“Yuki Ridou, whether you enter the world of god killers and kill gods, prove that you have the ability to turn possibilities into reality, you have three days to choose, after three days, even if you refuse, you can continue to enjoy ordinary daily life with your sister, rest assured, even if this world is not ordinary, you who have the luck of the protagonist will not die easily.”

A voice sounded in Yuki Rito’s head, as if the system was in his head, but as an ordinary person, he could not detect the trace of the system.

Yuki Rito (fan).

According to the comprehensive combat power, there are three major ranks of transcendent, Warring States, and Collapse Domain, each of which is divided into three small levels, low, medium and high, and the god of non-obedience, at least the intermediate level of the Warring States.

This is the last message left by the system, and in extremely short words, it speaks of the gap between Yuki Rito and the god of disobedience.

Entering the world of god killers to kill gods is a trial given by the system, but it does not force it, and even faintly encourages Yuki Rito to choose to give up.

If it hadn’t been for the death, Yuki Rito would have agreed without hesitation, and the Kusanagi Godo of the God Killer World seemed to just raise the stone slab, and easily killed the god and ascended to the sky in one step.

However, Yuki Rito, who died once due to an earthquake, knows that the powerlessness of human beings in the face of natural disasters, and the god who does not follow is a natural disaster that moves.

What is transcendent? Out of the realm of mortals? Warring States is one man fighting one country? So what is the collapse domain?

This rank after rank seems out of reach for Yuki Ridou, who is not even an extraordinary low-level, and cross-level combat? Killing gods with mortal bodies? Not to mention the magician who has mysterious powers in the world of god killers, Yuki Ridou, who is just a high school student, does not even have the certainty of defeating a trained adult.

Is it to give up Goldfinger and enjoy everything as Yuki Rito, or to put yourself in danger and work hard to become the only male protagonist? Or pray that in these three short days, King Debiluk’s daughter Lara will fall from the sky, appear in front of her, and then fall in love with herself at first sight, so that Yuki Rito will get Debiluk’s technology and increase the possibility of killing the gods?

The troubled Yuki Rito could only reluctantly praise a few words when sharing breakfast with Yuki Mikan, and apologetically left the table under the worried eyes of the other party, locking himself alone in the room.

At least these three days can’t be wasted, let’s see what the world is like first, and work hard for the possible killing of God.

Now Yuki Rito can only rejoice that the salary of several places where he often goes to work part-time is a daily end, and he will not cause all kinds of trouble because he did not show up today.

It is rumored that there was a vampire family in the West named Scarlett, and it is rumored that although technology is rampant today, there were monsters in distant times, but in modern times, they all disappeared, suspected to have entered another world.

Is it fantasy township? A fantasy land for the gods?

Originally, looking at what was displayed on the computer screen, I should be happy to know such news.

Feeling the hesitation and unwillingness in his heart, Yuki Rito became dazed, and after a long period of dazedness, it was impulsive.

Then, with his few savings, he left home like crazy, looking for everything mysterious, hoping that in this world of alien technology and monster legends, he could get something as magical as the stone slab called Prometheus Cheats in Kusanagi Godo.

But, to no avail, the meagre amount of money couldn’t even help Yuki Rito get a pistol.

Finally, in this huge city, Yuki Rito clutched the bank card, secretly climbed over the wall and entered the Cainan High School, which was still on vacation, and came to the infirmary, where the doctor who is known as the first in the universe, Ryoko Mimon, sometimes appears.

But now that Cainan High School is on holiday, Yuki Rito is not sure in the slightest, and he can only pray along the way that as the protagonist of the former world, his luck will not be too bad.

“Yuki Rito? Why are you here, the school is not open yet. ”

When the door of the infirmary was opened by a mature imperial sister, the tight strings in Yuki Rito’s heart loosened slightly, and the indescribable sense of ease made him almost lose the ability to speak neatly.

“Mimon-sensei… I, I may face a battle after that, I know you are a very good doctor, is there any medicine that can help me? For this, I am willing to pay all the money at my disposal, 200,000 yen. ”

Ryoko Mimon reveals a mature charm, and her charming face and beautiful body make her fatally attractive to any sound member of the opposite sex, but Yuki Rito at this time, there is no lust in his eyes at all, only almost crazy repression.

“Fight? This is the earth, if there is any difficulty, you can find the police, why…”

Halfway through his words, Ryoko Mimon noticed the look in Yuki Rito’s eyes, looked at his sweat-soaked, dusty clothes and the bank card he was clutching, and smiled like a sigh.

“It seems that something happened to you, come in, no matter what, you are an excellent student of Cainan High School, I am a health teacher of Cainan High School, if I can help you, I will do my best.”

Poured a glass of water for Yuki Rito and quietly watched the other party drink, Mimon Ryoko sat down with her slender legs folded, this slightly seductive action should have made the high-school student with strong blood blush, but Yuki Ridou’s expression did not change much, and Ryoko Mimon, who had seen this scene in full view, stared closely at this student who was excellent in grades, but undoubtedly just an ordinary earthling.

“What the hell is going on? Got the bad guys? You can tell me, although I am only a health teacher, I still have a little relationship, maybe I can solve your troubles, as for 200,000 yen or something, you still collect it yourself, the teacher helps the student, and will not ask for the student’s money. ”

“…… Thank you. ”

Ryoko Mimon’s face was full of seriousness, and Yuki Rito knew that she might really use her energy as the first doctor of the universe to solve problems for herself, but unfortunately, trouble was not in this world.

“I need medicine, medicine that can heal a serious injury that is dying, or medicine that will briefly strengthen my physical fitness, please, if I can come back, I will do my best to repay you.”

The time is too short, although Yuki Rito knows that Ryoko Mimon’s combat power is not low, he does not think of letting her train himself, his only plan now is to strengthen himself through drugs, and then seize the Prometheus secret of Kusanagi Godo in the world of god killers.

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