The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 198: The True Identity of Uneaten Beef

"Is there anything from the future you can tell us?"

Albert asked Javier about any event in the future that can be a key information to use against the cult. The only thing Javier said is that we lost.

"I don't know. After Roy died, I never made any contract with other summoner. I just learned about it when they started to attack Monsters World. Now I'm going to tell you about the past." Javier said.

The past. I think what he's going to say will be important.

"I became a summoned monster and a companion of someone powerful before Victoria died. I think Victoria died during the time I was with that summoner. He was an Aura user, but his Aura is too weak. Even weaker than Roy's during the time he first received Aura ability. That's why I never thought of him as an Aura user."

I see. So, because he's too weak, Javier didn't consider him as Aura user. But his magic is powerful. Javier considered that master of his as powerful mage instead of Aura user since he rarely used his Aura ability.

"Well, his Aura ability is weak, but he still managed to obtain a new ability which makes him a true Aura user."

"You mean like my Divine Vision, Victoria's wings, and Sonia's charm magic?" I asked.

"Yes. And what he got was the ability to detect lies."



"No way!"

Albert, Sonia, and I are shocked hearing that revelation. Sonia and I quickly turn our eyes to Albert.

Ian and Mustache also surprised, but they keep quiet.

"Yes. My master at the time was the founder of Tatrama Kingdom, Albert's ancestor, and the man in that storybook, Rama. The one who sealed the Evil Mage's power. And he is also the author of that storybook himself, the Uneaten Beef. He only left two stories which meant to be clues for the future." Javier said.

"Wait! The one that was sealed is the Evil Mage's power and not the Evil Mage himself?" I asked.

"Yes. That Evil Mage didn't get sealed. Only his power. He managed to escape before he was killed. The magic tool Rama used at that time, broke after being used on the Evil Mage. I don't think we can find that magic tool again."

"…does that magic tool make anyone whose power is sealed to live long?"

"…probably. Rama said that there's a side effect on the people whose power got sealed. I don't know if that's what happened to that Evil Mage. But if he can live so long without his power, I'm sure he will gain another mean to reach his goal."

"…building a cult with the Evil Mage as their god." I said in low voice.

"Roy, you sure that he's the one behind that door Veronica told us?" Albert asked me. His voice a slightly shaking from the horror of reality. Although it's just our assumption.

"I can't say for sure, but the possibility is high. Just like I did. If I can't do everything alone, I'll have other people do it for me. That's why I told you about the cult. If I'm the Evil Mage, or this Evil God, I would do the same when I lost my power. Finding allies to do what I want." I said.

This is too much. From what Javier told us, there's a possibility that our enemy is a thousand years old man. Even worse, if that guy still has a little of magic despite having his power sealed. Anyone who has manifested magic, can cultivate and increase their level. Probably, that guy has worse talent in magic than I am at the moment his power was sealed, but a thousand years of cultivation can surpass talent.

But I didn't tell the other about it. It might make them fall into despair. We need hope after all.

"Albert, have you made a group for excavating dungeons and ruins to find ancient magic tool? We might be able to find something useful that can kill him." I asked Albert. This is something necessary for us after all.

"Not yet. We are still lacking in numbers. We need more people to do that. Soon, the news of the cult will spread in the whole kingdom. I'll try to recruit more people then. I'll concentrate in finding people from the area where the stampede happened. The people would be more motivated with revenge in their mind. I have several reports of capable hunters and students who seem to have great potential from the people I send." Albert replied.

"That's good." I said.

"Not good enough. The key player in the war will be you because of your Aura. Why did this Evil God eradicate all Aura users in the past? Most likely because they are obstacles for him to be the strongest. That's why Roy, you, as the only Aura user at the moment, are going to attempt in being the strongest in the world." Albert said.

…so in the end, I have to be the one to kill the Evil God. I thought of letting Albert do everything for me, but in the end, Albert told me to be the one to finish it. I have thought of this many times but still… can I cry?

"That's also the reason I had you returned to the past. As the only Aura user, with proper guidance, you might be able to be the strongest and defeat the Evil God." Javier said.

"Too heavy. The burden is too heavy for me to bear. Why can't you find someone in the distant past to return to the past and told them everything? Then they can kill the baby Evil God, right? Easy." I asked Javier.

"I also thought of that, but as you can see, I am incapable of speak to my anyone until my master reached intermediate level in summoning element. And as you can see from Victoria's case, she received partial memory loss where she doesn't remember much about us, the other consciousnesses inside the black slime. If I returned someone to the past, they will remember everything he did until the day he died, so what will change will only their own life. And I don't know anyone in the past who is related to the past Evil God and can change the mind of the Evil God, or kill him."

That makes sense. If only Javier doesn't need to increase his master's summoning level before they communicate, it will be far easier.

As for how Victoria able to communicate with me, it must be because of her memory loss. That memory loss is a side effect of returning to the past that let her able to communicate with me as soon as she became someone's summoned monster.

After asking Javier about it, he also thought of that as well. But there's another thing I'm concerned about.

"What about my air element? I didn't have aptitude in air element before, but after I returned to the past, I had it. Was it because of returning to the past as well?"

"Well, maybe. The fact that you manifested air element meant that you actually had the aptitude for it no matter how low your talent is."

"That last part was unnecessary!"

I know it, alright! I know how I'm untalented in magic. But I still feel bad whenever someone point it out.

Then that means not everyone is talented in the elements they awakened in. And that's why many people unable to be a hunter and choose other jobs. They just don't have the ability, and wealth, to cultivate and improve their magic.

"Is that everything you wanted to tell us?" I asked.

Javier told us about the future, how the cult even targeted Monsters World, how I was chosen to change the future, how Victoria lose her memories and how she can communicate with me while other consciousness can't. Javier never knew that Victoria came from another world. Victoria never told that to her other consciousness in the past life. I wonder why?

Even if I asked her now, there's no way she would know the reason.

Then Javier also told us that his master is the founder of this kingdom, Albert's ancestor, Rama. As Rama's partner, although he didn't do much and only watching, he witnessed how Rama sealed The Evil God's power. Should I call him Evil Mage or Evil God? Whatever.

And there are many other things Javier taught us after that. Well, he can't teach me about Aura, but since his previous summoners, two of them are powerful mages, Javier can at least teach us about how to improve our magic. I need to inform the others after I return, so I write down everything Javier taught us.

There's not much I can learn from all of this since Javier didn't know much about air element, but he knows a lot for other elements. It was also thanks to the other consciousness inside the black slime as well. Although they are not as powerful as the powerful mages who summoned Javier, I still learned a lot.

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