“I’m sorry, the players were extremely enthusiastic, in just five minutes between 6 and 6:5, the number of logins reached one million, overwhelmed our fragile potato server, the estimated repair time is one hour, and I apologize, I have decided to issue each player ten summon tickets with a total value of 10,000 yen, which can be drawn ten times in the in-game summon pool, and every hour the repair time is delayed by one hour than expected, an additional ten summon tickets will be added, please be patient.”

This announcement, at the same time was posted by Yuki Rito in his Kayaba Jinghiko’s blog and the official website of Sword Art Online Games, unlike the official website that cannot leave a message, the blog can almost speak freely, Yuki Rito originally thought that this ten-minute glitch would make the blog scold, but he was wrong.

The blog is almost full of words of understanding, comfort and the like, and some curious and inquiring, a few are expressing their anxiety, and some people see Yuki Rito refer to the server as a potato is extremely interesting, and also in the same way as a joker, saying that he is going to die at eight o’clock and wants to play a game before he dies.

It is probably that Sword Art Online as the first online game has made everyone have a lot of patience, and the previous requests for advertising by various large companies and the digging of walls were rejected by Yuki Ridou, which made people feel a sense of identity.

At this time, Yuki Rito’s mobile phone, which had canceled the silent mode, rang.

“Kayaba-sensei, the people on the mixi side have agreed, they are doing remote assistance, they did not ask for monetary remuneration, they just hope that Kayaba-sensei can establish an official account of Sword Art Online Games on the mixi blog, similar to the official website, in addition to making announcements, it is best to carry out some activities that only mixi blogs have.”

Hearing the words of the staff, Yuki Rito opened his mouth in amazement, shocked by the business acumen possessed by the mixi official, if he really did this, the mixi blog would undoubtedly introduce many new users and active users again, and its value was indeed not comparable to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yen.

Many things, Yuki Rito can see its inner meaning, not Yuki Rito has how powerful the business calculation, he has put most of his mind on improving strength, where will consider business things, some eyes are also based on the development of extremely mature business experience in the previous life, and mixi blog is an industry leader with no reference, unexpectedly giving up financial remuneration and as long as ordinary people seem to have unequal value, this boldness makes Yuki Rito stunned.

“Promise them, in addition, my partner is already fixing the problem, using an administrator account with the same permissions as me, did you find out?” Coupled with mixi’s official maintenance staff, how long does it take to completely fix the problem and ensure that millions of players, or even two million, three million people log in normally? ”

“It turned out to be the person of Mr. Kayaba, really powerful, many problems that we did not notice were quickly solved, at most half an hour, can achieve millions of visits are just microcards, within today, should be able to achieve millions of people without lag game.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

“Teacher Kayaba, now the game is stuck, almost everyone can’t log in, but there is a player who is very strange, at six o’clock sharp, completed a series of operations including downloading, installing, and logging in, avoiding the peak period, and successfully logged in with an ordinary account, and now the game is in progress, do you want to clean it up as a problem account?”

“A moment?”

“Yes, even if the installation package flows out and is installed in advance, but the ordinary account can not access the server at all before six o’clock, can not enter the account password, this operation must be completed after six o’clock, it takes at least two or three seconds, and it is really weird to complete the login in less than a second.”

Yuki Rito nodded and agreed to clean up the account, suddenly remembering that he had given Yakumo Zi’s mobile phone, remembering some beings with special powers in Fantasy Town, and thinking of a certain Moon Princess who might like this game.

“No need, don’t care, just solve this failure, don’t open the login for the time being after the solution, half an hour… Make an announcement on the login interface that the game can be reopened at seven o’clock, and the compensation matter will also be mentioned, as for the extra time, check the gaps and don’t have any more problems. ”


In this way, this unexpected game failure should be considered to be about to be solved.

Yuki Rito breathed a sigh of relief, although he said that he didn’t care about the game, but after all, there were so many people paying attention, and from the millions of logins after six o’clock, Yuki Rito still had some sense of responsibility.

“Lara, are you hungry? This time it’s really hard for you, or else… I feed you? ”

Yuki Rito looked at Lara who was busy operating the keyboard with both hands, and asked a little carefully.

This is a big guy, if she directly feels troublesome, the problem of the game will be solved in at least an hour, and Yuki Rito will have to be served.


Lara exclaimed, turning her head to look at Yuki Rito and asked uncertainly.


“Really, don’t worry about talking to me, help me solve my problem.”

Realizing that Sword Art Online was Yuki Ridou’s weakness, Lara’s eyes showed a troublesome light, and green onion’s fingers tapped her smooth face.

“Kiss me first.”

This is not difficult for Yuki Rito at all! He acted without hesitation.

Rara, who was kissed by Yuki Rito, smiled happily, turned her head and continued to operate the computer.

“There are about ten minutes to solve the trouble, you don’t need to feed me, wait for everyone to eat together, Meigan has made a big meal.”


Yuki Rito agreed, holding his head and sitting next to Rara, witnessing the first queen daughter of Debbie Lux, who dominated the galaxy, busy for a small game on a small land on the earth that was regarded by the universe as a remote planet, and was different from the usual attitude of always with a faint chuckle, and at this moment revealed a concentrated look of Lara, which has a special temperament.

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