The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 160: The Captain of Melk City Guards, Oleg

Overlooking the west gate, I didn't see any big trouble here. In fact this area is being taken care of really well mainly by the original guards of this city. Not the fake guards who are actually members of the cult, but the real guards who protect the people.

Now that I remember, I think in my previous life, the reason why I and other people survived is mainly because the guards are doing their job. They protected us by sacrificing their lives. I should repay that debt.

If I remember correctly, the guards who saved us was led by the captain of the guards, Oleg. How could I forget someone who saved my life?

The answer is he didn't save my life. I saved my own life back then.

While he and the guards are busy saving people, I was somehow got separated from them.

Not knowing what to do and afraid to be killed, I entered an empty house and play dead. I lied face down on the ground with Blobby on my back making it seems that I was killed by a slime. Now I remember that there's a thief entering the house and laughed at me seeing I died by a slime. And seeing Blobby didn't do anything, the thief just took valuables and leave.

I keep playing dead for two days while only eating any foods that was left behind in that house. I only know some people survived after the stampede because of Oleg's contribution in the stampede. Although he and most of the good guards died during the stampede.

Oleg doesn't have anything to do with me, but thanks to him saving people lives, I can survive and know what to do after seeing there are other survivors like me. If I was alone, I wouldn't know what to do. That's why I should repay this debt of not making me the only survivor.

Well, it's not like all the survivors are saved by Oleg and his friends, but most of the survivors are. So I want to pay him back for what he did in my previous life.

This time, there should be more people protecting the city. And we're on our way to victory, not defeat like last time. And this Oleg is a good guy and I hope we can bring him into our cause and make him our ally.

I look around and see a guard, who is actually an agent, fighting the monsters. I should ask him about Oleg.

I approached the agent and spoke to him.

"Hey! It's me!"

"Roy? What is it?"

"About Oleg. What do you know about him? Tell me in a simple way."

The agent think for a second and says only one word.


That mean he can be trusted. The agent seems to understand my intention in the question.

"Should we tell him the truth?"

"…I have been a spy in this city for a decade already and from what I know about him, I can trust him 100%. In fact I wanted to bring him to our side when I knew the stampede is going to happen, but I was hesitant to do it. Please tell him the truth. We can have another reliable ally for the battle against the cult."

"Alright. By the way, how did you guard this side?"

"I told Captain Oleg that there might be traitor among us. He believed it. Especially after knowing that a lot guards actually took a leave from yesterday at the same time. And those people are nowhere in sight not even trying to help. So after I told him, he told those he can trust to kill anyone who's about to retreat back to the city. If they are retreating to the forest, then we don't need to kill them. Just that."

No wonder I see several corpses near the gate. Some are wearing the guard uniform. And some of them have HGB in their mouth. Although some of them don't have it. I guess he's just being careful.

"Alright, I'll talk to him. Good luck to you!"

"Yeah! You too!"

I guess he's very dedicated in protecting the city. He wouldn't even mind throwing his life away to protect the people in my past life.

The hunters fighting on this side, some of them have a fearful expression. Can't be helped if they know that they will be killed if they are retreating.

Since there are no more cult members in sight, I guess it should be fine for them to retreat now. And let them fight monsters inside the city.

I approached Oleg, and when he saw me, he threw an Ice Spike to my face!

"Hey! I'm not an enemy!"

"Who are you?" He asked when he saw that I dodged his Ice Spike.

"I'm the guy who made trouble during the practical exam!"

"That was you? And how do I know you mean well? You're wearing a mask!"

Does wearing a mask make me a bad guy? Maybe.

"It was because what I did that day that the stampede was delayed for a few days. If not for me, this city would be destroyed a few days ago."

"You know about the stampede before it happen? Who are you?" Oleg asked me my identity again. I guess it's fine to show him my face.

"I am…" I lowered my mask and before I told him who I am, Oleg noticed my identity.

"Eight? You're Eight?"

"What's that?! My nickname?"

I'm surprised that I have a nickname. But to think that nickname is from the result of my strength that day… that's hilarious! Since he knows who I am, I put on the mask back on to cover my face.

"Yes. We had a good laugh because of your show of strength that day. And why should I trust you?"

"Me, the guard who told you there are some traitors among the guards, and some other are here by the order of the king." I explain it in a simple way.

"So you mean the king know the stampede is going to happen and let it be instead of stopping it?" Oleg asked.

"Stopping 'them' you mean. This stampede also happen in other cities as well. And letting it happen is so that people know the danger of the organization behind this. You'll know about it soon after the stampede end. If we still alive by then."

"What do you mean by that?"

Instead of answering, I walked to a corpse of the guard who was killed when he was about to retreat and plucked the HGB from the inside of his mouth.

"Explosive device. Most of the members of this evil organization have this things inside their mouth. We let the stampede happen so we can also kill some of the members as well. Because if we just stop the stampede, the real problem won't end."

Oleg is stunned seeing the HGB in my hand. To proof that it's an explosive, I pour a little magic in it and throw it away. It exploded when it was about ten meters away. Does that mean I'm getting faster?

Back then when I threw it away after I took it from the other Sam's mouth, it exploded after just five meters. I guess I'm stronger now.

"An organization whose members have those things in their mouth? How cruel."

"Well, there seem to be some of them left in the city. And someone with high position is also a member which we are trying to capture as we speak."

"Is he…?"

"I'll leave that to your imagination. For now, I can assure you that there are no other cult members in this area. You should let them retreat into the city. Some monsters already entered the city. It's better for these coward to enter the city and encounter those monsters instead of the civilians. What do you think?"

Oleg think for a moment and quickly made a decision.

"Alright. I'll tell my men to stop killing the cowards. What will you do now?" Oleg asked.

"My job is to kill the members of this organization who's hiding among the crowd and also kill some monsters as well. But seeing how well you're doing here, I guess I'll go to another place."

"Wait! Before you go, promise me that you will tell me everything you know!"

Hmm? I will tell him of course, but why is he so motivated?


"Whatever you're into, I'm joining you guys."

"Well, I'm thinking of inviting you so it's good that you're willing to join us. You can ask your friend over there. Then, see you later." I pointed at the agent I talked to before and then left the place immediately.

Now the west area is doing well, so I should move to another place… I thought. But seeing there are more wyverns in the skies, I started to think that it's better to escape.

No! I shouldn't be pessimistic yet! I must have faith to everyone here! They are doing their best to protect the city! And the wyverns don't have any passengers on their back. They also just keep watching the city without going down at all.

For now, I should go to the other gates. The East gate is where Victoria went to and the north is where the girls are. I'll go check on the girls first. Victoria is fine since she doesn't take any damage at all.

As for Kron… I can see him moving to another place to fight the monsters inside the city. Since I don't see any more civilians outside, I think it's fine to leave him alone now.

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