“Give, this is the certificate you got in the previous municipal competition, all of them are the first prize, you are very good, and only three people in each subject in the entire city have won it.”

The class teacher said, handed five booklets to Yuki Ridou, the certificate with a beautiful package, all of them are first prizes, there are a total of six subjects in the city competition, when Yuki Rito participated in five, all of them won the first prize, which is probably the reason why the class teacher will say that Yuki Rito will not be buried even in the Tenjo-in Foundation, and when there is no other basis for judging a person’s ability, the results are the only basis.

“Every first prize, there is a scholarship of 50,000 yen, this is a reward given by the city, in addition, the school will also reward you with 500,000 yen at one time, Yuki Ridou, you can have confidence in yourself, this time the city-level competition is very valuable, even the chief marshal of the Tenjo-in Foundation will be impressed by you.”

Tenjo-in Takashi will not impress a person because of this achievement, and I am not the only one with this achievement.

Yuki Rito looked at the teacher in front of him who cared about him and constantly thought about himself, sighed in his heart, sincerely thanked him, and continued.

“In fact, I have made a lot of progress now, and in all aspects, the school does not have to give me scholarships.”

“No, this is originally planned, it is not because you are Yuki Ridou, to give you a scholarship, anyone who can get the first place in this level of competition, will get, don’t think much, the money will hit your bank card, which is the one that is usually used to deduct tuition.”

That card is now also a bank card that receives the Sword Art Online manuscript fee, and the numbers in it should be huge, Yuki Rito didn’t care for a while, to be honest, the school can’t beat money, Yuki Rito can’t see it.

Seeing that Yuki Rito didn’t speak, the head teacher thought that he was sentimental, and changed the topic with a smile.

“Well, the next first class is my math class, you don’t have to go back to the class, just complete this set of papers in this office, full score of one hundred, if you can achieve ninety, the future math class whatever you do, it doesn’t matter if you are not in school, if it can be higher, I will come forward and say to the school and other classroom teachers, as long as you can pass the exam in other subjects, the school will not have mandatory requirements for you to go to school, and you don’t have to take leave in the future, of course, the midterm, the final such large-scale exams, or come to participate, once the results regress, Go back to school too. ”

“I see.”

Neon’s high school course is not difficult, it is not specially prepared for college, because considering that some students who do not plan to enter the university normally after high school, this is not a small number, enter a vocational school, inherit the family business, and even go out to work directly after graduating from high school, there are many choices, after all, neon universities, those really powerful universities want to enter is too difficult.

However, it is undeniable that Neon is a society that values academic qualifications, so there are also many people who study extra in addition to the high school curriculum to prepare for the unified examination and for the separate exams of each university.

Therefore, a word has been produced – four when five falls, that is, sleep four hours a day to be admitted to your favorite university, sleep five hours a day will fall into the sun, this time without sleep, all used for extracurricular tutoring in various subjects, of course, this situation generally occurs in the third year of high school.

Yuki Rito originally thought that the test paper given to him by the head teacher only included the high school courses to be taught by the school, but after starting to write, combined with the information he had previously collected out of curiosity, he found that this was even more difficult than the unified examination, and the special examination conducted by a first-class university for admissions would only be difficult.

Maybe the head teacher really hopes that he can get into a good university.

Even if the memory is terrible, there is corresponding knowledge in the brain, and the topic in front of him Yuki Rito really thinks about it.

About an hour later, the head teacher went and returned, it should be the end of the class, and in the municipal competition, he could complete the question early, but at this moment he was still entangled in the last question.

Yuki Rito suspects that under the amiable appearance of the head teacher, he hides his heart for embarrassment, evoking some hard memories of Yuki Rito in his previous life.

Back in the office, seeing that Yuki Rito did not finish the question, the class teacher was not surprised, not to mention the high school sophomore, this is no longer a normal high school senior can deal with the topic, the exam time is more than an hour, if Yuki Rito is finished, the class teacher will feel abnormal.

Standing quietly behind Yuki Rito, silently watching the answer he had written without disturbing him answering, and then looking at the last question that Yuki Rito had already answered halfway, the head teacher sighed.

“Well, no need to write, you really don’t have to waste time in high school level math and prepare for exams in other subjects, or is it only in my math, do you have such a level?”

“Trouble teacher, I also want to be tested by other teachers, in addition to going to school, I do have a lot of things, I can guarantee that even if I pass all the exams, I will not come to school for no reason.”

“The tone is very big, okay, even if I go to say it, it is impossible to take the exam today, you go back to the class first, by the way, Xilian Temple participated in world history, and also won a second prize, you bring the award to her, other things, I said it at the morning meeting, you don’t need to explain it in detail to her.”

With a stack of awards and his own school bag, Yuki Rito returned to the classroom, unfortunately, at the moment the 2nd year A class is in class, and it is still world history, the teacher that Yuki Rito has offended.

“Yo, Yuki, long time no see.”

Seeing Yuki Rito, the world history teacher greeted with a smile.

“Well, I just didn’t come yesterday afternoon and this morning, it shouldn’t be long, right?”

Yuki Rito felt that the world history teacher’s mood was not as happy as he appeared, and he answered carefully.

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