The one I've loved

4 The day I saw him

I went to my kitchen and after making a cup of coffee for me I came back to where I sat before .Holding my diary in one hand and my cup in another hand I continued to read my diary .

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I was in eighth standard, as I study in a christian school ,we celebrate our school feast on July 16 every year to honour our patron saint. Just like every year students participated in various programs in which they were intrested . Rachel being an average student and I being a dull student took a wise decision of not participating in any competition or any program.

It was around 11:30 am , Rachel and I came late to school and went directly to our school auditorium, our auditorium is very big . we took our our seats in the middle row .By the time we came ,our principal and our chief guest gave off their speech and I was happy about it because I hate speech given by people . Rachel and I enjoyed the program till the end and it was time for thanksgiving speech and I was least intrested in it .Rachel and I were about to leave and I heard girls sitting beside us yelling at us saying we were blocking their way , I was surprised and gave a weird look at them thinking who likes thanksgiving speech and why are they behaving so desperately . Rachel grabbed my hand and told me to sit , as I was about to say something to her , I heard a voice . It was a guy's voice , I don't know why ,listening to his voice I felt like an arrow struck my heart . I turned my head towards the stage which was facing Rachel . He was a tall guy with thick black and brown hair which was shining. Even though I'm little far from the stage I can say that he's good looking .Now I understood why those girls were going crazy .He was not looking at the paper actually he doesn't have any paper in his hand , but still he was able to give speech confidently looking at people .When he was looking at my side I felt as if he was looking at me and talking .

Rachel was telling me something which I ignored as I was concentrating on his speech .For the first time I felt why was the speech so short . I was looking at him till he went to the back stage .

After he left I turned towards Rachel who was already looking at me with a wide smile on her face ." So , did he steal your heart ?" she said and giggled

"what? nooo , I just admire the way he gave his speech and ...." before I completed my sentence "admire and all, haahh?" she said by raising right eyebrow and started to tickle me .

Everybody left only few people were in the auditorium and they were cleaning the mess . I was bored waiting for Rachel and also my eyes were searching for the guy who gave the speech ,I was so into him that I didn't even listen to his name when the anchors spoke something about him .It has been 15 minutes and she still didn't come yet .As I got up I saw three girls standing in one corner and busy doing something and a guy's back was faced towards me . He was holding many things in his hands due to which he lost his balance and fell down .

I started to laugh and ran towards him . "Hey handsome , hope you are fine,"I giggled saying this to which he replied "hello sister , I'd be fine if you give a hand and help me ." Justin Tyler Smith ,my cousin . "Serves you right for showing off in front of those girls cousin,"I giggled . Oh shutup jess !!! he replied. By the way where is your tail ? he asked . Stop saying like that she is my best friend saying this I pinched him slightly ." OUCH!!! that hurts , I might die ."

Shutup, Cindy called Rachel for something so she went with her . Thankgod , she didn't see me in this state, she doesn't leave a chance to tease me .

haha!!!, as if you don't tease her, I replied .

I don't know jess , I just like the way she puts her face whenever I tease her and it makes me want her to tease more ,she looks so cute.

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