The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 209: The Power of Fried Chickens

It has been three days since I arrive in this land. But I haven't returned back to my world yet. Though I can still send a message back to my room when I grabbed the meal Lina cooked and told her how I wish for a fried chicken. The next day after I wrote that letter, I received a lot of fried chickens waiting in my room.

Now I have stopped my journey because the Werewolves' settlement is close. It's within my sight, but I won't get close to it yet since I need to be at full strength there in case something happened, so I took a rest.

Victoria said that their sense of smell should be able to notice me about as far as my Divine Vision can see. That's why after I see the settlement, I stepped back a few kilometers and rest there. Hopefully, I won't be noticed.

"You really think you won't be noticed here?" Victoria asked.

"You're the one who told me their range of smell is! If they can sense me here, then it's fine. And it's not like they are the kind of race who would just stay behind in their settlement, right? They are part wolves after all, so they need to go on a hunt for food as well. I'll be waiting here until Lina cooked a lot of fried chicken to share with the Werewolves. I just sent her a message to cook a lot of them before we departed this morning. Though I don't know if she has prepared for it or not." I said.

"I think it should be fine. Lina should have noticed it already. Whenever you go, Sophie would always sleep in your room. If not her, it would be Daniel and Hannah playing in your room. They would have noticed your message and gave it to Lina."

"…first time I heard about it. So, my room is a playground for the kids, huh? I hope they will quickly build a park so the kids can play there instead." I said.

It has been what? About three weeks since I came here? Maybe four weeks? I don't know since I think I run non stop throughout the night as well. My stamina has been certainly improved a lot that it even surpassed Victoria's expectation.

She told me that it's not normal for even an Aura user and an air element mage to have gained this much stamina. I don't know since I never met any of them before, but I think I'm quite gifted in term of stamina.

Victoria said that my speed and power is about the same as average Aura user, but my stamina is way beyond that. I think I should learn endurance battle.

I have a lot of stamina, but if I'm mentally tired, I would exhaust my stamina faster than even below average Aura users. I got panicked so easily despite my ability to hide the expression from showing on my face. Though sometime, I'm still able to keep my head cool despite the panic in my mind and able to find a way out in difficult situation.

If I end up really fighting against the Werewolves, should I use my stamina to my advantage? As long as I'm able to keep calm, I should be able to do it. But what if Werewolves have more stamina than me?

Let's stop thinking about it. If I continue thinking stuffs like that, it's no wonder that I'm easily exhausted mentally. For now, let's rest.

After an hour of rest, I think Lina should have prepared a lot of fried chicken in my room. Can I seduce the Werewolves with fried chicken? Or maybe they prefer beef? I think steaks would be better, but I already told Lina to make fried chicken, so fried chicken it is.

"Victoria, I think it's time to move." I said.

"You're going to them directly?"

"More like, they have been watching us for the last ten minutes. No wonder there are no monsters here. Seems like this place used to be their hunting ground until there are no more preys in the vicinity. Since they are just watching, I can expect some intellect from them, right? They should be able to communicate."

Then I walked toward where the Werewolves are watching. There are three of them. One female, and two males. Those three, just like Victoria told me, have wolf ears on their heads. All of them are wearing clothes.

Seriously, what did I expect? They won't wear anything?

Wait! Does it mean they have tailor?

But can those things be called clothes? They are more like… swimsuit that Victoria shows me before. They only covered the important part. The males are only wearing pants with their upper body bare. As for the female, it looks like the bikini that Victoria shows me. Seems like they are made from the fur of their preys.

More importantly, as a man, I have a big question for the male Werewolves. Aren't they itchy down there?

I approached the three Werewolves and the three became more wary of me. And when they were about to charge at me, I raised both my hands.

The three of them become confused, and carefully approach me. Then when we have each other in sight, I said what I always spoke to the monsters I encounter.

"Hello! I come in peace!"

Will this work? Can they understand me?

Then the three Werewolves approached me while still being hostile. Does it mean it didn't work?

"Who are you?" One of the male Werewolves asked.

Thank god they understand me! I don't know what to do if we can't communicate!

"Can you take me to your leader? If you have any of course. I might have something that will interest the Werewolves race."

Then the two male Werewolves looked at the only female Werewolf. Does it mean her status is higher than the other two? Or is she the leader?

"You can speak to me. Whether it will be something good or not, I will decide if we can bring you to the king. Speak!"

So overbearing! At least between the three, she's the leader. But she's not the king. Now, how can I convince her to bring me to the king?

"Well, first, let me introduce myself. My name is Roy. A human and a summoner. This black slime on my shoulder is Victoria. Nice to meet you." I bowed down my head slightly after putting down my hands.

"Hah! There's no need for Shelia to tell you her name!" One of the male Werewolf said.

"You just told him her name, you big doofus!" the other Werewolf scolded the stupid one.

Haha! They are an interesting bunch.

"Sigh… just like that idiot said, my name is Shelia. Now, what do you want from us? I'll tell you this, we only love two things. Good food, and good fight. If you are here for neither of them, you should scram!" Shelia said.

Good food and good fight? That's easy.

"Well, actually, the negotiation might involve those two things you love. So first, as a greeting, I will give you… this!"

I offered her a box filled with fried chicken. I took them out just before I approached the Werewolves.

Seeing what I have in my hands… or more like smelling it even though the box is closed, I can see the three Werewolves are already drooling.

Then I opened the box and the Werewolves can no longer hold back their appetites.

"These are fried chickens. Please have some. Once I meet your king, I can give you more if the negotiation succeeds."

Without any warning, Shelia grabbed the box and wolfed down the fried chicken alone and only gave the two male Werewolves two pieces each.

They eat the fried chicken heartily and even ate the bones as well. I don't think what's inside the box is enough for three of them. Even I need at least two more boxes until I filled my belly. I wonder how much they eat?

"Alright, you passed! I'll bring you to the king as long as you give me more of these. You have more of these foods, right?" Shelia asked.

"Don't worry. Roy come from human world where there are many more of delicacies. Fried chicken is just the tip of the iceberg." Victoria said.

"Good! By the way, what is iceberg?" Shelia asked. Even the other Werewolves also confused.

I guess in this climate, and from their clothes, they never see ice before. They never knew about an existence called iceberg.

"Iceberg is some kind of frozen water floating on the sea. Don't worry, what I meant is that there are more delicious foods in where Roy come from. If the negotiation with your king is going well, at least one lucky Werewolf will have the chance to enjoy those food as long as Roy is alive." Victoria said.

One lucky Werewolf… If their aim is only for food, then they are lucky indeed.

"Good! You said that there will be a good fight as well, right? I trust you for now, so I'll take you to our king. Let's go, guys!"

I followed them to their settlement to meet their king.

This is the power of fried chicken! Shelia trusted me right away just because a box of fried chicken!

While following the Werewolves, I sent another message home asking Lina to cook more fried chicken.

Everyone back home would be confused why I asked for fried chicken. I'll tell them later after the negotiation with the Werewolf king.

Can I conquer the Werewolves with fried chicken?

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