The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 206: Which Monster Should I Get?

"You're going back there already?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. From my previous experience there, I can open up a portal mid-air and entered it. It's good for escaping. But I don't want to destroy our house, so I'll go there from another place."

It has been two days since I returned back from Monsters World. I don't need to have Victoria to find me a safe location again since back then, she created a clone of herself and left it near the dragon's skeleton. I'll be going there again until I find a better location.

I wanted to go there right away yesterday, but I need to fix the floor I destroyed first. That's why I will enter that world from the empty island I used to store my loots. Now no one will scold me if I destroyed the ground.

My goal this time is to find a monster. And it might take longer in that world. Maybe days or weeks. And if possible, I would like to improve my Divine Vision by defeating more All-seeing Eye.

"Alright then, I'm going! Kayla, don't forget to bring Sunny with you if you're going on a hunt. I hope Lina can reach intermediate level before I return."

Lina had eaten the Pear-y Fruit as soon as I gave them. Now just like me, she will be able to make a contract with another monster.

As for the rest of the fruits, I gave them to Marie for research if we can cultivate them here. Though one of them was eaten by Angela because she was hungry. I'll go grab some more if I found any.

After saying goodbye to the others, I go to the empty island. I already gave Sam a lot of treasures so it should be fine to not go diving for a few months.

Only Victoria and I will go there. Sonia won't come with us since an hour delay is too long. In exchange, we left one Blobby in the house. If anyone has important message to give me, they could just destroy that Blobby. Victoria will notice that the Blobby in the house is destroyed and will inform me about it. Then I will open up a portal and return as quickly as possible. Though Sonia said that she will visit us in Monsters World from time to time. Especially during night when everyone is asleep.

As for meal, I stored some in my room which I will grab when I'm hungry. And Lina said that she will make some meal and left them in my room once a day. I don't have to cook my own food then.

I finally reached the empty island and opened up a portal directly to where the dragon's skeleton is.

"…this skeleton is as overbearing as usual. Are you sure that the one who killed this dragon is no longer here?" I asked Victoria.

"Yes. If such monster is still here, you would have noticed it, right? Javier also said that this place is safe."

Well, if Javier said so, then it should be fine. Hearing it from Victoria is quite doubtful knowing that she lost her memory.

"Are we going right away?" Victoria asked.

"No. First, tell me what kind of monsters you and Javier thought would be good for my next monster. I want to have a clearer idea of what type of monster they are."

"I see. I'll tell you what Javier and I discussed. But it was just a suggestion, so if you find a better monster, you should make a contract with it."

"I understand."

From what Victoria said, it seems like there are several monsters that they thought would suit me. They already know that I wanted a monster with intellect, right? That means the monster they suggested should be able to understand our language.

"Alright, first, since you loved to go diving, I suggested a mermaid. A sea monster with human upper half, and the lower half of a fish."

"Hmm… I don't think so. I think that Fishman I fought is better since without lower half of a fish, it can also survive outside the water. Though I don't know much about mermaid's ability. Can they live outside the water?" I asked.

"Well, since the upper half is that of human, they should be able to. But for moving on land… I heard that they have magic to transform their lower half into human legs, but I'm not quite sure."

"Then mermaid is rejected. I think I will fight more on land than underwater. Though I will consider mermaid for my third monster. Next!"

It's useless to have a mermaid monster, since all the battle I fought is on land. Maybe if they can use magic to transform their legs like Victoria said, it would be good. Well, if I encounter them in this exploration, I will consider it.

"Then… next is minotaur. Minotaur has the lower half of a cow or a bull, the body of human, and the head of a cow or a bull."

"The head of a bull? How's their intellect? Are they as smart as human or as smart as a bull who will charge at everything?"

"…next is-"

"So, they're stupid monsters and you suggested me to make a contract with them!?"

"Well, your monster doesn't have to be smart, right? Why do you want a smart monster anyway?"

"It's easier to give them order. For monster that lack intellect, giving them simple order is easy. But if they are given more complicated order, they might not know how to do it. That's why I want a smarter monster." I said.

"I see… then Minotaur is rejected. Next is Centaur. A monster with the human upper half, and horse lower half. You might also be able to ride them as your steed."

"Riding a monster, huh? Tell me more."

"Well… not much that I know about them. They are extremely mobile in flat area, but terrible in mountain. As for fighting, I heard that they mainly use spear as weapon."

So, they are monster which is good for riding, huh? But only on flat area. Hearing that they have a horse lower half, I can kind of understand. But to use a spear as weapon…

"Since I mostly use a spear as well, our characteristic might overlap, so another no from me." I rejected centaurs.

"That's your reason? But yeah, I can agree. It will be weird if the centaur and the rider both use spears. And you're also good at running after all."

"Running is always an option for me! That's why I have to be good at it!" I said proudly.

"Yeah, yeah. Next is… vampire. They look like human but they have a bat-like wing. They have a sharp fang and drink blood. They are quite strong. Though I never met one before."

"…so, this time is a half human and half bat? You really like half human that much, huh? Half fish, half cow, half horse, now it's half bat?"

"Since you wanted monsters with intellect, we thought that those half human monsters would be a good idea. So, what about vampires? Although I said they have similar feature with bats, it's only the wings." Victoria asked.

"They seem to be interesting. I'll consider it."

Victoria then about to talk about fictional vampires from her world, but I stopped her. What can I gain from learning about fictional monsters? Real monsters are here.

For now, I'm considering about vampires. They might be good monsters to make a contract with. But they drink blood, so they might ask for my blood. I'll think about it later.

"Then lastly, is werewolf. It's a-"

"Let me guess. A monster with the upper half of a human, and lower half of a wolf." I'm trying to guess what a werewolf is.

"No! What's with that!? That seems creepy! They are indeed looked half human, but not like that. Instead of having half body, they are closer to human like vampires, but they can transform into a wolf. If they are big enough, you might be able to ride them."

"Really? Tell me more!"

"Well, they have three forms. First is their human like form, but they have wolf ears on top of their head instead of human ears. Second is wolf form which is basically a wolf. Third is… like a wolf but can stand and run on two legs, and instead of a paw, they have human like hands with sharp nails."

"…aren't they just human with Beastform element like Ian?"

From the characteristic that Victoria said, there's not much difference between werewolves and humans with Beastform element.

"Yeah, but their human form is much stronger than average human. They are monsters after all. Javier said that in the past, he saw a battle between a wolf Beastform mage against a werewolf. The werewolf won by a landslide without even transforming from their human form." Victoria said.

Whoa! I know from Ian that Beastform mage are already strong since they need a body which capable of handling their beast form. But a werewolf can defeat such mage, they must be really strong.

And their transformation might be useful. They can be my ride, or run in the wild freely while other people will think that they are just wolves. This one stole the top spot from the vampires.

"Alright then, we'll go look for these Werewolves. I'll make a contract with the strongest werewolf here!" I proclaimed.

So, my target has been decided. A werewolf. A powerful one that I hope can help me in many ways. This will be interesting.

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