The wind that was originally blowing gently gradually became violent, raising dust, and finally people could see the power with the naked eye, the dark clouds flashed with thunder, and the clear sky first became cloudy, and then it was lightning and thunder, and the sky and ground changed because of the power of Yuki Ridou.


The invisible wind blade tore through the air, and the thunder that fell was loud and far, and under the blessing of [Phoenix], the fist of Yuki Rito with the wind and thunder fell on Kazami Yuka at almost the same time, even if Yuki Rito reacted in time from the feverish battle state, trying to converge his strength, he still quickly suppressed the magic cannon that the wind saw Yukata instantaneously, knocking her out of the sky, so that the wind saw the fragrance smashed heavily on the sun flower field, and the protective energy of the entire sun flower field was roughly torn open by a more powerful force, Under Yuki Rito’s attack, Kazami Yuka’s clothes were tattered, and she had no spare strength to protect her clothes, and even smashed a large piece of sunflower herself.

“…… I’m sorry. ”

Yuki Rito dispersed the wind, fell from the sky, and came to Kazami Yuka, hesitating whether to help her up, with Kazemi Yuka’s strong character, helping her himself may cause the other party to be disgusted.


The energy surging in a messy sunflower field seemed to transmit power to the somewhat weak wind and fragrance, and the sunflower field, which could have competed with the blazing sun in the sky, dimmed a lot in an instant.

“You have nothing to apologize for, I haven’t fought so freely in a long time.”

With the support of the sunflower, Yuka Kazemi, who had recovered a lot, stood up on his own, walked to the center of the sunflower field, squatted down to remove the best growing sunflower with the soil, lowered his head, and kissed the center of the flower, which originally looked very dim, instantly radiated several times more vigorous than before the battle.

“To you, this is your reward for fighting with me, I heard Zi say that you have encountered some trouble, put this at home, ordinary attacks cannot break through the energy protection emitted by this child, it can protect your home, it is also very smart, can distinguish good from evil, and take good care of it.”

Kazami Yuka held the sunflower in front of Yuki Rito, saw him standing in place dumbfounded, and asked.

“What’s wrong?”

What is it like to kiss the sunflower with a motherly smile in a slightly ragged dress?

The battle was full of madness, and the gentleness that the heroic and sassy big youkai had just shown, the huge contrast brought by Yuki Rito froze, and he did not come to his senses until this moment.

“I’m a little surprised to see that your simple action has brought Sunflower back to life.”

Yuki Rito is looking for excuses.

“If it were me, it would bloom even in the clouds.”

Kazemi Yuka made a proud declaration, but his movements were very gentle, holding the dirt and sunflowers, walked to Yuki Rito, handed it to Yuki Rito, looked at the other party’s cautious appearance, pondered for a while, and spoke.

“I’ll go get you a pot.”

Kazami Yuka walked away with a sun umbrella, and a gap appeared next to Yuki Rito, and Yakumo Zi walked out of it.

“Is it the so-called no fight and no acquaintance, or love at first sight? You just now, were you dumbfounded? ”

Yakumo Zi’s face had a smile that she had found something interesting, and it was a pity to see that Yuki Rito was not provoked by herself, and she sighed sadly.

“Obviously I feel that we should also be very attractive types, why did you show more rejection when we first met before?”

“How can it be repulsive, it does not exist!”

Yuki Rito simply showed his friendliness and integrity, he didn’t want to offend Yakumo Zimiku and break off his connection with Fantasy Town, and he didn’t know if there was a way to actively enter Fantasy Land in this world, but the system should have a way, after all, it could even travel through the world.

“Hehe, originally human beings will be more or less hostile when they are not incompatible with monsters, but we didn’t feel your hostility at first, even if you just fought with Youxiang into an inexplicable frenzy, but you also converged your strength in time for fear of hurting Youxiang, you are a very interesting guy.”

“Flower pot, here you go.”

Kazami Yuka walked back with the flower pot, and was not surprised by the more Yakumo Zi beside Yuki Rito, and put the flower pot under Yuki Rito and motioned for him to put the sun flower in.

“Is Brother Yuki going home now? It’s been three hours. ”

Yakumo wanted to see if Yuki Rito would want to stay longer in Fantasy Village because of the fragrance of the wind, and even broke the agreement to postpone the sports meeting that would soon be held.

“Go back, trouble you, Miss Kazami, goodbye.”

“Youxiang, just call me Youxiang.”

Yakumo Zi opened the gap and sent Yuki Rito back to the present world, but he turned his head to look at the wind and fragrance who watched Yuki Rito leave, and put on a look of indignation.

“Brother Yuki is such a rough guy who broke all your clothes.”

Saying that, Yakumo Zi manipulated the power of the realm and repaired the clothes of the wind and fragrance.

After glancing at Yakumozi, she knew that the other party wanted to knock on the side or something, and Kazemi Yuka did not pick up the topic she deliberately provoked.

“After so many years, you have done something that makes me comfortable, Zi.”

“Oh? Do you mean that we will repair your clothes? Raise your hand, how to hang your teeth. ”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“…… It seems that the battle that Brother Yuki has just had left a good impression on you. ”

“Brother Yuki? Zi, you always use these titles that don’t suit you, he’s very good, and he’s one of the few guys outside the ghost clan who chooses to go head-to-head with me. ”

The wind saw the fragrance holding the parasol, and the whole person constantly escaped energy, repairing a messy field of sunflowers, no longer saying anything to Yakumo Ziduo, but it was like a send-off.

“Then after that…”

“After that, if he is interested, he can bring him to the Sun Flower Field again.”

“Fighting with you?”

“Drinking tea, watering flowers, there are many things that can be done.”

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