The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 234: Reunion In The Border City

Summary of the previous event:

Big boob is a good person.

Big boob went rogue.

Big ass search for big boob's spies.

Big ass tried to cover big boob's ass even if she might end up getting misunderstood.

I'm trying to save everyone.

I guess that's everything.

"…Roy, you sure love to make things simpler." Victoria said.

"Making things simpler makes me able to quickly make a decision on what to do." I replied calmly.

Right now, I'm above the sky flying… I mean running on air to reach the destination. Seems like the orphanage that Big Boob- I mean Celestine is in charge of is at the border of the kingdom. At least it means I don't have to go beyond the border to different country.

Now I don't have limit on how many steps I can take on air. It's all depend on my mana. And I have done a lot of cultivation to improve my mana as well. I can even open a portal dozens of times!

But… there's nowhere close to the border that I can transport to. No Blobbies sent that way. Which mean the closest city to the border is the capital. I have to run all the way from the capital to the border.

Whenever I see a city, I have the desire to mark those cities with Blobbies, but I'm afraid that the citizens would think of those Blobbies as wild monsters and attack my cute Blobbies. And I don't know any good empty spot in that city. So, I just skipped those cities.

"You know what they're gonna say when they see you flying above their city?" Victoria asked all of a sudden.

"Don't worry. I'm being careful enough to hide myself in the clouds. There shouldn't be anyone seeing me running in the sky." I replied calmly.

"That's not what I want. I want the people to say, 'It's a bird!' 'No! It's a monster!' 'No! It's SuperRoy!' like that." Victoria said.

"That's stupid. The first person is an attention-seeker. Why would anyone be shouting when there's a bird in the sky? The second one is blind. How come the second person unable to differentiate between birds, monsters, or me? I don't even have wings! The third person has normal eyesight, I guess. I like that name, SuperRoy. I guess it's something 'Super' from your world, right?"

"Yeah. One who wears a bright red underwear outside his pants. You should try that sometimes."

"Why would I do that? That's just weird!"

I think there are a lot of context that Victoria didn't tell me about just to make me curious about what she's talking about. She loves it when I reacted to anything she said.

"So, what's the plan, Roy?" Victoria asked.

"First is to find the orphans. They shouldn't be far from the border city. Especially if they have children with them. And the sudden disappearance of the orphans should be suspicious even if Veronica destroyed the orphanage. There should be some witnesses we can ask. Maybe Celestine is there as well? Let's find some info in that city first."

There's no way anyone won't get suspicious if an orphanage suddenly got destroyed. And there might be Celestine's spy that Veronica released on standby there in case Celestine returns to that city. If I can find out about the spy, it will be easier that way.

"And what will you do to Celestine? Are you sure you're still going to use that plan we talked about over one year ago?" Victoria asked again.

Back then, when we said farewell to Veronica before she returns to the base of the cult, Veronica told me about Celestine.

Veronica told us that Celestine hates men because we would instantly look down on her breast. As for Veronica herself, she's fine until she turns her back to men.

One time, Celestine accidentally leaked that although she hates men, she still wants to find a lover one day. So, after everyone have a discussion, they decided to have me… seduce Celestine!

Basically, I need to find her, look into her eyes, and use some cheesy lines. It's for the good of the world so I agree with the plan reluctantly. Does someone feeling reluctant to do something have a happy smile on his face? I don't know. I didn't look at the mirror at the time.

With my Divine Vision, I can still look at her breasts while maintaining eye contact. I should be the only man who can do it!

"I'll see what happen first. I think it's a bad timing to seduce her since at the moment, her mind is full with the thought of the orphans and is looking for Veronica. But if she calmed down, I might be able to seduce her." I said.

"…Roy, you're smiling."

"Can't help it! I'll try my best to keep a poker face when I see her." I said.

"…you don't deny that you want it, huh?"

"Oh! I can see it already! That's the city closest to the border, Jion. What a funny name." I said as I finally can see the city.

"…it's too far for me to see."

"I didn't say you can see it. I said that I can see it. I'll descend soon. The monsters here are quite powerful, but let's ignore them."

After Victoria can see the city, I descended somewhere no one can see, and walk normally to the city. I transformed Victoria into a backpack to make people think I'm just a traveler.

I enter the city, then look for an inn I can stay. I didn't bring anything, so I'm fine with the cheapest inn. But to be safe from being seen as suspicious, I look for a better inn. Not too cheap, and not too pricy. I don't want to be suddenly targeted after all.

I heard from the guards that there's a sudden increase of people entering the city after the orphanage suddenly got destroyed. And I can see that most people here are being wary and have explosives in their mouth as well. Seems like they are here to look or either Celestine, or Veronica, or both of them.

But what shock me the most is that there's a familiar face in this town, drinking at a bar alone.

Seeing him in this town, I look around in case I see another familiar face, but there's no one I know. Which mean it might be the worst situation for him.

I see the bar owner kicked him out of the bar. I guess I should greet him and ask what happened.

"Hey. It's been almost two years since we last met." I greeted the man.

"Huh? Who are you? Clarence! Is that you, Clarence?" The man recognizes my clown identity.

"It's been a while, Thomas. How's the circus?"

That's right. This person is the circus master who once visited Melk. I had the opportunity to become the clown and the main performer of the whole show. Everyone loves me.

"That… the circus…"

"Let's enter the bar again, but no drinking for you."

I brought Thomas back into the bar. The owner was mad when he saw us entering, but I gave him some money to let us have some privacy. He left the bar to me. He even gave me the key and told me where I should leave the key if when I'm leaving. It's the power of money!

"So, what happened?"

"…they're all dead because of the stampede last year." Thomas said.

"You mean because of the cult!?"

"Right. Melk was the city where the princess and the king first found about the cult's existence, huh? No wonder you know. But… because of the cult, most of my circus family are dead. We were on a tour, when that city is under attack."

So… in the end, I already have someone fall because of the cult. I should have told Thomas to go to Cassau, right? But I guess the circus has its own schedule.

"The strongman?"

"He got stepped on by monsters."

"The contortionist?"

"Got pushed by people running about."

"Tightrope Walkers?"

"Never see them since that day."

"Trapeze Artists?"

"One died, the other lost both his legs. He should be returned to his hometown."

"…damn. I'm sorry to hear that. What are you doing now?" I asked worriedly.

"Just spending the rest of my money on drinks. I don't have anything I want to do. My life is over when the circus is gone." Thomas said as he grabbed a bottle from the bar, but I stopped him from drinking.

"What about building another troupe? I'll be the sponsor this time. I'm rich, you know?" I gave a suggestion.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. As you know, because of the cult, we know that there will be fight. Probably even war. But that doesn't mean we can't have any laughter. I need you to spread laughter to everyone."

"Spread laughter… that's my dream."

"So is mine. But I'll need you to hire people on your own. I'm busy after all. If you decide to agree, go to Cassau. That's my new home. Be the local circus there and entertain everyone. I will play as Clarence from time to time as well."

"…fine. I'll start from the start again! Will you help me as our sponsor?"


We shook our hands. Seems like he now has the will to continue living.

"Well, I have some question for you. My goal in coming to this city is to investigate about the destroyed orphanage. What do you know about it?" I asked while putting my air magic as a silencer just in case someone can hear us. I know there's no one here, but I'm being careful.

"I actually saw the orphans. No one believe me since I sound just like a drunk old man, but I saw the orphans are kidnapped and being taken outside, to the north of this city. What is exactly your job?" Thomas asked.

"Will you come to Cassau now?" I didn't answer Thomas' question.

"Now? I don't have any money left!  And it will take weeks until I reach there. You haven't answered my question."

"Tell the first person you see that I trust you, and they will tell you everything."

I opened a portal back to Cassau, and throw Thomas into the portal.

"I'm still busy here, so I will be away for a while. Take care of this guy for me."

The person close to the portal is Ian. And while Thomas is confused at what happened, I close the portal. Ian and the others will explain everything to Thomas.

Now I have one more reason to hate the cult. They destroyed my favorite circus!

I will surely destroy everything related to the cult!

And then… I can be a clown again!

Wait! I want to be a clown and a doctor, so will I be a clown doctor? Or doctor clown?

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