The exam invigilator in the afternoon is no longer the class teacher, replaced by the teacher of world history, Yuki Rito feels that the class teacher should be in the office to correct the papers at this time, after all, next week there will be a city competition, the whole school unified examination will have a large number of test papers, you must hurry up to finish, choose the contestants, and give the students time to prepare.

Physics, chemistry and world history, this is the subject to be tested in the afternoon, physical chemistry, Yuki Rito do it easily, but world history …

The history of this world is somewhat different from what Yuki Rito knows in the previous life, after all, there are aliens, there are monsters, and some things have changed irrepressibly, and in the memory of this life in his mind, although he is not ignorant of world history, but this is a quiz in response to the competition, the difficulty is not ordinarily high, only took dozens of minutes to complete the physics and chemistry test paper Yuki Rito, facing world history helpless.

All his unforgettable memory, but before he only searched for myths and other things in order to kill the gods who could not be killed, history and so on, but ignored.

And the world history teacher who invigilated the exam, just listened to the class teacher praise Yuki Rito for how good his performance was in the morning, he deliberately walked to Yuki Rito to see his performance, and sure enough, he answered the questions quickly, which was very different from other students who meditated.

Even physics and chemistry, which require brains, can be written so quickly, so there will be no problem teaching world history that is more inclined to rote memorization, right?

Then the world history teacher saw that Yuki Rito had only written something on the world history test paper and stopped.

This is the normal level of a high school student, but with Yuki Ridou’s previous overly excellent performance as a comparison, the world history teacher is very upset, does Yuki Rito hate his own class or does he teach it badly? The other five are fine, but there is a problem with their own world history?

It’s definitely useless!

The history of my world, the real people and things, is not comparable to those illusory formulas and laws?

The world history teacher felt insulted.

Although it would not cause Yuki Rito to wear small shoes, it was impossible for Yuki Rito to leave the classroom early like in the morning.

The other students quietly raised their heads and observed the face of the world history teacher, and found that his face was very bad, and their hearts were greatly comforted.

Yuki-san is really not all-powerful, it seems that world history is not good? Hey, hey, hey.

For a while, most of the people in the class felt refreshed, and they actually improved their answering efficiency slightly.

If gaze can kill people, Sengoku Senior himself may have been seriously injured by the world history teacher.

Yuki Rito spent more than an hour with some difficulty, and finally waited for the end of the exam.

Turn in the test papers, then run.

Just as he was about to run out of the school building, Yuki Rito paused and turned back to the health room.

Although he can’t help Yui Furutekawa, who is infected with an alien virus, maybe Ryoko Mimon still needs to help herself.

“Mimon-sensei, are you there?”

Yuki Rito knocked on the door of the closed health room.

“Yes, Lidou wait a minute, I’m cleaning Xiao Wei’s body.”

“Old, teacher! How can you say this kind of thing casually! ”

After Ryoko Mimon answered, Furutekawa’s embarrassed voice also sounded, which sounded quite powerful, and seemed to have recovered a lot.

“Anla, isn’t this the door closed, he didn’t see anything? Why, Xiao Wei was shy like this, what kind of impure association did it produce? ”


From time to time in the health room, there was the laughter of Ryoko Mimon, and the voice of shame and indignation that was very different from the previous attitude of Yui Furutekawa.

Yuki Rito, who was listening outside the door, saw this and did not want to stay for a long time.

“If it’s okay, I’ll go first?”

“Xiao Wei, take a look, because of your attitude, Lidou is embarrassed to leave.”

Yui Furutekawa didn’t answer, Yuki Rito didn’t know what her reaction was, and after a moment, Ryoko Mimon said.

“Let’s go, thank you today, if you have the opportunity, I will compensate you Oh~ You don’t have to bring me a bento or something tomorrow, I will take care of Furute Kawayui, rest assured.”

Yuki Rito felt that Ryoko Mimon was deliberately bringing her relationship closer to Furutekawa Yui, but didn’t say much.

He has the shortcomings that men have, and he has the dream of opening a harem, although he will not regard this as the only code of action, but he will not push beautiful girls outward.

When Yuki Rito walked out of the school gate, he found that there were many students staying outside the school, they should have gone home, but they stayed at the school gate, pretending to be walking and watching the scenery, wandering back and forth, but their eyes never left a certain place, where the car was parked.

As Yuki Rito walked by, the person standing next to the car made a sound.

“Hi, Rito~”

It was Yono Yukinoshita, wearing a white dress and waving at Yuki Rito with a sunny and hearty smile.

The students passing by were infected by the big sister temperament that Yukinoshita Yono did not have, mature and elegant, and looked not much older than the high school students, but she had this temperament that no one in the entire Cainan High School except for the Mimon teacher, just for a few minutes, just by virtue of her appearance, she deeply attracted high school students who were not deeply involved in the world.

She looked like she was waiting for someone, and the student who quietly followed hoped that the goddess in her heart was waiting for her sister, and when she saw that she had been silent and even expressionless before, she smiled with joy and greeted Yuki Rito, and her heart was broken.

“Miss Yukinoshita, you actually found my school?”

“Whew, Rito got angry?”

There seemed to be tears in Yukishita Yono’s eyes, she seemed to be frightened by Yuki Rito’s blunt attitude, this scene made many students angry at Yuki Rito, even if Yuki Rito is a good student known in the school, provoking the goddess of weeping, it is unforgivable.

“Get in the car, right? I’ll send you back. ”

Seeing that his alumni were so easily aroused by Yukinoshita Yono, Yuki Rito had a kind of anger that hated iron and steel, and he was unhappy, but he sat directly in the back seat of the silver car behind Yukinoshita Yono.

It wasn’t the car that broke down last time, it looks like Yono Yukinoshita bought a new car.

Seeing Yuki Rito compromise, Yukinoshita Yono faintly showed a victorious smile, and did not look at the group of silly high school students around him, sat in the driver’s seat, but did not immediately start the car, but turned his head to look at Yuki Rito.

“Why doesn’t Rito sit in front?”

“Because I don’t want to get too close to you.”

It was the first time someone had spoken to themselves like that.

Yukinoshita Yono was surprised to find that she was not angry, but had a joy like teasing a pet, and before she could savor this mood, Yuki Rito spoke.

“What’s going on? If you just want to tease me, I’m sure you’ll regret it, Miss Yukinoshita. ”

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