The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 203: Return to Cassau Using Portal

Both Albert and I, left Marie and Victoria talking about technologies from Victoria's world. One reason for that is because I don't quite understand what they're saying. Another reason is because Victoria would sometime say something like how a certain technology can makes it easier for her to enjoy her hobbies. She's still trying to rope more people in with her hobbies. So, I just talked with Albert while those two are busy.

"So, when should I start to put some Blobbies for the all around the place? Let's see… the private island for the training camps, Melk, Mellian, and obviously Cassau. Then the capital, I already gave you, Marie, and Mustache each one Blobby."

"Thanks for that. Can these Blobbies turned into anything I want just like Victoria?" Albert asked me about the Blobbies.

"They lack intellect but can still follow order. I already gave them order to obey the people they are attached to, and also to protect them from physical attack. You can test if Your Blobby can turn into a key in case you got captured by enemy. As for the protection, let's find out if it's working by punching you." I said as I pulled my back my fist so I can throw a punch at Albert.

"Wait, no! Anyone but you!"

Albert tried to stop me, but he failed. My fist is getting closer and closer to his face. But the Blobby on him suddenly moved from where it was before, to Albert's face and formed a shield to stop my punch.

"Haa… luckily, it works. What would happen if it doesn't work, you idiot!?" Albert shouted.

Mustache who is watching our interaction from the sideline also panicked when he saw me throw a punch at Albert. He's a good guard.

"If it doesn't work, obviously your face will get hit. Bruise or black eye is normal when you get punched in the face. Anyway, I can't tell if it works or not. I might have unconsciously told the Blobby on you to protect your face from getting hit. Let's have someone else to hit your face." I gave another suggestion to Albert.

"Why does it have to be my face getting punched!? Miguel! Come here!"

"Umm… no, sir. I also don't want to get punched for no reason." For the first time since I met him, this is the first time Mustache disobeyed Albert's order.

It means…

"Punishment time!"

I grabbed a wooden chair nearby, and swung it at Mustache. The Blobby with him blocked the chair, and the chair got destroyed as a result. Only leaving two of the chair's legs on each of my hands.

"Why did you do that!? And why did you use a chair!"

"Punishing you for disobeying Albert, and testing the Blobby if it can protect you." I replied calmly.

"Didn't you just say that we can't tell if you're the one hitting!?" Mustache asked angrily.

"Then I guess I'll do it."

Albert then grabbed a wooden leg chair from my hand and swung it at Mustache's face. So barbaric this king is.

And just like before, the Blobby with Mustache blocked the attack and the wooden leg chair broken in half. Albert didn't even hold back his strength if it breaks like that.

"… Your Majesty?"

"What is it, my loyal guard?"

"Why did you do that!? What if it doesn't work!?"

"But it does works." Albert replied calmly.

"I mean… AAARGH! It's all his fault! Because of him, Your Majesty's mind is corrupted!"

Mustache suddenly pointed his index finger at me. Why is it suddenly my fault?

"I didn't corrupt anyone. Albert already has the talent to piss people off from the beginning. I just pushed him a little." I said.

"Your Majesty! You shouldn't interact too much with that person! He's a bad influence for Your Majesty, the queen, your children, and even the kingdom!" Mustache said to Albert.

"You see, Miguel? I need a little… bad thing in my life, okay?" Albert replied.

"But it doesn't have to be him!"

While the three of us talking, I can hear Victoria, Sonia, and Marie shift the topic from research to us.

"What are they doing?" Marie asked.

"Just boys doing boy things." Sonia replied.

"In my world, there's a saying about boys will always be boys. They never really grow up. Only their toys getting bigger." Victoria said as she told the girls about saying from her world.

That… is pretty much accurate.

"Albert, you haven't answered my question yet. Should I go all over the place right away?"

After playing around for a while, I asked again.

"Hmm… Victoria can recall any of her clones, right?"

"Yes. She did that after I experimenting with the portal. All the disappeared clones returned to her." I replied as I remembered the event before I went to take a nap yesterday.

"Can she select which of her clones to return to her body?"

"Hmm? Victoria?"

I asked Victoria since I didn't know about it.

"I can sense where my clones are as long as I concentrated. If I want to, I can recall any clones far from me back to my body. Though I don't think there's a reason to do that." Victoria answered for me.

"That is useful in case the enemy captured one of the Blobbies. My plan is to mail to several location with your clones attached to the letter. It's just in case those letters are missing or the messenger got robbed by bandits. This way we don't need to have Roy travel all around the kingdom." Albert said.

"That is a good idea. Now I just need to focus on getting stronger." I said.

"Yeah. That's why you don't have to worry about anything else. I want the training camp to begin at least after you make a contract with a new monster. With your new monster, we can also hope for a good battle experience by sparring."

"I see. I'll try to scout the Monsters World first for a few days. I will start looking for a monster to make a contract with as soon as I can walk ten steps using Air Steps. Ten steps should be enough to escape to safety."

Just six more steps and I can reach ten steps.

Wait! I just think of that technique as a way for me to walk or run mid-air! I shouldn't have done that!

Four steps should already be enough already. As long as I don't step on them as if I'm running. But more like leaping or jumping. That way, four steps should allow me to get further.

But improving the numbers is a good idea as well. I think I'll practice until I can take one or two more steps. This technique needs a more skilled air mage to do it. I need to reach Intermediate level faster.

I'll practice for another week or two and then scout the Monsters World before I look for a monster. I think that should be enough to gain another step in my Air Steps.

The next morning after breakfast, Sonia joins our table to inform us that Ian has reached home.

"He just informed me about it. He said he has returned last night, but he doesn't want to bother you to return right away. So, he told me to inform you after breakfast." Sonia said.

"That's okay. Tell him that I'll open up a portal soon. Once he's ready, inform me right away. Victoria, can you sense your clone in Cassau?"

I asked Victoria as Sonia disappear to Cassau.

"Yes. I can feel the presence of my clone in that direction."

Victoria pointed her finger to where Cassau is located.

If she can sense her clone, with our connection as master and contracted monster, I can also sense Blobby's location. I'll try to use that as a guide to where I should open my portal from now on.

"They are ready." Sonia returns and informed me right away.

"Wait! I'll come with you. Though I need you to return me before dinner since Albert will be lonely." Marie suddenly said she wanted to join us. Well, I don't mind though.

"Marie! Why would you follow a guy like him!?"

"And why are you making it as if she's having an affair with me!?" I shouted back at Albert.

"Well, if I know more about portal, I might get something from it for my research. It's okay, right? I'll be back before dinner after all." Marie said.

After receiving permission from Albert, Marie will be coming with us. Along with the twins.

After everyone is ready, I opened up a portal by concentrating on the presence of Blobby in Cassau. And it works!

The portal opened and we can see Ian, Ruby, and the others as well. Seems like they wanted to see if they can travel to the capital as much as they want from now on. Especially Shirley.

"Alright, Albert. We'll be going now. Since we know how useful the Blobbies are, I want you to buy a property in the capital so I can come back here any time I want."

"What about the palace?"

"You want people to see an unknown commoner going in and out the palace however he wants?"

"I'll get you a house as soon as possible. How about Ian's house?" Albert asked Ian who is on the other side of the portal who is receiving Marie and her babies who just entered the portal.

"I'm fine with that. It's not a big house though." Ian answered.

"That's fine. Here, another Blobby for you to put in Ian's place." I threw a Blobby at Albert and entered the portal.

And to not waste anymore mana, I closed the portal immediately even though Albert wanted to say something. Well, that doesn't matter.

After returning, I informed Kayla and the others what I learned from Javier. Then in the evening before dinner, I returned Marie and Alan to the palace. I think she will come here more often since I can use portal.

Now for the next schedule, I will go find another monster to contract. I wonder what kind of monster will it be? I hope it's a powerful one I can communicate with.

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