Austin won the first place in elocution competition and Justin in sports competition , the prize distribution was done the very next day to which I didn't attend .

It has been more than a month since the competitions took place , exams were near but the syllabus wasn't completed because of those competitions . Our teachers tried their level best to complete the syllabus .

I had my exams in the month of April , I worked hard . I went through those sleepless nights again and on the last day of exam we ripped out hall ticket and threw it in the air . It was a kind of satisfaction in tearing the hall ticket into pieces and throw them on the last day of our exams .

During my summer holidays I went to my grandparents to visit and got back home after few days as my results were out . I went to my school with my mother as she had to sign on my report card .

My mother was to tears looking at my name which were written on a board . My name was in the top list . she looked at me with her teary eyes and kissed me on my forehead .

Rachel's mother Clara met my mother they both started to talk and I was talking to Rachel .

I'm so proud of you , Rachel said and hugged me .

Thankyou , I replied while hugging her.

This time I scored 93% , she scored 88% .

As we were walking in the corridor , I saw my aunt coming towards us . She came and greeted my mother and hugged her friend , Clara who is Rachel's mother .

After a while Rachel left with her mother .

My mother and aunt were still talking , my mother told that we would leave in five minutes , but even after thirty minutes she didn't even move an inch . I lost my patience and their conversation looked like it might take more than an hour .

I didn't know what to do , I went to Justin's class to call him and at the same time I wanted to see Austin , it has been so long since I met him . I went to their class and saw Austin helping his teacher , he looked at me and gave a bright smile .

I waved at him ,he looked at me and then towards the benches . I thought he was telling me to look at the benches but later I understood what he meant . He told me to sit in the bench . I nodded and sat in the first bench . I was staring at him when he was busy helping his teacher , a slight smile appeared on my face looking at him .

After he was done helping , we both came out of the class .

Congratulations , he said as soon as we came out of the class.

Congratulations for being in the top place since three years , I said .

He gave a chuckle to my reply .

Jessica , my cousin called me.

They are waiting for us , come fast , he said .

I looked at Austin and told him that I'll be leaving and left without looking back .

After my summer vacation I started to go to school . Can't believe that I'm already in eleven standard . On the first day after reopening of my school I came to know that we were going to get shuffle , I looked at Rachel in shock , I can't even imagine we both being in different classes we both held our hands .

After a while a person came and handed over a paper to the class teacher , she read my name out loud . I was to tears I didn't want to leave her , I was holding back my tears and so was Rachel and finally before folding the paper she read Rachel's name . The tears which were filled with sadness rolled down on my cheeks with happiness . We hugged eacthother and couldn't control our happiness we were laughing and talking which made our classmates to look at us , our teacher made us to stand and scolded us for disturbing the class and for not behaving properly , even though she was scolding I was happy that I would be with her in the same class .

After a while she told everyone to take our bags and go to our new classroom .

As soon as we entered our new class we were welcomed by Justin who was sitting in the second bench .

Finally we are class mates , Justin said with a smirk .

Yeah , I replied .

I have a bad feeling , said Rachel to Justin pursing her lips .

I looked around to see if Austin was in my class but he wasn't there . I went and sat in a bench beside Rachel .Even though I was happy because Rachel and I were in same class at the same time I was slightly dissapointed when I didn't see him in my class .

I laid down on the bench and closed my eyes .

you both are in the same class again , lucky people , I heard someone saying to Rachel .

We are , said Rachel and giggled .

Jess , wake up ,she said , but I didn't .

Jessss ..... Austinnn , she whispered into my ears .

I got up and looked at him .

He is our in class ?, I asked her in a loud voice as I was excited which made people to look at us with strange expression but then we got used to such expressions since we were kids .

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Even though I had another reason for working hard to score good marks I felt very happy when I looked at my proud mother's face . All the things I did for him made me a better person today .

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