The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 222: The Match Goes On

And so, Grandpa Werewolf is screaming after I snapped my finger. What did I do to make him like that? The answer is easy once you see he's pinching his nose.

"Aaargh! What is this smell!?" Grandpa Werewolf shouted.

That's correct! I use my air magic! And this time, I'm not using it make the air thinner and have him harder to breathe. I'm using air magic to create a smelly gas! The kind that any creature with powerful sense of smell would suffer from.

I'm still beginner level in my air element, but somehow, I can create a flammable gas, sleeping gas, and smelly gas. It's more of gas element than air element, but what's the difference? Victoria said that air is a mixture of gases after all, and seeing how I can create many types of gases, I think she's right.

Though I don't know why I'm still unable to create poisonous gases. Maybe since there are many kinds of poison as well and I'm unable to think of one to make.

As for flammable gas, I just thought of air that will make fire bigger or will explode once fire touches them. Sleeping gas, air that makes people go to sleep. Though I won't use it on myself when I have difficulty sleeping. And this smelly gas… I used my own fart as example.

And Victoria's teaching helped a lot as well. It's difficult to imagine Oxygen, Hydrogen, and other gens. That's why I used imagination instead of difficult knowledge.

Maybe the reason why I can't make poisonous gas is because I don't know what type of poison I want to make. Will it be one that kill people? Or just hurting them? If it's just for hurting them, how painful it will be? What is the side effect? I can't imagine that much since I know too much about poison. I'm a doctor after all.

And with my sense of survival, I would like to create poisonous gas that kill people instantly. But somehow, I can't do it. Then when I want to use other type of poison, like the one that gives you rashes, I started imagining what other side effect to have and my image of the poison mixed. Then the magic I want to use is abruptly cancelled. One must have a good image of what magic they want to use after all. That's why I give up creating poisonous gas. At least for now.

Grandpa Werewolf is suffering from the smell, and I used that as a chance. This time, I used Victosword as weapon and continuously slashed at him. Since I can't cut deep enough to hit his vital, I just slashed at him randomly. His blood painted the ground around him, but I still slashed at him.

Then when he started to make his move, I stepped back quickly.

"Damn you!"

Grandpa Werewolf is angry because of it. Well, purposely attacking someone's weaknesses will always make anyone angry. Even this Grandpa who seems to be always calm would be angry.

Then Grandpa Werewolf swung his left hand at me. But this time, instead of dodging, I stay on the spot and prepare to receive his attack. With Victospear that is.

Before he finished his swing, I thrusted Victospear at his incoming hand. Combining my attack with his force, my Victosword makes a hole in his left hand.

The blade of the spear pierced Grandpa Werewolf's hand. Then before he can grab my weapon, I transformed Victospear's shaft smaller and lost its blade, then I pulled it back.

That hole in his left hand is the biggest damage he received other than the dislocated right shoulder that has been fixed. The smelly gas is not included.

And then, I snapped my finger again. Grandpa Werewolf screamed from the smell again, and I attacked him again.

I have been doing repetitive attack over and over again in this match, but since it worked, I continue doing it.

I attacked him, he tried to fight back, I counter him, then snapped my finger, smelly gas appears in front of him, then I attacked him. It keeps going in circle.

And of course, since Grandpa got hit by the same trick again and again, his anger builds up.

He swung his right hand this time, and even though I pushed my Victospear at his hand, he didn't stop at all! I'm not prepared to take this damage!

I tried to gather my Aura in the spot where his claw is attacking, but my defense is still too weak. I got damaged badly just by that one attack.

"Roy!" Sophie shouted my name seeing me injured badly.

The armor of Blobbies is destroyed, my shirt is torn, and there's a wound about 2 cm deep from my left chest to my right stomach. Close to my lung and my liver. If I didn't gather my Aura on those area, I would be dead in one hit.

But it's still way too strong. I kneeled on the spot from the damage.

"Using smell to gain advantages… I applaud for your effort! But this is the end, Roy!"

I guess I won't be able to fight back like this, huh? That's what I want Grandpa Werewolf to think!

I used more Blobbies to cover my body. Not as an armor, but to press the wound tightly like a bandage.

In the end… I'm not good at defending. Then let's attack him!

Ignoring the pain on my chest, I walked toward Grandpa Werewolf. I can finally see some wounds recover slowly! His self-recovery skill is getting slower, now I can see my chance at victory!

"Hah! You're approaching me in your death? That's good! Come here!" Grandpa welcomed me with open arms. That's just stupid.

"I'm not dying. I'm winning. With this range, there's no way you can attack me, right?"

I stand up straight while enduring the pain on my chest. His chest is right in front of me. He's about 2 meters tall when he's standing straight. He usually bends down a little when he's about to attack, but now he thinks that he's winning after his last attack hit me, he's standing straight. I still need to look up to see his face, but with this range of less than 5 cm between each other, there's no way his attack can reach me.

What's he gonna do? Hug me?

I don't think Werewolves learn to fight this close. But my attack power will be greatly lessened as well.

My first attack while enduring the pain is a headbutt to his chest. Then while maintaining my close distance with him, I throw a series of short and quick punches. The damage isn't as great as the time I pummeled him to the wall, but from how his wounds are recovering slowly, I'm sure he got some damages on him.

I stepped on his toes to stop him from moving back and increasing the distance, and throws an uppercut to his body. His big size is a weakness when we're fighting this close. The only way to fight this close for him is if he learned grappling moves. There's no way he knows about grappling when even I needed to learned from Victoria who knows about it in her world.

I also want to use my grappling moves, but any poor execution will only give him a chance to fight back. I'm not that experienced in grappling. I should have learned more about it. So I only throws a successive quick and shorts attack.

Grandpa tried to attack me. He reaches forward both his arms with me in between, and pulled back only his hands. His claw would stab my back this way, but his attack is so obvious since we're this close.

I jumped when his claw is so to me. Grandpa Werewolf unable to stop his attack, so he ended up attacking his own body with his claws. And I added more injuries with a kick as I landed and kicked his hands whose claws are still stabbing his body.

While his claws are still stabbing, I finally increased the distance, and with Victosword and Uncle Spear, I attacked him. Slashes and stabs. He can only attack if he pulled his claws, but that will only increase the damage. He shouldn't be able to fight back this way.

I was wrong. He's still managed to attack me.

What I don't expect was that while he still has his hands stuck on his chest, he tried to bite me! I'm too slow to dodge, so I gather my Aura on my right shoulder, and let it get bitten.

"AAAAAAAAAAARRRGGHHH!!" This time, I'm the one screaming.

It's hurt, dammit! It's hurt!

Grandpa sunk his teeth into my shoulder, and at the same time, he pulled away his own hands from his chest.

I'm right in front of him, so I received that back punch directly while not prepared my Aura. I received the full impact of that attack. And the worst thing of all is that his jaw is not letting go of my shoulder. Which mean I got swung by that punch and my shoulder received deeper wounds.

I already dropped my Victosword when he bit my shoulder, so only Uncle Spear is on my left. I gather my Aura on the tip of that spear and stabbed Grandpa's chest when he's about to attack me again.

The pain of that stab makes him opened his mouth and I kicked his chest so I can finally be released. But there's a bit of my flesh still in his mouth.


It was too painful, so I helped myself by crying. Crying makes me feel less of the pain after all. I also rolled on the ground. I don't intend on acting cool and endure the pain at all. If I can relieve the pain by crying even a little, I will choose to cry.

Now… what should I do? He's just too strong. And I don't think he will accept my surrender.

Good thing I haven't use everything in my arsenal. He won't expect what I will do next.

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