Just now, is it Yuki-san?

The harsh brakes of the car before caused a lot of commotion, and in the crowd, Xilian Temple Haruna watched the somewhat familiar figure leave, bit her lip but did not go up to inquire about the situation.

In addition to being classmates, she and Yuki Rito do not have much intersection, even if one is the class president and the other is a well-known good student, why does the teacher often praise him? If you just study well, you won’t achieve this level, right? Haruna Xirenji used to have such a question, and now has a guessed answer, is it because of kindness?

Haruna Xilienji led the Boston black and white dog named Malone away.

“Unknown author Jun, the second chapter of Sword Art Online is very good, there is nothing that needs to be changed, let me help you upload it?” Looks like you want to rank well in the Grand Prix? After all, the competition time is too short, the sooner you upload the complete two chapters, the better, and if you have time, remember to change your pen name, a string of systematic random numbers is not beneficial to Light Novel. ”

Because he was afraid that he would continue to get into trouble outside, Yuki Ridou, who returned home, saw the news of his editor, agreed to the other party to help him upload it, and very casually decided on the computer that his pen name was Kayaba Akihiko.

During this time, Sword Art Online has jumped to the top fifty, Yuki Rito doesn’t know if such a speed is normal, but at this time, the popularity of Sword Art Online is much worse than the first fantasy demon sword legend and the second place explosive dark goblin, if at the current speed, at the end of the reward Sword Art Online will probably occupy the third place.

The first and second place works Yuki Rito watched, of course, there are only two chapters, fantasy goblin legend is a relatively normal fighting novel, and the explosive dark goblin is an undisguised harem selling meat, there are not many battle plots, cut, on the harem Yuki Ridou does not think that Kirito lord will lose, Sword Art Online to defeat I don’t know which house wrote the meat selling novel, how can the title of this book have a sense of déjà vu?

On the other hand, because the car needs to be repaired and cannot be easily moved, Yukinita Yono, who is chatting with one of his few friends, Hiratsuka, mentions Yuki Rito.

I was afraid that I would be injured if I accidentally bumped into it, but the other party kept enduring, even if he offered to send him to the hospital, he pushed off the little white rabbit, Yukinoshita Yono mentioned it with an interested smile, and then received Hiratsuka Shizuka’s low gaze full of contempt.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look at me that way? Although I knew my true character was not the likable type, what didn’t I do? It’s also good to offer to take the other person to the hospital, isn’t it? ”

“Yuki Rito, when he graduated from junior high school, our Sobu High School, Toyonosaki Gakuen and Sainan High School invited him to enroll, and he did very well.”

Looking at Yono Yukinoshita’s eyes that hadn’t changed much, Hiratsuka sighed.

“In addition, his family situation is somewhat special, so to speak, the living expenses are all earned by himself on part-time work, and the school gave a lot of preferential policies considering this situation.”

Thinking that he might make the life of a good student struggling to make things worse, Yono became a little uncomfortable.

“Did something happen to his parents?”

“There are only two people in Yuki’s family, he and his sister, who is now in elementary school, and it was like this when he graduated from junior high school, and it has continued until now, do I understand that?”

Squinting at Yono under the snow, watching the already embarrassed smile on the other party’s face gradually freeze, Hiratsuka Shizune suddenly had a little pleasure, this mentally twisted guy will also show such an expression.

“So, if you really hurt him, it’s best to make amends quickly, I don’t want to watch a good student ruin his life by you.”

“It’s not that exaggerated, Xiao Jing…”

Yukoshita Yono is not a good person, but he is not a pure evil person, and if the guy who has no grievances with himself is destroyed because of himself, even Yukishita Yono will be uneasy.

“Help him, I heard that he refused the subsidy from Cainan High School, is it self-esteem or don’t want to cause trouble?” He has been supporting himself and his sister by working part-time, and this time is an opportunity, there are not many children with such a strong force. ”

Remembering a certain dead fish eye in his class, Hiratsuka Shizuki had some headaches, if he was half self-motivated than Chiya Hachiman, no, half and half, he wouldn’t be a problem student now.

Hey, if Yono and Yuki Rito have a relationship, when will you invite Rito to Sobu High School, and you must educate Bijiya Hachiman well.

“Uh, then do you know Yuki Rito’s bank card number, or home address or something?” I only have his mobile phone number, according to his previous performance, I think if I offer compensation or something, he will still refuse, or it is better to cut first and then play or visit the door. ”

“Well, just ask, the teacher of the royal gate of Cainan High School and I have a good relationship.”

Yuki Rito doesn’t know that someone is talking about himself, he is playing a boring mobile game with his sister Double Snake, perhaps because this world where aliens and monsters do exist, the corresponding talents have been dug up to improve the earth’s military strength, although there are smartphones, but mobile games are really pitiful, even watch, minesweeper, gluttonous snake, big fish eat small fish, these things Yuki Rito has long been tired of playing, even a piece of paper man’s wife did not play a fart ah.

“It’s obviously fun.”

Yuki Mikan, who had just got his phone and was playing the game that came with his phone, made a dissatisfied sound.

“But I’ve played it many times before, and even the most fun things will get tired if they stay the same!”

Even paper people often come out with new card faces, don’t they?

“Okay, Lidou, it turns out that you bought your mobile phone to do this kind of thing.”

Yuki Rito tries to refute, but he can’t, so he has to change the subject.

“That, I’m going to write a light novel quickly, you play it by yourself first.”

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