Yono Yukinoshita drove away with ease and a little sadness, although it is true that she was not sold, but the clever Miss Yono also saw her father’s true intention to recommend herself to the Tenjo-in Foundation and squeeze herself out of the family business, before that, the industry led by Yono Yukinoshita was thriving, but unfortunately the man turned a blind eye, he only saw his own power and status, so he guaranteed his right to speak in the family and did not hesitate to give up the possibility of industrial expansion, excluding capable people – his daughter.

When Yuki Rito returned home with the gold medal and a bunch of prizes with Rara, Mikan was even happier than Yuki Rito himself, and was very excited to play the gold medal, which was actually just a gold-plated metal medal, and maybe even not gold, Yuki Rito said simply.

“Meikan, if you like it, I will give it to you, and the gold medal is not engraved with my name, maybe you can still take it to the school to show off, think about it, do you feel very excited?”

“Well, don’t treat me like a child!”

It was just that Mikan, an elementary school student, declared her maturity again, and then, she carefully looked at Yuki Rito to make sure that there was no problem with his physical state after a busy week, and asked.

“Did Rito decide where to go on Sunday?” I didn’t expect to go to the point where I wouldn’t be able to go, but I also need to prepare a little, if I go to some places that ask for tickets, I may stop selling tickets on weekends due to the crowds. ”

Mikan is very thoughtful.

Mikan once said before that she and Lara had gone out a few times, but Yuki Rito knew that with Mikan’s diligent and thrifty personality, she would not take the initiative to go to the place where she asked for tickets to spend more money, she went more to the park, just now Mikan will suddenly mention the matter of tickets, but also because she has thought about it for a long time, thinking about going to certain places.

“Where do you want to go? Amusement parks, cinemas, museums? ”

When the imperial envoy [Kaze] searched for the holy relics, now Yuki Rito knows the entire city of Chiba, and he clearly knows the specific location of the noun he is talking about in Chiba City.

“Aquarium, I’m going to the aquarium!”

It was not Yuki Mikan who answered, but Rara, she raised her hand excitedly, and Yuki Rito nodded when she saw the look of approval and anticipation on Mikan’s face.

“Okay, I’ll buy the tickets in advance, please look forward to it then, there is plenty of time, if you still have the energy after visiting the aquarium, you should be able to go to other places to see.”

Thousands of meters away from Yuki Rito’s house, there is a commercial building, where an entire floor is operated as an aquarium, in the upper floors of the building, there are many things to consider, water pressure, airtightness, and when necessary, the way to change the water, etc., the establishment of an aquarium in the building is new and attractive, but also to be rich, it is the most famous aquarium in Chiba City, Yuki Rito does need to buy tickets in advance.

After the meal, Mikan sat in the living room watching TV, while Yuki Rito and Lara were on the second floor, looking at Lara, Yuki Rito hesitated to say something, he was very interested in Lara’s storage mobile phone, not the various inventions inside, but the storage mobile phone itself, although the system has storage space, but only stores special items, that is, things that have mysteriousness, other things such as medicines, food, precious metals and even daily necessities can not be stored, even if Yuki Rito is now a Sengoku senior, these things have a certain role, For example, when he first went to the God Killer World, Yuki Rito carried a school bag, but the holding space was too small to prepare many things.

If you have a storage mobile phone, Yuki Rito can be much more convenient, and you can do more things in the future to travel between the two worlds – of course, Yuki Rito did not think of putting Debbie Luke’s starship into the storage phone!

But Yuki Rito also finds that he seems to be too accustomed to asking for Lara for electronic shielding devices, problematic memory erasers, and the like.

“What did Rito want to say?”

Lara looked at Yuki Rito who wanted to talk in front of her, blinked strangely, her fingers tapped her smooth chin, and after a moment, her eyes lit up, and she took out the ultra-small reconnaissance plane that looked like a flying insect during the day.

“Do you want this? Here you go, this is just a weakened version of one of Debiluk’s many military reconnaissance aircraft, oh, if you want something more powerful, I’ll let Sarsteen give it to you, right? ”

“Actually, I want a storage phone similar to yours… Well, I’m sorry, I always ask you for something, do you have any wishes? As long as I can do it, I will do my best to complete it, you have been helping me before, all kinds of things, thank you. ”

“Isn’t Rito going to accompany me and Mikan to the aquarium this weekend? This is my wish oh ~ If you store your phone, I need some materials that the earth does not have, let Saasstin bring it over, it takes a week to transport the materials and make them, is it okay, Pear Dou? ”

Lara didn’t look disgusted at all, and even seemed happy that Yuki Rito needed her invention.

“Hanging out together on the weekend was something I had come up with before, and I wanted to hear about Lala’s wish, the kind of wish that is hard to fulfill.”

The world of god killers also has the power of spellmakers loyal to themselves, Yuki Rito gave a return, the resources given by three of the four spell families, Yuki Rito all gave to the Saya Palace, and for people like Lara who silently helped him by his side, Yuki Rito found that he returned less, in addition to Lara, there was also Mikan, but Mikan was not like Lara, with the identity of the daughter of King Debbie Luk and the various troubles that followed, after Yuki Rito now has enough money to live by working part-time as he once did , Mikan is quite happy.

“A wish that is difficult to fulfill… Naw, Rito, you know some things that Dad disclosed to the universe, right? You have to beat those challengers to the ground, okay? ”

Lara’s gaze was full of expectation.

“Leave it to me with confidence, and promise to complete the task!”

“Hee-hee, I like pear dou the most! Well…… And Nana and Yumemon! ”

Being on the same status as her sisters in Lara heart, Yuki Rito was relieved, as if in some way, he had already won Cheetos.

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