and the snowflakes were received in the air.


Looking at the palm, crystal clear white, cold snowflakes, and the water flashed in the eyes.

"What ghost, this silence is hot, and even dripping water is impossible, how does the end snow is snowing.

"It's really a strange thing.

The majority of the wilders in the wilderness, they have been confused by this sudden big snow.

Only some elderly old people, the look of the look, and it seems excited.

"Legend seems to be true, as long as someone passes the ten-story test, the big snow will, full of the whole silence.

"So, Lin Yun took the test?"

"I can't miss it, the vision is impossible to produce, this Lingxiao Pavilion really earned, and there is still a treasure in the top ten.

Initial, snowflakes are still thin, after a diabrant, the big snow is getting more and more fierce.

After a while, the entire destruction will be filled with a thick layer.

With the fluttering heavy snow, the whole destruction is gradually boiling.

Today, they all have their own eyes and witnessed a legend.

Next time, this is once again snow, but I don't know when to wait.

One hundred years, one thousand years, 10,000 years? "Out!

At this time, in the array of light flashing, Lin Yun, crushed the jade simple, appeared in everyone's field of view.

There are countless roads, through the flying big snow, and fall in Lin Yun.

The water of the Magic Moon Villa is not marked, and the eyes also fell on Lin Yun, and the eyes flauntted.

He can induce, Lin Yun's cultivation and swords, there is no change in front of the top ten layers.

But on your body, but also a lot of temperament, I don't understand the temperament.

It is clear that Lin Yun, who is lower than him, has made him completely.

In the top ten, what did he have experienced? "Xiaochi!

I still wonder if I have a mistake, I have been sent to Lin Yun, I heard a few familiar voices.

The shape flashes, several breathing, came to the Sword Camp.

"Xiaochie, you finally came out, I miss."

Xin Yizhen is slightly smashed, and the pretty face is in the ice and snow, showing a plug-in red and more adding.

"Xiaochie, you create a legend!"

Some words of Tang Tong excited no words, after seeing Lin Yun, hurry up.

The Sword Pavilion is up and down.

Legend? Top 10 floors, but it is a dream.

It can be seen that everyone is happy, Lin Yun laughs and is not available.

Lu Yifeng and Xin, with a group of elders, laughing: "Lin Yun, okay."

All the way to kill the Temple ten layers, and it is inevitable.

However, Lin Yun, when touched the Valcan, the injury was restored at the same time.

"Thank you, I'm always concerned, so almost, it is basically no.

Lin Yun is retroactive.

"It's okay.

Lu Yifeng touched the beard, and the eyebrows said.

Donned, Luo Feng, I thought about it, my face was slightly lifted, Shen Sheng said: "Lin Yun, water is not trace, is you hurt?"

"It is my injury.

The nine floors of the Temple, the two brought him almost a desperate, and he refined a Qiankun Yinyang Dan in advance.

Let the cultivation of the promotion to Xuanwu, or it is really hard to say.

In the face of Luo Chang's old question, Lin Yun did not avoid it, he believes that Zongmen is not expensive.

Lu Yifeng and behind the face, the face is slightly changed, and the eyes flavored.

"White Yue of the Magic Flame is also defeated by you?"


"Three core disciples of mixed gates, Zhang Yan, Zhao Quan, Xiao Ming is you killing?"

"I will kill it.


Lin Yun simply discounted, let everyone suck the mouth and tight, and the eyes have changed a little change.

Among the amazing moves, in Lin Yunkou, the answer is so casual.

After a long time, Lu Ye smiled. "I don't know why, the owner is named to let you enter the Magic Lotus ..."

At this moment, he is happy in his heart.

The hi is Lin Yun's growth so fast, three years later, the gantry is bigger, will definitely get a lot of light, no one can stop him from winning him, winning the name.

I even dare to think about it, the gantry at the end of the year is bigger, not necessarily there is no chance, fighting.

Worry is to have more sin so many paramenses, especially those who are free in the empire, I am afraid that it is hard to be good.

At the moment, the Lingxiao Sang Pavilion is in the eyes of the wind.

If something happens, other paramenies may not be in aid.

"Lin Yun, my core disciple, is it died in your hands!

At this time, a group of long and disciples, under the leadership of Wen Yanbo, and rushed over.

Wen Yanboxin, in a belly fire.

Three core disciples, all faded in the Magic Lotus, and they are all dead in Linyun.

For the mixed gate, not only the loss is heavy, but also the face of the face.

He has already burned him in an anger. When I saw Lin Yun, I immediately saw the sin.

"My blood book door is cold, and the disciple of Guizong hurts the treasure hall, and I want to ask for someone. If Gu Zong does not wait for my bloody door?"

A group of people in the blood bones, surrounded by a gloomy Mu Xiu, a step by step.

"My magic flames are not so provoked, Lin Yun, you are hurting white Yue, grabbing him, Yinyang Dan, dare not recognize!

It is also a group of people, and I am going to be able to approach the sword.

For a time, the three major people, the mighty, all of them came, and the sword camp was blocked.

Among the silencers, the rest are all stunned.

It can be seen in the eyes, but there is not much accident.

Reasons more, nothing more than two words, interests.

If the sword is returned, spit out some treasures, seemingly a dangerous situation, will soon solve it.

If it is not let, it will be inevitable.

The world of the war, after all, still talk, weak meat, since ancient times.

"The seven distals is also moving!

The three major gates and the scene of the Xingshi were already shocked, but they did not expect another one.

The seven distals is not talking, and it is difficult to face, but it is ugly than anyone.

The fine storage bag, all were grabbed by Lin Yun, and there is even ancient treasure.

Luo Feng sighed in the heart, and it was coming.

Four sessions teamed up, the sword club, suddenly appear quite passive.

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