Lushan Mountain has hundreds of peaks, dozens of valleys and caves, lush vegetation on the mountain, and streams below the mountain, which is an excellent scenery.

But because this is the residence chosen by Luo Hao, the king of martial arts, the person who killed the gods, ordinary tourists cannot swim at will, and among the places that cannot swim, the most famous and least understood by ordinary people is the highest peak of Lushan, Hanyang Peak.

The martial arts king Luo Hao lived halfway up this mountain, in a small grass hut.

This simple grass hut, which covers an area of only about 30 square meters, is much inferior to the dwellings of poor ordinary people, but the fiercest god killer who crisscrosses the earth lives here.

Following the guidance of the Five Prisons Saint Sect around Hanyang Peak, Yuki Rito came to the grass house.

“Sister, are you there? I’ve come to see you. ”

Not long after, the beautiful woman in Han clothes came out of the grass house, it was Luo Hao, this beauty matched the scenic Lushan Mountain, but it was incompatible with the slightly simple grass house.

“Remember my sister?”

“Naturally, I remember.”

Seeing the indifferent expression on Luo Hao’s face, it seemed that he was in a bad mood, Yuki Rito was quite innocent, and secretly glad that he did not further anger her on the issue of address.

“I thought that after Tochigi Nikko Mountain, you fell into fatigue because of the successive battles, so you didn’t come to Lushan to visit my sister, but I didn’t expect that you still have the strength to travel thousands of miles to Europe, for me, the ultimate sister, you should have the highest respect, why go to Europe and not come to Lushan first?”

The ultimate sister? So what’s the difference between you and an ordinary sister?

Yuki Rito secretly complained in his heart, but his face was silent.

“Going to Italy in Europe, killing God, the opportunity must not be lost, so I have to rush over, sister doesn’t know?”

“Oh? Is that so? ”

Luo Hao carefully searched for memories, two days ago, when the Saint Sect elder reported the information, he seemed to have indeed said the purpose of Yuki Ridou, but he did not listen too seriously at that time.

This is his own fault, and in the future, he should listen carefully to the information about his righteous brother.

“Although the power is diverse enough to cope with various situations, but it is proficient and sparse, the power of power is not comparable to other god killers who delve into a single power, do you understand?”

Luo Hao put on a didactic posture, Yuki Rito knew that she was not malicious, moreover, it was also very reasonable, although Luo Hao had a strange temper in some aspects, but his character was undoubted, and he had the relationship of righteous sisters and brothers, worthy of trust, Yuki Rito planned to tell the truth.

“I wanted to get an ability that could make ordinary people live forever, and I summoned Hades, the god of disobedience, in Italy, and although the power obtained was somewhat different from what I expected, it was also a relief from worries.”

“Ordinary people … Immortality…”

Luo Hao murmured a few times, and his eyes changed as he watched Yuki Rito.

“You are very thoughtful, and this honesty makes my sister very happy, say, what is the matter with coming to me?”

“Uh, I…”

“No need to think of excuses, be honest.”

Facing Luo Hao’s beautiful eyes that seemed to be able to see through people’s hearts, Yuki Rito hesitated for a moment and said.

“I want to learn the skills of hand-to-hand combat with my sister, I have the power to enhance the flesh [King Kong is not bad body], the power to enhance the eyesight [Fire Eye Golden Eye], and the power to speed up [Phoenix], if I don’t have enough ability to exert their power, it’s a pity.”

“Oh? Before I felt that you lacked the skills to fight, but you could still remain undefeated under my attack, it was very strange, it turned out that there were three powers to support, yes, now you really just lack a little training. ”

“So can my sister train me? Although I have to go back to Neon in the evening, I can come to Lushan to study during the day after that. ”

Yuki Ridou looked at Sect Master Luo Hao, full of expectation.

“I am a person at the apex of the martial arts, proficient in all martial arts throughout the ages, the alliance master of martial arts, there is a holy sect under my command, but no one dares to ask me for advice, do you know the reason?”

Because it is rumored that you are a ruthless person who gouges his eyes whenever he is seen, and chops his hands whenever he touches his clothes.

Of course, Yuki Rito didn’t say this, he pretended to think.

“Because this is inevitable to fight, no one has the capital and courage to fight the god killers, right?”

“That’s exactly it, so, righteous brother, are you ready? Explain in advance, if you damage my grass house, you have to build a new one, if you destroy the scenery of this Hanyang Peak, you have to find a way to restore it, if you break this mountain, you have to let the mountain stand again. ”

Hearing Luo Hao’s words, Yuki Rito stiffened.

“I can do it by building a grass house, and if I summon a spell master to restore the scenery, I can barely do it, but to re-establish the broken peak, it really is…”

“So, keep your power to one point and don’t waste it needlessly.”


Saying this, the Luo Hao Sect Master slapped his chest against the Yuki Ridou who was close at hand, seemingly fluttering lightly and without accumulating power, but the huge power Yuki Rito clearly perceived, even if he had the [King Kong Not Bad Body] was still very painful, he wanted to rely on the earth to rely on, but thought that this would inevitably plow the land out of two ravines, and then Luo Hao might really ask for his recovery, Yuki Rito simply let this force knock him away, and make [the wind] come back.

“You still have wind-like powers? Yes, today I will teach you to cooperate with this power to release power, do not fight that you have the power to strengthen the body, and feel that you can resist all attacks. ”

Hit by Luo Hao’s palm, Yuki Ridou was a little aggrieved, if not bound by the agreement that he could not destroy the environment, he had at least three means to stay in place, and the attack that was only pain and could not cause injury was understated, seeing Luo Hao’s awe-inspiring posture, Yuki Rito retorted.

“The blow just now can’t hurt me at all, why don’t you resist hard? I can still take this opportunity to attack, and I can definitely play a more favorable effect than the other party, otherwise my [King Kong Not Bad Body] will not be in vain. ”

“Injury-for-injury play? It really works for you, just now I only used six points of force, let you underestimate? Today, I will use these six points of force to hurt you. ”

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