“It looks like we shouldn’t have hid it just now, otherwise, your cute sister just thinks that her brother is secretly leading the girl home, instead of thinking that you are here…”

Yakumo Zi, who refers to herself as a girl, said this, and stopped abruptly, looking at Yuki Ridoudo, who was staring at him.

“Why, are you expecting some obscene words to come out of our mouths?”

Yuki Rito refused to admit it, putting on an honest and doubtful expression.

“No, Bori Shrine, where?”

“Young acting skills are very powerful, human beings are indeed special existences, in a hundred years can make incredible progress, and a thousand years, enough to change the human world, if you give the current human race a thousand years, what will happen?”

Yakumo Zi sighed meaninglessly, and then sighed.

“Don’t pretend, we have no malice, the era of youkai has passed, now it’s a quiet corner, and you won’t covet anything anymore, the girl from the Bori Shrine, talk to her, she is a human being, living in a world full of non-humans, it may not be a blessing for her…”

Yakumo Zi’s face seemed to show sadness, took out a folding fan to cover his face, his voice was a little choking, seeing the beauty weeping, Yuki Ridou’s head was hot, and he was busy speaking.

“Leave everything to me!”

“Then let’s rest assured, you really know a lot, could it be that you have seen some ancient books, or there are guys who were sent to fantasy land and ran out of the ancestral town?”

Yakumo Zi, who put down the folding fan, showed not sadness on his face, but a full smile.

Yuki Rito feels that he has been pitted, and he really deserves to be a big monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time, and his acting is stronger than his own two lifetimes!

“I’ve seen something like an ancient book.”

Yuki Rito is telling the truth.

“Is it… Let’s go. ”

Yakumo didn’t mean to continue asking, but opened a gap, as if he wanted Yuki Rito to follow him to Fantasy Town.

“Go now?!”

Yuki Rito begins to wonder if Yakumo Zi has some obsession with Bori Reimon’s cash box.

“Fantasy Township is shrouded in a large enchantment, many things will be distorted to a certain extent, now here is night, and Fantasy Township is daytime, how, is there an emergency? Don’t worry, at dawn the next day, we will send you back, we don’t want to provoke a guy who looks good at fighting, and we are not the one in the Sunflower Field. ”

Does this mean that Kazemi Yuka will fight with himself once he sees himself?

Yuki Rito frowned, looking at Yakumo Zi, who had a rich expression in front of him, but did not know what was really going on in his heart, and tried to choose the words.

“May I ask who is stronger than Kido, King of Debiluc, compared to you?”

“Already testing us? Tell you well, if you have a polemical power, he is higher than us, as for others, how will we know, we are not voyeurs. ”

Yuki Rito doesn’t know whether to believe the first half of Yakumo Zi’s words, as for the second half, there is no need to question it at all, there is no need to take it seriously at all, Yakumo Zi even peeps at himself outside of Fantasy Town, since before the last time Sastyin came to Earth, right? How many times have you peeped, why are you so skilled, even you know that you are looking for holy relics, not what a voyeur is.

Then Yuki Rito was taken to Fantasy Town by Yakumo Shiki.

Yuki Rito secretly used [Wind], and found that the power could still be used, and when Yakumo Zi used the gap just now, [Fire Eye Golden Eye] also reacted, so maybe [Warrior’s] golden sword can also work on Yakumo Zi who is a youkai, let’s say that once a battle breaks out, Yuki Rito will not be helpless to put down his heart.

Oops, I want to steal the stuffed cash box of Boli Lingmeng, but I don’t have 100,000 yen!

Yuki Rito fumbled in his pocket, only his mobile phone and wallet containing 10,000 yen.

Seeing Yuki Rito’s actions, Yakumo said with a smile.

“You even know about Lingmeng’s greed for money? It’s really the same as the guys in the Earth Spirit Temple, a little scared us, rest assured, stealing a cash box or something is just an excuse, we just want you to chat with Lingmeng, whatever you want, the shrine is on the mountain, you go. ”

From a distance, there is no obvious difference in the style of each shrine that Yuki Rito sees on the Tochigi Nikko Mountain in the world of god killers, and if there is any difference, it is strangely deserted, and the stone steps that Yuki Rito is now walking on are covered with a lot of moss, and it seems that no one cleans or walks through here.

Of course, ordinary humans will not leave the only safe human village in the fantasy township, the human world, and the maverick monsters with various abilities do not seem to be the existence that will honestly walk the steps.

Could it be that he is the only serious human who pays a serious visit to the Hiri Shrine?

Yuki Rito, who had such an idea in her heart, took out the money in her wallet, and the economic crisis of that year can be determined to be caused by Yakumo Zi, and she took a large amount of cash to Fantasy Township, which may have triggered an economic crisis in both the present world and Fantasy Township, one because of a large decrease in cash to produce deflation, and the other because of a large increase in cash, but the production of goods has not increased and inflation has occurred.

The yen should be the more common currency in fantasy town, right? After all, most of the monsters in Fantasy Country are from neon territory.

Yuki Rito, who thought so, followed the etiquette he had learned about going to the shrine to worship, rattled the bell, threw money, bowed, clapped his hands, made a wish to become stronger, hang Cheetos, rule fantasy town, and bowed again.

Generally speaking, when you go to a shrine to worship, you vote 5 yen, just because the pronunciation and fate are similar, which means hoping to attract good fate, but Bori Shrine is not an ordinary shrine, Bori Reimon is not an ordinary witch, Yuki Rito only has a 10,000 yen bill, he directly invested 10,000.

Anyway, he is not short of money, if Boli Lingmeng is greedy for money, he will give her all the money he carries.

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