“With your physique, ordinary toxins can no longer cause an impact, and what may cause harm is not a poison that can be removed by any antidote, be careful, don’t die.”

Ryoko Mimon smiled, the entire universe will really regard Yuki Rito as his son-in-law and even the future heir of King Debiluk, there are actually very few forces, King Cheetos said very clearly, defeating Yuki Rito instead of killing him, there is also the possibility of becoming a horse, and even stating that it is not allowed to use hostages and other means, favoritism is completely exposed, in such a situation, it will be brainless to use such despicable means as stupid means of poisoning, and there will be no real poison.

Yuki Rito chewed the food in his mouth, hearing what Ryoko Mimon said so exaggeratedly, he hesitated for a while and didn’t know whether to swallow it or not, in the world of god killers, I haven’t heard of any god killer who has been poisoned, and he won’t set this record, right?

“Just let you be cautious, not let you be so exaggerated, give me a good swallow!”

Seeing Yuki Rito froze there with his mouth bulging, Ryoko Mimon scolded with a smile and patted Yuki Rito on the back.

“This is a small measuring instrument, you hold it, if the content of something in the food exceeds the upper limit of the human body, it will sound an alarm, well, it is actually of little use to you.”

Ryoko Mimon took out a pen-sized device from her pocket and handed it to Yuki Rito, Yuki Rito had never seen her use it before, I think it was specially brought on her body this time, maybe Ryoko Mimon did not come at noon, but deliberately went home to get this thing.

“Thank you.”

The conversation between Yuki Rito and Ryoko Mimon was not heard by others in the distance, but the slightly intimate gestures of the two were seen in the eyes, especially the scene of Ryoko Mimon patting the back of Yuki Rito in school uniform, and everyone was ready to add oil and vinegar to this gossip that seemed to be a teacher-student love and use it as a talking point after returning to their respective schools.

Four hours later, at ten o’clock in the evening.

“Lord Donma, I have detected a spaceship from a non-friendly force breaking through the Earth’s atmosphere, please be careful.”

Looking at the message on his phone, Yuki Rito hesitated and replied.


“Yes, at present, I am on standby on the frigate Debiluk that stays above the earth, and I am wary of other forces using unconventional means, but His Majesty actually did not let me convey information to you, of course, there is no prohibition, and I also asked Lord Donma to keep it secret for me.”

Unexpectedly, Sasdin had already called himself a colt, did he identify with himself or did Cheetos have a good attitude towards himself?

Yuki Rito did not think much about this, he had already begun to use [thunder] when he learned of the arrival of the enemy, dark clouds appeared above the hotel, which were not obvious in the night, and the dark clouds were constantly spreading, and finally became a sea of clouds, covering most of Chiba City, there were no raindrops, no thunder, and the dark clouds were constantly accumulating strength.

Yuki Rito intends to directly split it with [Ray] the moment the alien ship appears.

Since Sasteen uttered the word non-friendly forces, Yuki Rito could already judge him as an enemy, and there was no need to consider any humanitarian care, and in line with the principle of rather killing mistakes than letting go, Yuki Rito was ready to carry out an indiscriminate attack.

If it is a golden shadow, it should be able to resist, after all, her darkness state can cut the stars with one blow, there is no need to underestimate it, as for Lara’s royal sister, Mengmeng and Nana, so far Debbie Luxing has not shown that the remaining two princesses have also run away from home, and the spaceship that they may manipulate will not be unrecognizable, and Yuki Rito can put aside his concerns.

One minute, ten minutes, half an hour.

The dense dark clouds in the sky were detected by the weather agency, and they began to issue thunder warnings, indicating that a violent thunderstorm was coming, telling citizens to stay at home and not go out at will, but, other than that, the relevant agencies could not find anything else.

Ordinary technology cannot detect mystery, and ordinary people cannot see mystery, which is why the world of god killers can still let ordinary people live ordinary lives without following the gods and god killers.

Dark clouds are just a byproduct of [thunder], a natural chain reaction that can be observed.

[Thunder], which has been brewing for a long time, has accumulated energy to an extremely terrifying level, this is the power from the Buddhist protector god Emperor Shitian, born for battle, pursuing the ultimate attack power, sensing that if he continues to accumulate the power of [Thunder], even if he has his own control, Yuki Ridou, who may bring great disaster to Chiba City, is hesitating whether to suspend his power, and finally discovers a glimmer of light that appears in the sky.

With Yuki Rito’s eyes, he saw that it was a circular flying object, an alien spaceship.

And then –


The deafening dazzling thunder directly enveloped the spaceship, and then completely annihilated it with an unstoppable force.

If ordinary people can witness the mystery and just look up to see the direction of the spacecraft, they may be injured by the harsh thunder light.

But even if the contrary is true, ordinary people are shocked for a while by the huge thunder, and the violent sound travels far away in the quiet night, causing many cars to sound alarms, and also causing the residents who have slept to re-light the lights, panic around to observe and determine the situation, ready to evacuate immediately if a disaster is detected.

After Yuki Rito was sure that the alien spacecraft had been eliminated by himself, he vigilantly observed the situation for a period of time before retracting [Thunder], and the dense dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

Although it caused a loud noise that shocked many people, this was already Yuki Ridou’s thought, the most perfect ending, the alien spaceship itself was prepared only by reaching the Sengoku superior and enhanced a lot of eyesight to roughly see a silhouette, ordinary people will only be dazzled.

Then someone knocked on the door of Yuki Rito’s room, it was Ryoko Mimon.

“What’s going on? Someone has already found you? I don’t see any damage either. ”

“A spaceship, struck by lightning.”

“Thunderclap? I do seem to see the light, well, you’re okay. ”

As the first doctor of the universe, Ryoko Mimon had naturally left the category of ordinary people, and she saw some visions slightly, and looked Yuki Rito up and down, making sure that he was not harmed, nor did he look like he was being held hostage or pretended, and instructed.

“In addition to being vigilant, don’t forget to rest well, there will be a competition tomorrow, well, although with your strength and future identity, you don’t need to care about these things, but I am still in charge of the teacher, you don’t behave too casually.”

“Well, Teacher Mimon should rest early.”

Yuki Rito nodded, the destroyed spaceship and the people on it may be the first enemy to come to Earth, but it will not be the only one, he is killing chickens and monkeys to minimize the enemy.

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