Yuki Rito opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say, even if it was congratulations and the like, it should be said to the party of Haruna Nishirenji, not Ryoko Mimon.

“Speaking of your class is really powerful, in the whole school, in the face of three grade tests, the first of the six courses is actually in your class, aside from your five subjects that break common sense, the difference between the first and second places in world history is not much, by the way, the second place in world history is Tenjo-in Shaji, and when she learned that she took the second exam, she lost her temper and asked the school to ask for a roll to see where she was wrong.”

Because of some tight time, the school only had time to correct the paper and statistical terms, and did not have time to send the paper back to the student, but because the test was carried out for the competition, the question was a little overclass, and the school did not let the teacher explain or let the student correct the meaning, and it is likely that it will not be sent later.

Ryoko Mimon looked at Yuki Rito with a meaningful smile and continued.

“Although it is understandable that Tenjo-in Shaji, as the young lady of the big consortium, has some temper, but this is the first time she has shown so much dissatisfaction, and I haven’t seen her value nouns or honors so much before, na, Yuki Rito, do you have any story with Tenjo-in Shaji?” How do I think she reacted so much because the other contestant was you? ”

“Cough, Mimon-sensei, please drive well, you can’t be distracted when driving.”

Yuki Rito changed the topic with a straight face.

“Afraid of what? With your physical fitness, even if a train hits you, it will only knock you away, not hurt you, right? ”

Although Ryoko Mimon said this, her eyes no longer glanced at Yuki Rito from time to time as before, but paid serious attention to the road conditions.

“Please worry a little about others too.”

Yuki Rito’s voice had just fell, and he had been away from Cainan High School for a while, and a dog suddenly appeared in front of the car driving on the road, and Ryoko Mimon slammed on the brakes, if it weren’t for Yuki Rito and her wearing seat belts properly, I was afraid that she would hit her head against the front windshield and fly out.

The two people were fine, and the dog was fine, but the car was in trouble, and the sudden brakes made the vehicle not far behind avoid and directly rear-end.


Even as a doctor, Ryoko Mimon, who has always had a good temper, couldn’t help but smack her lips.

“Hey! Can you drive? ”

A moment later, a person got out of the driver’s seat of the vehicle behind and walked over, it was a very beautiful big sister, her long black hair fell to her waist, but unfortunately, she knocked on the window with one hand, put the other hand in the pocket of her pants, and the slightly fierce eyes and not gentle tone at all, making people have an inaccessible feeling.

Hiratsuka Jing is very unhappy, assigned by the school as a driver, to drive students for three consecutive days, even at night to stay with the hotel to ensure the safety of students, doesn’t this mean that she can’t drink for three days, I thought that this kind of thing was annoying enough, but as a result, driving well on the road, the car in front suddenly braked sharply, even the indicator light did not come and hit the kind of sharp brake, Hiratsuka Jing did not have time to react, directly crashed, she did not expect that she would have a car accident if she didn’t drink and drive well!

If this happens, it may also affect the mood of your students when they participate in the competition, and it will also lead to abnormal performance… No, with Xueno’s cold personality, it won’t have any effect at all.

Looking back, I found that Yukino was sitting peacefully in the car with Ben not meaning to get out of the car, calm beyond imagination, Hiratsuka Shizuki sighed slightly, and I don’t know if I should be happy about Yukino’s character now, and then Hiratsuka Jing was stunned to find that the car that was rear-ended by himself, sitting in the passenger seat was Yuki Rito wearing the uniform of Cainan High School, the good student he was very optimistic about before, but was abducted by Cainan High School, sure enough has the strength to participate in the competition, and the endurance of long-distance running, Both civil and martial?

No, wasn’t this guy hit by Yang Nai while walking on the road some time ago? Now sitting in a car and being hit by yourself, shouldn’t there be any constitution that causes a traffic accident?

Hiratsuka Shizuki secretly complained in her heart, and then decided to maintain the glorious image of the teacher in front of Yuki Rito, after all, they would officially meet in a few days, and when she saw the person in the driver’s seat at the Sobu High School Athletic Day, she was shocked again.

“Ryoko Mimon? Is…… It seems that we are all going to participate in the municipal competition, I will compensate for the cost of repairing the car, will the car still drive normally? Let’s get the student to their destination first. ”

Hiratsuka Shizune didn’t know whether to say it was coincidental or unfortunate at this time.

“It’s Xiaojing, I’m sorry, I saw a dog running past just now… Nothing, this time it was still the reason for my sudden sudden brakes, no need to compensate, I will solve it myself. ”

As Ryoko Mimon was talking, he saw the dog jump into the arms of a girl with pink hair, seeing that the girl was not old, but also just a high school student, her face was pale, and she seemed to be frightened, and Ryoko Mimon didn’t say anything more, apologized to Shizuki Hiratsuka, the two of them knew each other.

Ryoko Mimon got out of the car to see the rear-end chase, Yuki Rito felt that it was a little wrong to sit alone in the car, and also got out of the car, but a girl ran to her with a dog and kept bowing and apologizing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s my pet running around like this, it’s really nice that you’re okay! I’ll try to compensate for the loss, that… How much does it cost? ”

Yubihama Yui is just an ordinary family, if the other party uses a luxury car, it may be in debt for a long time, and when she thinks of this, the girl’s face can’t help but pale a little.

Yuki Rito did think it was an accident at first, but now he sees Shizuki Hiratsuka, Yui Hihama, and Yukino Yukinoshita who seems to be because Yui Hihama ran over, opened the car door and got out of the car, and Yukinoshita Yukino who walked here, he found that this accident was probably because of himself, because of his now increasingly large protagonist luck, gathered these people in the form of a traffic accident.

“No, the car is insured, and this kind of accident can be fully reimbursed.”

If you then keep the scene and wait for the traffic police to issue an accident certificate, and then provide it to the insurance company.

Yuki Rito had no idea if Ryoko Mimon’s car was insured or not, and was sure that the accident would be resolved privately and would not call the police, and the so-called reimbursement was entirely his excuse, and he intended to pay the money.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who came from the vehicle behind, heard Yuki Rito’s words, looked at him deeply, and sat back in the car without saying a word.

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