When Yuki Rito’s hurried imperial envoy [Kaze] returned to Chiba City, it was already eight o’clock in the evening.

The signing meeting of Sword Art Online ended at four o’clock, this kind of thing is clearly written on the official website of Fantasia Bunko, but Yuki Rito has not returned until now, Mikan wants to ask Yuki Rito why he came back so late, but Lara spoke first.

“Ridou, how is it? Is the official version of the game available? ”

“Where is it so fast, now that the technicians in the library are fighting, even if you and I have completed most of the work, there may still be overlooked loopholes, you need to test it well, but you can play the beta version first.”

Yuki Rito wanted to go upstairs to get his computer and go to Bunko’s internal technical webpage to download the beta installation package for Lara, and Mikan grabbed him.

“Wait a minute, has Rito eaten?”

“Uh… No. ”

Although they stayed at Machida Enko’s house for three hours, the two were focused on “resting”, and then Yuki Rito hurriedly returned and did not have time to eat, but with his physique, eating less than a meal was not too much of a problem, so before that, Yuki Rito had been ignoring.

“Whew, sure enough, then let’s eat together.”

Yuki Rito’s answer seemed to be expected by Mikan, she sighed and brought out a hot meal from the kitchen, Yuki Rito would not be naïve to think that Mikan calculated the time of his return, just finished dinner, this should be the time when Mikan usually eats together, it is done at six thirty in the evening, and then has been waiting for Yuki Rito to return, in order to ensure that he can eat dinner immediately after returning, Mikan keeps repeating the action of heating the meal during this period.

Such an action made Yuki Rito feel moved and apologetic at the same time.

“If I go out and don’t come back in the future, you don’t have to wait for me, in case I don’t come back all night like before, are you going to be hungry with Lara all night?”

Yuki Rito’s so-called before refers to the time when he went to the world of god killers.

“In that case, Rito would have explained it in advance, right? Okay, let’s eat. ”

It wasn’t until he watched Yuki Rito put the food in his mouth and taste it, and saw him look like he was enjoying the deliciousness, that Mikan smiled and moved her chopsticks.

“Will everything go well with today’s signing? It seems to be very hot, and many online media have reported this matter, as well as some other news. ”

In the end, Mikan looked at Lara, Yuki Rito is the person liked by the Tenjo-in Foundation, this matter has become a hot spot on the Internet, today Mikan is knocking on the side for a while, wanting to see Lara’s attitude, but as a result, Lara has always been full of care, Mikan no longer knows whether Lara is generous, naturally stay or don’t care about Yuki Ridou.

“Well, smoothly, it was only a two-hour signing party, and three thousand limited-edition light novels were sold, and after that, it seems that there is still some supply, so the power of the otaku is quite terrible, but the quality is also very high, so many people get together, and nothing unpleasant happens.”

“yes, that’s fine.”

After the meal, under Mikan’s intention, Yuki Rito and Lara were alone, according to Lara’s previous expectations, after Yuki Rito installed a beta version with networking function on her mobile phone, Lara did not shy away from lying on Yuki Rito bed and playing with her mobile phone.

“Lidou, why are there so many players in the game now? Isn’t this version undisclosed yet? ”


Hearing this, Yuki Rito leaned over to Lara and looked at her phone screen, indeed, the first layer of the beta game was full of people, but they were performing similar actions, like manipulated AI.

“It’s probably a technician doing a stress test, no problem, although these robots should not be able to team up and trade with you, but you can kill them, just test this function.”

Anyway, the beta version is also to be deleted, and Lara can play casually.

Seeing that Lara was involved in the game, Yuki Rito also turned on the computer and got busy, tomorrow is the agreed day to go out together, so it is better to complete all the work that was scheduled to be completed this weekend.

It was a vote on the image stock on the blog, and Yuki Rito had previously made an announcement that it would end this week.

Although it is mainly for monsters and maps to collect materials, there are also many people who upload pictures of the main characters of Sword Art Online, even if it takes a lot of time to have a little more exquisite than the original, but people who are accustomed to the original shape, although they do not hesitate to praise this, but also say that the original work is more in line with fantasy.

The first place with the highest number of votes is a collection containing more than forty beautiful maps of Irongrunt’s more than forty – that is, the number of more than forty large high-definition pictures, it is said that at the beginning, there were only a dozen pictures, and in just a few days it has increased to the point where it is now, and the blog of the person who uploaded the picture is called rougeenrouge, which means rouge in rouge, and people on the Internet suspect that this is the name of a society, after all, with the number and fineness of those pictures, it is by no means possible for one person to complete it in a short time.

And the second and third places are from the same blog, one is the material of the main boss of the floor, the other is the material of ordinary monsters, there are a lot of them, even if Yuki Rito has roughly described the appearance of some monsters in the light novel, but it can be so reasonable and meticulous, in the monster shaping to the extent that Eiri Kashiwagi and Eromanga cannot reach, there is no doubt that this person called Pojima Up is also a talent.

In this regard, Yuki Rito did not hesitate to extend an olive branch, he had previously said that each selected painting would be paid at least 30,000 yen, and now he did not hesitate to announce that the vote was over, and would give 5 million yen to Rogeenrouge, who won the first place with more than 40 beautiful pictures, and 1 million yen to the Pojima UP, who won the second and third place with more than 20 materials.

Even if the unit price is calculated, the difference in remuneration between the two is somewhat large, because Yuki Rito can see the quality gap between the two, not that he is biased, and this price is actually very fair.

In addition, other works that Yuki Rito favored and did not conflict with the existing selected materials, Yuki Rito also gave corresponding remuneration, ranging from 30,000 yen to 50,000 yen.

At the time of the vote, Yuki Rito has already set up a set-up, and participants can attach a bank card number that only Yuki Rito can see, and Yuki Rito forwards this information to the finance department of Fantasia Bunko, so that they can deduct a part of their due writing fee and transfer the corresponding honoraria to the other party.

Because it was very troublesome, Yuki Rito asked the more professional Fantasia Bunko Finance Department, and at the same time asked Fantasia Bunko to find a way to establish a long-term relationship with these talents, even if it could not be absorbed into the library.

These things Yuki Rito did not say to Machida Enko who may be tired now, but directly asked the staff of the Bunko, after all, Machida Enko said before, his prestige in the Bunko seems to be quite large, although Yuki Ridou’s original intention is to let these people serve Sword Art Online, but this is not a bad thing for Bunko, really speaking, this is to help Bunko absorb talents.

Then Yuki Rito found that his words seemed to be quite effective, and both the finance department and the personnel department of the Bunko immediately gave corresponding answers, which was very efficient.

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