After Yuki Ridou and Marquis Vauban collided dozens of times in succession, Marquis Vauban finally showed his decline and transformed into a werewolf with greatly improved physical fitness, it was he who developed the power of [Greedy Wolf Pack] to the extreme, and created the extension ability, even if Vauban has more surging spell support than Yuki Ridou, but the physical quality is ultimately not as good as Yuki Ridou’s [King Kong not bad body], when he found that the wolf’s claws shed blood, the Marquis Vauban stopped and saw that Yuki Rito was a little disordered in addition to his spell, After not being injured, he couldn’t help but sigh.

“This kind of flesh enhancement power that doesn’t need to transform and seems to be resident is really enviable.”

Even if he turns into a giant wolf, he can only rely on the spell power stronger than Yuki Ridou to drag until the opponent’s spell is exhausted, at that time Vauban himself is almost scarred, if he uses the spell to stimulate power and forcibly heal himself, then the consumption will not be less than the other party.

I have just secretly used [Sodom’s Pupil], although I know that this power is basically ineffective against God Killers and Unobedient Gods, but it should also be able to temporarily salt part of the opponent’s body, but Yuki Rito seems to have been prepared, and his body bursts with golden light, completely immune to salting.

Although he still has many other powers, even if he wins, he can no longer fight against the martial arts king or even the god of disobedience.

“Boy, your name is Yuki Rito? Very good, let’s stop here. ”

The Marquis of Vauban burst out a raging spell, in this simplest, direct, and unwise way, directly forced Yuki Ridou, who wanted to continue to rush up, to retreat, and then turned away without looking back, compared to Yuki Ridou killing the god who could not obey, he did not want the martial arts king to sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The Marquis of Vauban left while chasing away Salvatore, no way, the corridor seemed to be the only passage at the moment, Salvatore retreated to the corridor at the beginning, and now unless he wants to face the obviously unhappy Marquis of Vauban, he can only keep retreating until he leaves the shadow of the sealed monkey.

Next, Yuki Ridou has to face only the martial arts king.

Seeing this, Sect Master Luo Hao slightly opened her lips and gently recited the ballad, and she opened the battle without hesitation.

“Whoever dies is rewarded, and self-pity begins when returning!”

The shock wave hit the guard.

However, he failed to break through Yuki’s defense of Rito Kongo’s body.

Unlike the Marquis of Vauban, who studied power, Luo Hao studied martial arts, which was the skill of hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing that the remote means did not work, she walked towards Yuki Rito with a beautiful smile.

“The newly promoted king, your power is very powerful, and your mind is also very meticulous, not like a lawless god killer, but like a small square sorcerer who has just entered the spell world.”

Luo Hao began to attack in close quarters, and with a light and ferocious posture, she attacked Yuki Rito from various vulnerable parts of her body.

From head to fingertips, hands and feet, chest, abdomen and back, all parts of the body were beaten over and over again, Yuki Rito used [Phoenix] to obtain the speed blessing during the period, trying to dodge the attack of the Luo Hao Sect Lord and then counterattack, but was dodged by the other party with a more concise movement, the Luo Hao Sect Lord seemed to integrate power into martial arts, or biochemical martial arts into power, she suppressed Yuki Ridou.

It was like an electric shock, Yuki Ridou, who was attacked by Luo Hao I don’t know how many times, was not injured, and the defense power of [King Kong Not Bad Body] was beyond imagination, or maybe the other party stayed like Vauban.

The best way for a god killer to master his power is to fight, and at this moment, in the battle with the martial arts king, Yuki Rito is gradually able to use his power skillfully, and even drive the flesh.

“Well, it’s really a strong flesh, coupled with this cautious mind and improving your wisdom on the battlefield, you are very good.”

Luo Hao, who said so, did not leave like Vauban, but put on a clear posture.

“Flying Phoenix Twelve Divine Palms, this palm technique is originally my most proud martial art, and it is also regarded as the secret art of martial arts treasures, feel it with your heart.”

“It’s too white snow, and I am happy to meet the martial arts heaven.”

“Ying Jing Qianguanli, in front of the Seventh School of Heart Su.”

“Today’s Han Sheji, the new number of the year of prosperity.”

While using the technique that can exert the most power, but also the most serious injury or even death of the other party, while chanting songs, or words and spirits, she uses her power to create a shockwave, every sentence is a burst, a burst is stronger than a burst, Yuki Ridou is also distracted at the moment, while blocking Luo Hao’s attack with his arm, while making [Wind] turn into a blade to break the impact of the opponent’s air wall, and even began to try to use three minds, vainly trying to use [Thunder] to attack Luo Hao who was close at hand.

[Ray] is Yuki Ridou’s own power, don’t worry about seriously hurting yourself.


When the thunder pillar that had been brewing in the air for a long time fell, Luo Hao wanted to retreat, Yuki Rito grabbed her hand that was still attacking at the previous moment, and then the two were swallowed by the thunder pillar together.

Relying on the control of his own power and the defense of King Kong’s not bad body, Yuki Ridou was unharmed, and Luo Hao looked a little embarrassed, and half of the elegant Hanfu was destroyed by thunder, this more ordinary clothes were not destroyed under the power, I think Luo Hao specially protected it with spells.

“King Yuki, no, Yuki Rito! After becoming a demon king, I have lived for more than two hundred years! And it’s been a hundred years now, and no one can force me to this point like this! Three-minded? Hehe, it would be very nice to be able to compete with the same qualifiers, and this time it was my turn to show my skills. ”

The last time Vauban fought with Luo Hao was a hundred years ago.

“One force down ten skills, one force to suppress ten skills!” One leg is a thousand strengths, one foot is determined!”

The Luo Hao Sect Leader, who retreated from Yuki Ridou’s side, spoke again.

Anger appeared on her shoulders and turned into the form of Renwang Venerable that shone with golden light.

A thoroughly shaved bald head, a serious expression, a huge body with rumbling bones, a rough costume on the lower body, and a golden glow all over his body.

“Vajra Lux?”

Yuki Rito grinned, so, it was also a coincidence.

The power of the Luo Hao Sect to evolve Vajra Lux comes from the Hindu gods, not the gods of the ancient Eastern countries.

And the Hindu Vajra Lux, also known as Narotin Tian, is also called it, the Emperor Shi Tian’s Lux.

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