For one night, in addition to using sleep to relieve his tense spirit, Yuki Rito also tried to contact the system as much as possible, trying to know more information, such as the time and place to go to the God Killer World, but unfortunately, in addition to knowing that going to the God Killer World to spend the trial and return to the current Overworld, the world of the Overworld would only pass one day, Yuki Rito did not get any other information.

As for not passing the trial? The trial to kill the gods failed, and naturally Yuki Rito was killed by the gods.

Among the billions of living beings in the god-killer world, there are not a few spell masters and knights who have special powers, and there are more ordinary people, but the god-killers who have successfully killed gods, in addition to the more distant past, have totaled less than two hands in the past two hundred years, which is rumored to be an unprecedented number.

This is almost one in a billion probability, which makes people desperate.

The next day, Yuki Rito did not leave the house, on the one hand, to appease Yuki Mikan, on the other hand, to try to remember the knowledge of myths, although different worlds, gods are likely to do different things, and even whether there are gods is a problem, but mythology, in general, should not be much different, in any case, Yuki Rito hopes to understand the gods better, in order to prepare for the future to face the gods who do not follow.

A mortal who is trying to prepare to kill the gods?

Sometimes Yuki Rito feels ridiculous about himself like this.

“Ridou, are you hiding something from me?”

The door to Yuki Rito’s room was opened, and Yuki Mikan, who broke in without knocking, ran to the computer that Yuki Rito was staring at at a very fast speed, carefully looked at the computer screen, and found that it was not something pornographic, but a mythical epic, and the girl was not relieved but worried.

“Not a bad thing.”

Suppressing all the emotions in his heart, Yuki Rito’s face showed a sunny smile, which tricked Yuki Mikan and made the girl who was originally worried laugh.

“It seems that Lidou has also grown, hee-hee.”

The girl left happily, and Yuki Rito quickly guessed that the other party thought that he had found a girlfriend, and this guess naturally did not match the truth, but because of this, Yuki Rito would not refute it, which was the result he expected.

The next day, just like that, although the time was very short, Yuki Rito forcibly wrote down the information of several gods who appeared in the world of god killers.

“Yuki Rito, have you decided?”

On the morning of the third day, the system’s voice sounded in Yuki Ridou’s mind like a talisman, this was the first time that the system took the initiative to speak with Yuki Rito except for the first day, but unfortunately, it was a topic that made Yuki Rito nervous.

“Yes, I have decided to undergo the trial, but can you give me a little more time? The third day has not yet passed. ”


The system fell silent.

Yuki Rito took the remaining 10,000 yen in addition to the bank card given to Ryoko Mimon, and left the house after informing Yuki Mikan.

Because he doesn’t know where he will appear in the world of god killers, Yuki Rito needs to consider the possibility of appearing in the deserted desert or rainforest, go to the convenience store to buy some compressed biscuits, and download a translation application containing most of the national languages on his mobile phone, although he suddenly fully mastered Japanese, but Yuki Rito is not sure if he can master Italian when he reaches the world of god killers, which is where the first two gods appeared.

In the other world, the mobile phone card is likely to be useless, but as long as you bring a power bank and charger, you can at least use the function of not connecting to the Internet.

Paper maps of Europe and Asia, as well as electronic maps without Internet access in mobile phones, food and water that can last for days, Ryoko Mimon gave herself two bottles of potions, and at night, she prepared everything she could think of and could take care of, and Yuki Rito, who was sure that Yuki Mikan in another room was asleep, said softly.

“System, let me go to the world of god killers.”

Everything in front of him instantly became blurred, and soon became clear, Yuki Rito, who was originally in the room, found himself on the corner of a remote street, behind which was a backpack containing various survival items, two bottles of potions on the inside of his clothes, and a beautiful and dangerous spear in his hand.

Dusk’s Holy Spear (Single-time): The original and strongest god killer in the demon college world, the gun that has killed the gods, contains the will of the gods, and can only exert its true power by obtaining the recognition of the will of the gods, no matter how you use it to attack enemies, it will disappear after one attack.

After giving this information, the system did not say anything more, and Yuki Rito gradually calmed the surprise in his heart.

After looking at the obvious urban environment around him and making sure that he could understand and speak the faint Italian language, he clenched the holy spear of dusk in his hand, and Yuki Rito, who had been extremely nervous, smiled from his heart for the first time.

Everything is developing on the bright side.

Although the system gave itself a trial full of danger, it also provided a help in the end, and the holy gun at dusk, even if it was only a one-off, was an unimaginable help to Yuki Rito.

Because it is in the city, although carrying a cold weapon is likely to be used as cosplay, but it is also likely to cause unnecessary trouble, Yuki Rito carefully wrapped the holy gun at dusk with a bandage in his backpack, the holy gun is like a mortal thing, there is no reaction under Yuki Rito’s hands, Yuki Rito is a little heavy to come to a conclusion, the will of the god in the holy gun, did not identify with himself, and did not even intend to talk to himself.

The tip of the spear was sharp, because it was only a disposable item, Yuki Rito did not dare to try its power, but his intuition told him that this was indeed the strongest god destroyer that could pierce the gods.

However, as a mortal, Yuki Rito has almost no means of approaching the gods, even if he pierces the body of the gods with it, can he really kill the gods? Without the recognition of God’s will, relying solely on the benefit of weapons?


The sudden loud noise interrupted all of Yuki Ridou’s thoughts, an incomparably huge wild boar like a small mountain appeared in the distance, rampage in a furious posture, the sturdy house was smashed like tofu, and the wave of air brought uprooted the trees that were far away, and Yuki Ridou, who could only rejoice that he was far away from the mountain boar, his white hand clenched the holy spear at dusk, giving himself some confidence, so that as a mortal, he would not be too hasty under the invincible power of this divine beast.

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